LEITE, Jandeey Cabral2025-01-312022AQUINO, Dener Jeferson Horta de; LEITE, Jandeey Cabral; ALMEIDA, Rivanildo Duarte de. Development of a Comparative Study Between Linear Regression and Decision Tree Techniques for 3rd Harmonic. International Journal of Development Research, v. 12, n. 10, p. 59844-59858, out. 2022. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.37118/ijdr.25609.10.2022.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/262A comparative study was carried out between Simple Linear Regression and Decision Tree techniques in the evaluation of the impacts caused by harmonic generation in a medium voltage substation. Data collection was carried out through a measurement campaign in a 13.8 kV substation that feeds part of the companies in the industrial district of the city of Manaus. The objective was to compare the results of the application of Decision Tree and Simple Linear Regression techniques in the analysis of harmonic impacts in an electrical system. The measurement campaign was carried out for a minimum period of 7 days, according to PRODIST. The results showed that the applied techniques were effective in the analysis of harmonic impacts, with Simple Linear Regression presenting better performance.pdf.Distorção Harmônica de TensãoDistorção Harmônica de CorrenteQualidade da Energia ElétricaRegressão LinearÁrvore de DecisãoDevelopment of a Comparative Study Between Linear Regression and Decision Tree Techniques for 3rd HarmonicArtigoEngenharias