NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisLEITE, Jandecy CabralBRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de AlmeidaQUEIROZ JUNIOR, Fernando Cardoso de2024-10-242024-10-242024-10-01SOUZA, Márcio André de Oliveira; BRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de Almeida; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; QUEIROZ JUNIOR, Fernando Cardoso de. Fuzzy Logic-Based Compliance Assessment For Display Testing In Industrial Measurement Systems. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), v. 26, n. 10, p. 53-69, 2024. DOI: 10.9790/487X-2610105369. study presents the development and implementation of a fuzzy logic-based system aimed at automating the compliance evaluation process for display testing in industrial measurement systems. The fuzzy inference system was programmed in Python, using linguistic variables and fuzzy rules to assess performance parameters like accuracy, response time, and error margins. Results showed that the system classified 93% of devices in accordance with established compliance standards, improving the reliability and efficiency of display testing in industrial environments.pdf.Fuzzy LogicCompliance AssessmentDisplay TestingIndustrial Measurement SystemsAutomationFuzzy Logic-Based Compliance Assessment For Display Testing In Industrial Measurement SystemsArtigo3.04.00.00-7 Engenharia Elétrica