NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis2025-02-192022SILVA, S. A.; MAGNO, R. N. O.; LEITE, J. C.; MORAES, N. M.; FILHO, P. F. da S. Probabilidade e Estatística Aplicada a Software. 1. ed. 2022. ISBN 978-65-84809-03-1. Disponível em: study proposes to analyze the use of didactic software by teachers and students as a pedagogical support tool in teaching and learning, aiming to alleviate the difficulties in learning descriptive statistics. The research was conducted at the Instituto Federal Ifam, in Manaus-AM, employing a quantitative method, questionnaires, direct observation, and the Minitab software. The results show that teachers in the mathematical sciences field often do not continuously use didactic software, which affects students' learning. The study highlights the importance of using computer labs and didactic tools to enhance statistics education.pdf.ProbabilidadeSoftware MinitabEstatística AplicadaEnsino-AprendizagemFerramentas DidáticasProbabilidade e Estatística Aplicada a SoftwareLivroEngenharia de Produção