CAMPOS, Paola Souto2025-02-192024BEZERRA, Igor Felipe Oliveira. Implementação de práticas sustentáveis: avaliação fuzzy do desempenho e conscientização ambiental em crianças com deficiência. 2024. 102 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental) – Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, Manaus, 2024. study aimed to develop a fuzzy logic-based model to assess the impact of interventions in Adapted Physical Education and Environmental Education on the physical, cognitive, and environmental awareness development of children with disabilities. The need for inclusive educational strategies and accurate tools to capture individual progress underpins this work, which seeks to go beyond traditional assessment approaches. Using scenario simulations that replicate authentic conditions, the study incorporated variables such as motor coordination, strength, endurance, as well as attention and understanding of environmental concepts. Interventions were analyzed using fuzzy rules to assess the expected impacts in physical, cognitive, and environmental awareness dimensions. Although the model was not implemented in a real setting with children, its validation suggests future applicability in practical studies. The results indicate that well-integrated interventions, especially those that balance physical and cognitive development, can lead to substantial improvements. Fuzzy logic proved to be a valuable tool, allowing for detailed and gradual progress assessment. The proposed model is a significant addition to inclusive pedagogical practices and can guide educational policies to better meet the needs of children with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of sustainable environmental education.pdf.Educação Física AdaptadaEducação AmbientalInclusão EscolarCrianças com DeficiênciaLógica FuzzyImplementação de práticas sustentáveis: avaliação fuzzy do desempenho e conscientização ambiental em crianças com deficiênciaDissertação1.03.00.00-7 Ciência da Computação