ALENCAR, David Barbosa de2024-08-142024-08-142022-08-24SANTOS, Hermes Silva. O impacto da pandemia na cadeia logística de suprimentos da indústria eletroeletrônica. 2022. 68 folhas. Dissertação do programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental (EGPSA), Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2022. logistics, social and economic impact caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has unprecedentedly affected the supply chain of the electronics industry. Logistics was in high demanded during this pandemic period, and it was key actor for chain balance, even faced so many challenges. The objective of this case study is to demonstrate the supply chain of an electronics industry in the industrial pole of Manaus, evaluating the scenario before and during the pandemic, its main difficulties, from the shortage of raw materials up to the high costs of international freights. The final good industry is totally dependent on component industries, the complicating factor isthat in general the components are supplied by Asia, and arrive in Manaus by sea and air transport. At the height of the pandemic, ports were closed and flights were canceled, causing impacts on the supply chain. Some components are produced by local industries, however they also suffered shortages of virgin raw materials for processing, triggering consequences on the entire supply chain. The method used was a case study, and used a strategic tool such as SWOT analysis, a quality tool such as ISHIKAWA, and a risk mapping tool such as MATRIZ GUT and 5W2H action plan. Data were collected through interviews, observations and archival information, allowing the researcher free to walk in the direction of construct solutions. From the observation of the data, it was evidenced that the analyzed industry started a crisis management, and actions to mitigate and manage the impacts of the pandemic on its logistics chain and despite the challenges faced, the company's business continuity results were achieved, and bringing maturity to the integrated logistics chain management process.pdf.PandemiaEconomiaCadeia integrada de suprimentosEscassez de matéria primaO impacto da pandemia na cadeia logística de suprimentos da indústria eletroeletrônicaDissertação3.08.00.00-5 Engenharia de Produção