VIEIRA JUNIOR, Milton2025-02-032024DIAS, Jonathan Oliveira. Otimização de processos de manufatura aditiva por meio da modelagem 3D e simulações na Indústria 4.0. 2024. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental) – Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, Manaus, 2024. 4th industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, characterized by the integration of digital technologies, has significantly transformed production processes. Among these innovations, additive manufacturing stands out as a strategic alternative to traditional subtractive methods, offering greater flexibility and efficiency in material usage. This study explores the optimization of additive manufacturing processes using 3D modeling and computer simulation in the context of Industry 4.0. Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, enables the production of more complex parts at lower costs by eliminating inventory storage requirements and manufacturing steps. However, challenges such as quality control, scalability, and standardization still need to be addressed. The research employs CAD/CAE/CAM tools, 3D modeling, and finite element method (FEM) simulations to predict the structural behavior of parts and adjust parameters such as print orientation and fill patterns. The integration of Industry 4.0 technologies with digital tools can reduce costs, improve quality, and increase flexibility, meeting the demands of an increasingly competitive and sustainable market.pdf.Indústria 4.0Manufatura AditivaModelagem 3DPrototipagemSimulação ComputacionalOTIMIZAÇÃO DE PROCESSOS DE MANUFATURA ADITIVA POR MEIO DA MODELAGEM 3D E SIMULAÇÕES NA INDUSTRIA 4.0Dissertação3.08.00.00-5 Engenharia de Produção