URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/1
A comunidade dispõe da produção técnica e científica do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (PPG.EGPSA) do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), fruto da atividade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). É possível acessar os trabalhos de conclusão do programa de pós-graduação, artigos e livros vinculados a pesquisa, desenvolvimento, inovação e extensão.
33 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Aplicação da teoria dos jogos na análise de riscos e decisões no mercado de ações(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) BOTTI, Matheus Costa Moreira; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThe stock market is characterized by its high volatility and the complexity of interactions among investors, where strategic decisions significantly impact both individual behavior and overall market dynamics. This dissertation investigates the application of game theory to risk analysis and decision-making in the stock market, integrating technical and financial indicators into a model that predicts and optimizes investment strategies. The study identified Nash equilibria in various market scenarios, advancing the use of game theory in strategic analyses and professional practices in the financial sector.Item Sistema fuzzy para avaliação do grau de aptidão de profissionais das áreas de gestão(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-07-30) LEITE, Lourdes Daniele Câmara; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisCompanies are increasingly specializing in the Human Resources sector, especially in the area of recruitment and selection of people. This work developed a fuzzy inference model to evaluate the competencies of operational level managers. Through multiple qualitative criteria, the model was designed to be used by the Human Resources sector of organizations, helping to determine if the candidate's profile fits the requirements of the position. The model was tested and resulted in 27 inference rules, offering an effective way to assess candidates' competencies during the recruitment and selection process.Item SCMTI: Socket de comunicação Modbus TCP/IP(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-07-01) BARBOSA, Sergio Lira; SILVA, Italo Rodrigo Soares; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; MENDONÇA, Pedro Henrique Barros; RIBEIRO, Paulo Francisco da Silva; SERRÃO, Alacy da Conceição da Silva; NASCIMENTO FILHO, Alarico Gonsalves doDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "SCMTI: Modbus TCP/IP Communication Socket", developed in Delphi, valid for 50 years.Item Software de coleta inteligente de dados TCP (SCIDT) - Gate Move 4.0(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-09-02) AMARAL, Carlos Henrique; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; DIRANE, Eduardo Nunes; MENDONÇA, Pedro Henrique Barros; RIBEIRO, Paulo Francisco da SilvaDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "Intelligent data collection software TCP (SCIDT) - Gate Move 4.0", developed in Python, valid for 50 years.Item Sistema de inferência fuzzy para suporte à avaliação do esfigmomanômetro(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-04-26) BRITO, Marcio André Oliveira; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; LEITE, Jandecy CabralDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "Fuzzy inference system to support sphygmomanometer evaluation", developed in MATLAB, valid for 50 years.Item Controle e navegação de AMRs(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-09-12) COSTA, Gledyson Cidade da; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; RODRIGUES, Carlos Manuel TabosaDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "Control and navigation of AMRs", developed in Python, valid for 50 years.Item Modelo autoregressivo não linear com entradas exógenas para previsão do nível do rio no Amazonas(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-07-05) LOPES, Gisele de Freitas; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "Nonlinear autoregressive model with exogenous inputs for predicting river level in the Amazon", developed in MATLAB, valid for 50 years.Item Algoritmo para otimizar o processo de inspeção de qualidade(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-07-22) SOUSA, Marcio Rizonildo Aquino de; SANTOS, Eliton Smith dos; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "Algorithm to optimize the quality inspection process", developed in Python, valid for 50 years.Item Uma Proposta Inovadora Utilizando Blockchain para a Gestão Financeira em Obras Públicas, Tendo como Base o Sistema Brasileiro(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021) PARENTE, Ricardo Silva; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisThis chapter presents an innovative proposal for financial management in public works in Brazil using blockchain technology. The objective is to increase transparency and efficiency in the use of public resources, reducing the possibility of corruption and financial deviations. The proposal includes the creation of a blockchain-based system that securely and immutably records and monitors all financial transactions, allowing real-time audits. The study discusses the practical implications of implementing this technology in the public sector and proposes a model adapted to the Brazilian reality.Item Implementação do sistema de inferência fuzzy para suporte à avaliação do esfigmomanômetro visando atender às atividades de fiscalização fluvial na área da metrologia legal, científica e conformidades(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-05-12) BRITO, Marcio André de Oliveira; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; Nascimento, Manoel Henrique ReisThis study proposes the implementation of a fuzzy inference system to evaluate sphygmomanometers used in river inspection activities in the Amazon region. Fuzzy logic, applied to handle uncertainties and inaccuracies, allows for a robust and adaptable analysis under the variable conditions of the river environment. The system aims to ensure the accuracy of sphygmomanometers, which are crucial for healthcare and for ensuring fairness in commercial transactions that rely on precise measurements. The research covers the system's development, testing, and validation, highlighting its importance for legal and scientific metrology in the region.