ANJOS, Gérson Jacques Miranda dos2025-02-112013DAMASCENO, Davi Luiz Gruhn. Avaliação da capacidade de carga geotécnica e recalque de estacas hélice contínua monitorada em um edifício de Rio Branco – AC. 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) – Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Tecnologia, Belém, 2013. dissertation evaluates the geotechnical load capacity and settlement of Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles used in the construction of the Federal Police Superintendency (DPF/AC) in Rio Branco, Acre. The building comprises three blocks separated by expansion joints, featuring a basement, four floors, an engine room, and a heliport. The foundations include isolated footings and CFA piles, with the latter being the focus of this study. Using soil stratigraphy and NSPT data from SPT boreholes, a computational program was employed to assess the geotechnical load capacity of the piles using various methodologies, including Aoki & Velloso (1975), Monteiro (1997), Kárez & Rocha (2000), Antunes & Cabral (1996), Gotlieb et al. (2000), and Décourt & Quaresma (1978/1996). Settlements were estimated using the Pile Settlement Calculation (Module 15) software, which applies Aoki & Lopes’s (1975) method. Results showed a wide variation between the methods analyzed, leading to pile depths lower than those in the original design. The estimated settlements ranged from 1 to 8 mm, and the angular distortion between contiguous piles did not compromise the building’s functionality.pdf.Estaca Hélice ContínuaCapacidade de CargaRecalqueEngenharia GeotécnicaFundação ProfundaAVALIAÇÃO DA CAPACIDADE DE CARGA GEOTÉCNICA E RECALQUE DE ESTACAS HÉLICE CONTÍNUA MONITORADA EM UM EDIFÍCIO DE RIO BRANCO – ACDissertaçãoEngenharia Civil