MENDES, Ronaldo Lopes Rodrigues2025-02-112015ANDRADE, Elen Conceição Leal de. Estudo de caso do abastecimento d’água do município de Santarém no Pará. 2015. Dissertação (Mestrado em Processos Construtivos e Saneamento Urbano) – Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Tecnologia, Belém, 2015. work addresses the water supply in the municipality of Santarém, Pará, and the various factors that directly affect the population's use of this resource. The main objective was to assess water usage in the supply sector, quantifying and qualifying its various forms to contribute to sustainability indicators. Currently, the municipality is supplied by the Pará Sanitation Company (COSANPA) and the Municipal Supply Secretariat (SEMAB). The research was conducted in three stages: literature review, field survey, and result analysis. Findings indicated that most of the population does not waste water, although the absence of water meters makes accurate consumption measurement difficult. Water quality was rated as average by 21.57% of respondents, while 33% reported frequent water shortages, leading part of the population to rely on private wells. The study concludes that understanding these findings can contribute to future projects aimed at improving water supply in the municipality.pdf.Abastecimento de águaQualidade da águaPopulaçãoSaneamento básicoGestão hídricaESTUDO DE CASO DO ABASTECIMENTO D’ÁGUA DO MUNICÍPIO DE SANTARÉM NO PARÁDissertaçãoEngenharia Civil