Modelo de compostagem com a reutilização de resíduos orgânicos em escola rural

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Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia


The booklet "Composting model with the reuse of organic waste in rural schools" is an educational guide on composting and the implementation of school gardens, aiming at the sustainable reuse of organic waste. The introduction addresses the increase in the production of organic waste and the importance of its correct management to avoid sanitary problems. He explains that half of the daily waste produced by Brazilians is of organic origin, which can be transformed into fertilizer. The booklet describes three types of composters: natural aeration (waste arranged in windrows), forced aeration (use of perforated tubes and mechanical pumping) and biological reactors (closed systems). It also highlights the importance of school gardens to improve student nutrition and generate resources for schools. Types of vegetable gardens include traditional, domestic, mini garden, organic and hanging. Humus, resulting from the decomposition of organic matter, is presented as an excellent fertilizer. The booklet details the composting process in three phases: mesophilic (rapid initial phase), thermophilic (temperature reduction and elimination of pathogens) and maturation (humification and mineralization). Includes a word search activity to reinforce learning of terms related to composting. In short, the booklet promotes sustainability and environmental education through composting and school gardens.



Compostagem, Horta escolar, Composteira, Cartilha


NATALIA, Manual. Modelo de compostagem com a reutilização de resíduos orgânicos em escola rural. 1. ed. Manaus: ITEGAM, 2021. 6p.




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