LIMA, Moysés Mendes de2024-08-142024-08-142022-09-16LIMA, Vagner Rodrigues. Aplicação da lógica fuzzy na definição da resistência à compressão de caixas de papéis ondulados. 2022, p. 71. Dissertação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental (EGPSA), Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2022. paper packaging, commonly called cardboard packaging, stands out among the most used in industry and commerce in general. These packages have established themselves as the preferred resource when it comes to storing and transporting products, this is fundamentally due to their low cost. Furthermore, the packaging box is fully recyclable and perfectly meets the environmental appeal and awareness of using less polluting and more sustainable raw material. Packing box damage occurs mostly in the storage or transport of the finished product. One of the main causes for these failures is directly linked to the definition compressive strength that the packaging box must withstand throughout its life cycle. In this research, a computational model based on Fuzzy logic is proposed to classify the compressive strength of the designed packaging box as being: inadequate, good, adequate. Always taking into account that the higher the value of the compressive strength, the lower the cost of the box. As a support tool, two methods well known among packaging box designers were used, the calculation of compressive strength using Mckee’s formula and the method of calculating compressive strength using static stacking. The approach proved to be effective, since it was possible to validate the classification of the with the use of Fuzzy logic.pdf.Caixa de embalagemResistênciaCompressãoMcKeeLógica fuzzyAplicação da lógica fuzzy na definição da resistência à compressão de caixas de papéis onduladosDissertação3.03.00.00-2 Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica