BEZERRA, Roberval Monteiro2024-08-152024-08-152022-12-10FERNANDES, Raulchelison Tavares. Análise ergonômica do trabalho (aet) em linha de inserção manual de produção industrial no segmento eletroeletronico. 2022. 89 Folhas. Dissertação do Programa de PósGraduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental (EGPSA), Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2022. ergonomic analysis of work (EAW) has as its principle to identify and try to prevent possible diseases that develop slowly due to repetitive movements, unfavorable postures, furniture without comfort and visual discomfort, causing for the organization the loss of productivity, employee dissatisfaction, and increased costs. The inadequate working environment and furniture can also lead to reduced productivity in companies, because if not adjusted to biotypes can lead to the occurrence of occupational diseases. One of the great challenges of ergonomics applied to work is to design or adapt workstations and tools to the morphological diversity of the population. The accurate analysis of the various segments is done according to the techniques of anthropometry, which is the study of the physical measurements of the human body. This research aimed to "apply the ergonomic analysis of work (EAW) in the production line of a company in the electro-electronic segment to promote improvements in the workplace aiming at the quality of life, well-being, and safety of the employees". In the study methodology, a population survey of the company's biotypes was carried out through anthropometric evaluation; the human body movements were analyzed, with emphasis on the upper limbs, according to the conditions of their workstation; ergonomic concepts were implemented in the production line; the workstations were adapted to the employees; and, finally, the results of productivity were monitored, followed up, and compared after the ergonomic improvements were implemented. To analyze the results of this research, a sampling of 375 employees was carried out with emphasis on the manual insertion production line. The anthropometric analysis showed that there is a difference between male and female biotypes. With the female more concentrated around the mean and the male presenting a larger tail of the distribution. The ergonomic analysis of the work identified the need for adaptation, alteration and changes in the workstations that start in the equipment permeating with the improvement of the posture of the employees that operate in the production lines. After the implementation of the improvements, the ex-post analysis showed that the company's proposed targets for productivity, quality, and absenteeism were met, with averages of 780.2 units/manhour, 281.4 pieces/million, and 1.8%, respectively.pdf.ErgonomiaProdutividadeAETAntropometriaAbsenteísmoIndustria eletroeletrônicaAnálise ergonômica do trabalho (AET) em linha de inserção manual de produção industrial no segmento eletroeletronicoDissertação3.08.00.00-5 Engenharia de Produção