LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de2024-08-132024-08-132022-07-06Souza Gomes, Waldeney. O desenvolvimento Sustentável e Educação Ambiental como Temática da Educação Indígena: Investigação na Comunidade Dessana Tupé-Am. 2022. Fl 106. Dissertação do programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental (EGPSA), Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2022. present work aims to approach Sustainable Development and Environmental Education as a Theme of Indigenous Education: investigation in the Dessana Tupé-Am community. Thus, Environmental Education seen as a practice aims to draw the attention of the global population to environmental problems, aiming to rescue social transformation through awareness of the poor distribution of natural resources. Faced with this situation, the following question arises: How can education be contributing in a sustainable way to the Dessana Tupé-Am community? With the general objective of developing a methodology proposal for DS and EA practices within the community for possible solutions to the problems detected through visits to the tribe with in-depth interactive studies, In this way, a booklet in the form of a lecture in the which aimed to demonstrate the trajectory and development of environmental education in order to contribute to a more significant learning in the life of the Dessana tribe, so that it was contextualized and recognized in the environment in which they are.pdf.Educação ambientalIndígenasComunidade DessanaDesenvolvimento sustentávelO desenvolvimento sustentável e educação ambiental como temática da educação Indígena: investigação na Comunidade Dessana Tupé-AMDissertação7.08.00.00-6 Educação