COSTA JUNIOR, Carlos Tavares da2025-02-112012NEVES, Cleonor Crescêncio das. Os impactos na qualidade da energia elétrica oriundos das lâmpadas fluorescentes compactas instaladas no Programa Luz para Todos. 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) – Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Tecnologia, Belém, 2012. Brazilian Federal Program "Luz para Todos" provides installation kits that include three 15W compact fluorescent lamps in beneficiary households. These lamps exhibit a high level of harmonic distortion due to their auxiliary equipment. This study assesses the impact of these lamps on power quality by analyzing the injection of harmonics into distribution networks. Measurements of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) were conducted, extending the analysis to a real distribution system operated by the CELPA utility company. The results indicate high levels of THD, significantly affecting the quality of power supplied to consumers.pdf.HarmônicasQualidade de EnergiaSistema de DistribuiçãoLâmpada Fluorescente CompactaDistorção HarmônicaOS IMPACTOS NA QUALIDADE DA ENERGIA ELÉTRICA ORIUNDOS DAS LÂMPADAS FLUORESCENTES COMPACTAS INSTALADAS NO PROGRAMA LUZ PARA TODOSDissertaçãoEngenharia Elétrica