SILVA, Simone da2024-08-192024-08-192022-12-16SOUZA, Luiz Henrique Castelo de. Os impactos econômicos e sociais da repavimentação da BR 319 e os seus respectivos desdobramentos ambientais. 2022. p. 76. Projeto de Dissertação do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental (EGPSA), Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2022. 319 is a highway of great importance for the state of Amazonas and for other states in the northern region, since the existence of this road directly influences social, economic and environmental aspects of the region. It is noteworthy that many people depend on this highway to move between Manaus and Porto Velho and, consequently, to connect to the rest of the country. This study presents an analysis of the economic and social benefits of the repaving of BR 319 and its respective environmental consequences. On a preliminary basis, it can be said that the reconstruction of the road will contribute to the increase in the generation of jobs and will facilitate the flow of production, favoring regional development. This study also suggests that the reconstruction of the road will result in a reduction in the cost per kilometer traveled, resulting in a decrease in road freight and a reduction in the value of bus tickets between Manaus and Porto Velho. The loss, degradation of natural habitats, fauna trampling, chemical pollution, anthropic invasion and the increase in violence were some of the negative impacts raised in this work.pdf.BR 319Meio AmbienteRepavimentaçãoOs impactos econômicos e sociais da repavimentação da br 319 e os seus respectivos desdobramentos ambientaisDissertação2.05.00.00-9 Ecologia