LEITE, Jandecy Cabral2025-01-312023JANUÁRIO, Caroline Araújo da Costa; PAIVA, Ana Paula Cardoso Queiroz de; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de. Perspectiva da Educação Ambiental no Ensino Fundamental: Um Estudo de Caso. DELOS: Desarrollo Local Sostenible, v. 16, n. 44, p. 1082-1099, 2023. DOI: 10.55905/rdelosv16.n44-007.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/249Although environmental education is a relevant topic, it is still treated insufficiently and ineffectively in schools. Environmental education is a powerful ally in environmental preservation, but few people have access to this type of information, making it difficult to shape environmentally conscious and responsible citizens. This study proposes the development of an educational and functional booklet to introduce environmental education in elementary school, covering aspects such as environmental legislation, duties, and citizens' rights. The booklet was developed through visits and meetings with educators and students, and its effectiveness was evaluated through debates and questionnaires, showing a positive impact on student awareness.pdf.Legislação ambientalEducaçãoDireitos e deveres ambientaisConscientização ambientalEnsino fundamentalPerspectiva da Educação Ambiental no Ensino Fundamental: Um Estudo de CasoArtigoEducação Ambiental