MARINELLI FILHO, Nelson2025-01-312024MONTEIRO, Isabela Zanotto; MARINELLI FILHO, Nelson; GUIMARÃES, Gil Eduardo; CORREA, Geraldo Nunes; FERREIRA, Matheus Rissardi. Estudo de Caracterização da Eficiência Produtiva nas Indústrias de Montagem de Eletroeletrônicas do Polo Industrial de Manaus por Meio do Cálculo do OEE - Caso de Estudo de Automação. Revista Científica, v. 6, n. 4, p. 1-23, 2024. study presents the implementation of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies, with an emphasis on the use of Digital Twins and the automation of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) calculation, applied to an electro-electronic assembly line at the Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM). The objective was to develop a solution capable of identifying, in real time, the times and reasons for production stoppages, aiming to optimize industrial processes and reduce operational costs. Data were collected through IoT sensors installed on production lines, integrated into a digital platform that virtually replicated the factory plant in a Digital Twin system. OEE was automatically calculated based on three main indicators: Availability, Performance, and Quality. Simulations in the virtual environment identified production bottlenecks and allowed predictive actions to prevent failures and optimize machine performance. The results, obtained over 80 days of monitoring, showed an evolution in productive efficiency indicators, with a reduction in unplanned downtime, dynamic adjustment of production parameters, and improvement in product quality, positively impacting industrial sustainability and energy efficiency.pdf.Indústria 4.0Gêmeos DigitaisOEESustentabilidade IndustrialIoTEstudo de Caracterização da Eficiência Produtiva nas Indústrias de Montagem de Eletroeletrônicas do Polo Industrial de Manaus por Meio do Cálculo do OEE - Caso de Estudo de AutomaçãoArtigoAutomação Industrial