NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis2025-02-192024FERREIRA JUNIOR, Edinaldo Inocêncio. A proteção ambiental como princípio da gestão pública: uma análise sob a perspectiva do direito administrativo. 2024. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental) – Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2024. protection in public management in the state of Amazonas plays a central role in conserving natural resources and biodiversity, given the global importance of the Amazon region. This study investigated the effectiveness of environmental protection policies implemented in the state, employing a methodological approach based on literature review and document analysis. The objectives included analyzing the application and outcomes of these policies, identifying gaps and challenges in sustainable management, and proposing strategic recommendations to improve practices. Additionally, the cases of the Belo Monte and Balbina hydroelectric plants were examined, highlighting their environmental impacts and implications for public policy formulation in the Amazon region. The findings revealed significant progress but also exposed structural and operational deficiencies, such as ineffective enforcement and poor coordination across governance levels. The proposed recommendations aim to align economic development with environmental preservation, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable public management framework. This research also emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary and participatory approaches to addressing socio-environmental challenges, ensuring a sustainable future for the Amazon and its populations. Moreover, it offers valuable insights that may serve as a reference for other regions facing similar environmental challenges.pdf.BiodiversidadeConflitos socioambientaisGovernança ambientalPolíticas ambientaisSustentabilidadeA proteção ambiental como princípio da gestão pública: uma análise sob a perspectiva do direito administrativoDissertaçãoCiências ambientais