MARINELLI FILHO, Nelson2025-01-312024MAUES, Elvis Jardim; MARINELLI FILHO, Nelson; GUIMARÃES, Gil Eduardo; ALVARCE, Débora Cristina; TREVISOL, Janvel. Criação de Aplicações para Sistema de Teste Funcional com Rastreabilidade para Carregadores de Celular. Revista ARACÊ, São José dos Pinhais, v. 6, n. 3, p. 7299-7315, 2024. Disponível em: [link do DOI ou URL, se disponível]. Acesso em: [data de acesso]. project addresses the growing need to ensure the traceability and quality of cell phone chargers in a globalized market, where transparency in processes is essential. The main objective is to perform electrical tests with traceability using QR code reading and programming through the LabWindows/CVI software from National Instruments. The study begins with the contextualization of the problem, highlighting the importance of traceability to ensure the quality and reliability of electronic products, such as cell phone chargers. The need to implement methods that streamline the testing process was observed, aiming to maximize production efficiency. The materials and methods employed involve the use of LabWindows/CVI software, an ANSI C development environment specific for test and measurement applications. Additionally, observations were made in the charger testing sector to identify gaps in the process and determine the best strategies to implement traceability. In the proposed process, the first step consists of reading the QR code of the ruler and the chargers, organizing them in numerical sequence for registration in a .txt file. Then, the second step performs data collection, executes the necessary electrical tests, and generates a .csv file for local storage, along with an .xml file for registration in the company's database. The results include a significant improvement in the efficiency of the testing process, the guarantee of complete traceability of the chargers, and the optimization of equipment production time.pdf.RastreabilidadeSoftwareProcessoTeste FuncionalCarregadores de CelularCriação de Aplicações para Sistema de Teste Funcional com Rastreabilidade para Carregadores de CelularArtigoEngenharia Elétrica