NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis2024-09-042024-09-042019FONSECA JUNIOR, Milton et al. Maintenance Management with Application of Computational Intelligence Generating a Decision Support System for the Load Dispatch in Power Plants. In: MARQUEZ, Fausto Pedro Garcia; PAPAELIAS, Mayorkinos (Ed.). Maintenance Management. London: IntechOpen, 2019. Cap. 4, p. 36-49.10.5772/intechopen.82795 chapter proposes the development of a computational tool to support load dispatch decisions based on the operational conditions of motors and generators in thermal power plants. The tool uses a fuzzy system to classify failure probabilities, based on indicators such as lubricating oil analysis, vibration analysis, and thermography of power generation equipment. The goal is not only to monitor the equipment's condition but also to take corrective actions to maintain service reliability and quality, considering the operating conditions of the equipment.pdf.Maintenance ManagementLoad DispatchComputational IntelligenceFuzzy LogicMaintenance Management with Application of Computational Intelligence Generating a Decision Support System for the Load Dispatch in Power PlantsCapítulo de livro3.04.00.00-7 Engenharia Elétrica