Repositório Institucional Galileo
O RIGalileo é uma plataforma dedicada ao armazenamento, preservação e disseminação do conhecimento científico e acadêmico, alinhada aos princípios da Ciência Aberta. O RIGalileo oferece acesso a coleção de recursos, incluindo livros, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, dissertações, teses, artigos científicos, relatórios e documentos resultantes das atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) do ITEGAM.
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- A comunidade se destina a armazenar as políticas e documentação da Biblioteca do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia.
- Trabalhos ténico-científico oriundos de convênios com universidades para oferta de turmas de mestrado e doutorados no Estado do Amazonas
- Produção do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (EGPSA)/Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM).
Submissões Recentes
Aproveitamento de Água de Chuva para Consumo Humano em Áreas Rurais de Municípios Isolados pela Seca no Estado do Amazonas.
(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2015) ALVES, Vanessa de Oliveira.; Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Lopes Rodrigues Mendes.
Because of supply difficulties, rainwater harvesting is an important alternative to meet global water demands. For rural communities in municipalities isolated by drought, implementing organizational and structural actions driven by political and institutional changes is essential to reduce vulnerability. This study analyzes the water supply through the implementation of a rainwater utilization system intended for human consumption in rural areas of the Amazonas state. It discusses the alternative based on international experiences and literature review. The research includes an overview of supply, household consumption analysis, and criteria definition for water quality, highlighting environmental advantages and system limitations.
Reuso de Água Industrial em uma Empresa do Ramo Eletroeletrônico Localizada no Polo Industrial de Manaus – PIM
(Mestrado Profissional em Processos Construtivos e Saneamento Urbano, 2015) VIEIRA, José Geraldo; NASCIMENTO, Fernanda Souza do
In order to identify the feasibility of industrial water reuse through treatment for membrane filters and ion exchange in a electronics industry located in the Industrial Pole of Manaus - PIM and its benefits for the industrial process was carried out the implementation of a treatment process Water from the Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant (ETEI) through reverse osmosis and ion exchange. The development of the project followed the following steps: Check the water quality to the process, search for alternatives to improve the quality and reduce the consumption of water and implementation of the reverse osmosis and ion exchange process. After the implementation of the treatment, the water quality was checked at the entry points of ETEI, ETEI output and the output of demineralized water treatment system. Among the several parameters, the most significant were pH, electrical conductivity, heavy metals, oils and greases and organic load. It was concluded that the implementation of such treatment possible reuse of the effluent would be disposed to the water environment to the satisfaction of the surface treatment process, reducing costs, reducing environmental impacts and contributing to maintaining the quality of the finished product.
Convergência Tecnológica para Redes Ethernet em Sistemas de Controle de Processo em Ferrovias
(Instituto de Tecnologia, 2018) BORBA, Felipe Colares de; Kleber Bittencourt Oliveira
The main objective of this dissertation is to study the changes in the telecommunications field that railroads must face to avoid technological obsolescence in their automation, particularly railway signaling. The study focuses on the technological convergence to Ethernet interfaces. A literature review was conducted, followed by an analysis of the convergent technology (Ethernet) and the converged technology (RS-232). After these theoretical considerations, an Ethernet system topology was proposed for a hypothetical railway and implemented through a test setup. Tests were simulated using the standard reference protocol RFC 2455 to assess the capacity of the suggested Ethernet topology for railway applications. The practical results confirmed that the proposed topology meets all the necessary parameters for a telecommunications network supporting a railway signaling system. The conclusion is that railways can base their telecommunications systems on Ethernet technology while coexisting with legacy systems during the migration phase.
A Utilização do Óleo Comestível Pós-Consumo em Manaus (AM): Alternativa para a Produção de Biodiesel e Redução de Impactos Ambientais
(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2015) BEZERRA, José Antônio Coutinho; ROCHA, Gilberto de Miranda
This study aims to investigate the treatment and disposal of post-consumption edible oil produced in the manufacture of foods used for biodiesel production, in a company installed in the Industrial Pole of Manaus. The methodological process used was through technical visits in the recycling company and some generating companies. The production process, storage form, and the list of suppliers (generators) were observed. Manaus has a municipal law that defines responsibilities for generating such waste oil; however, to develop a management program, the available options for receipt and treatment are still very precarious. Given this scenario, it is noted that there is a need for public and administrative interventions that better define the guidelines for the proper management of these liquid wastes.
Avaliação do Desgaste e Proposta para Recuperação das Roscas de Prensas Utilizadas para Extração de Óleos Vegetais
(Instituto de Tecnologia, 2018) PRADO, Ferdinando do Socorro Soares do; Eduardo de Magalhães Braga
This work aims to evaluate the wear and propose a recovery procedure for expeller worms used in vegetable oil extraction in a large industry. The study can also be applied to other types of expellers used for the same purpose in the Amazon region. Tests were conducted on the base and abrasive materials, followed by operational wear assessment. Based on the analyses, a welding procedure was proposed to recover the worms, enhancing their strength and durability.