LEITE, Jandecy Cabral2025-01-312024DAMASCENO, Alexandre Holanda; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; BRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de Almeida; QUEIROZ JÚNIOR, Fernando Cardoso de. Transformação Digital no Polo Industrial de Manaus: Aumento da Eficiência na Produção de Baterias de Lítio através da Indústria 4.0. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, v. 15, n. 5, p. 01-14, 2024.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/310The lithium battery industry faces increasing challenges in terms of demand and expectations for sustainability and efficiency. In the context of the Manaus Industrial Hub, this study explores the application of Industry 4.0 technologies to overcome these challenges and increase production efficiency. The research implemented integrated cyber-physical systems, advanced automation, and real-time data analysis in a lithium battery assembly line, replacing manual processes with automated solutions. The results demonstrated significant improvements in production accuracy and speed, with a 40% reduction in cycle time and a 75% decrease in product rejection rates, highlighting the potential of digitalization to optimize industrial operations and meet the demands of a competitive global market. This study contributes to the literature on digital transformation in manufacturing, offering practical insights into the implementation of emerging technologies in complex industrial environments.pdf.Indústria 4.0Baterias de LítioPolo Industrial de ManausAutomação IndustrialSistemas CiberfísicosTransformação Digital no Polo Industrial de Manaus: Aumento da Eficiência na Produção de Baterias de Lítio através da Indústria 4.0ArtigoEngenharia de Produção