LEITE, Jandecy Cabral2025-01-312024BARBOSA, Sergio Lyra; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; RIBEIRO, Paulo Francisco da Silva; NASCIMENTO, Alarico Gonçalves do; SILVA, Ítalo Rodrigo Soares. Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para avaliar e monitorar a eficiência energética de sistemas elétricos de potência 4.0. Revista Gesec, v. XX, n. X, p. X-X, 2024.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/309This research aims to experimentally develop a prototype to monitor electrical power systems using a MODBUS-RTU to TCP protocol converter gateway, providing useful information for technicians and managers of a company in the Manaus Industrial Estate (PIM). The prototype was developed in three main phases: specification of technical requirements, acquisition of materials, and implementation of the monitoring system with an IMS controller for reactive power compensation. The system was configured to measure electrical quantities such as voltage, current, power factor, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency, and voltage THD. The prototype proved to be effective in data collection and reactive power compensation, contributing to informed decision-making and improving the company's energy efficiency.pdf.GatewayProtocolo MODBUSMonitoramentoControlador IMSSistema elétrico de potênciaDevelopment of a prototype to evaluate and monitor energy efficiency aiming at power quality 4.0ArtigoEngenharias