LEITE, Jandecy Cabral2025-01-312025SANTOS, James Silva dos; BRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de Almeida; LEITE, Jandeey Cabral; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; QUEIROZ JUNIOR, Fernando Cardoso de. Reducing failures in electronic boards of CNC machines: EMI filter implementation for operational performance improvement. Revista de Gestão e Secretariado – GeSec, v. 16, n. 1, p. 01-16, 2025.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/306This study addresses performance improvement in Okuma CNC machines, focusing on reducing failures in electronic boards caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the manufacturing environment of Musashi da Amazônia Ltda. The research is justified by the impact of these failures on the company's productive efficiency and maintenance costs. The primary objective was to identify the causes of frequent board failures and implement an effective intervention to mitigate the issue. The methodology included analyzing historical failure data and identifying EMI sources, leading to the installation of specific EMI filters. This solution significantly reduced failures, lowered maintenance costs, and improved the operational stability of the CNC machines. The study highlights the importance of managing power quality and offers a reference for industries facing similar challenges.pdf.Máquinas CNCInterferência EletromagnéticaFiltros EMIRedução de FalhasEficiência Operacional.Reducing failures in electronic boards of CNC machines: EMI filter implementation for operational performance improvementArtigoEngenharia Elétrica