NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis2024-08-232024-08-232023-10-31SOARES, Raquel Borges. Modelo Fuzzy para avaliar o nível do Lean Manufacturing em uma Empresa de Fabricação de Ar-Condicionado Comercial. 2023. 79 fls. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental) - ITEGAM, Manaus. 2023. management of shop floor resources has fundamental importance for the financial health and survival of companies. Organizations that work with high levels of waste lose competitiveness due to directing their efforts and investments constantly in corrections instead of new technologies. The waste must be studied and eliminated or mitigated to guarantee the generation of profit, for this purpose the company chosen as the object of application of the research started using the tools of the Lean manufacturing methodology. This work aims to implement a model for assessing the level of Lean Manufacturing based on fuzzy inference in this company that is undergoing a lean transformation process and whose organizational culture was initially not established with the pillars of lean manufacturing. For the creation of the model, the entire production process was mapped, the processes were selected and defined as variables 4 of the tools already implemented by the company 5S, VSM (value stream map), TPM (total productive maintenance) and SMED (single minute exchange of die). The model adopted to determine the Lean level was based on computer simulation as a tool, based on fuzzy logic. The application of the developed model shows that the evaluation of Lean Maturity through the application of Lean Manufacturing tools in the Production Process to be used through the fuzzy methodology proved to be feasible to assist in the desired validations, allowing to understand the impact of each linguistic variable in the research result, pointing out how the Company “MCJV” can use the information obtained to improve the Lean transformation management process. A great advantage of the created model is the possibility of being adjusted to any type of organization, whose input and output variables can receive other linguistic values. As a future suggestion for research, we have the inclusion of new entries such as VOP (voice of process) or PSP (problem solving).pdf.Lean ManufacturingDesperdícioLógica FuzzyModelo Fuzzy para avaliar o nível do Lean Manufacturing em uma Empresa de Fabricação de Ar-Condicionado ComercialDissertação3.08.00.00-5 Engenharia de Produção