Documentação de convênios e P&D
URI permanente desta comunidade
Trabalhos ténico-científico oriundos de convênios com universidades para oferta de turmas de mestrado e doutorados no Estado do Amazonas
2 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item UTILIZAÇÃO DE DUTOS DESCARTADOS DO GASODUTO COARI-MANAUS PARA CONFECÇÃO DE PONTE PROVISÓRIA SOBRE O IGARAPÉ DO CEDRO SEGUNDO A NORMA API 5L X70(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2010) SANTOS, Doriel Andrade dos; FARIA, Marlene de AraújoThis study aims to present an alternative construction method using discarded API 5L X70 pipelines from the Coari-Manaus gas pipeline for the construction of a temporary bridge over the Cedro stream in the Amazon rainforest. The bridge facilitates material and worker transportation for the construction of the Compression Station – ECOMP in Juaruna. The ANSYS 8.0 program was used to analyze the structural behavior of a bridge element, applying numerical methods to evaluate stress and deformation in structural components. Additionally, an environmental mitigation proposal is presented to reduce the impact of equipment crossing the Cedro stream, as well as the logistical challenges faced by companies operating in the Amazon region.Item Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos no Restaurante e Centro de Produção de Alimentos do Trabalhador do Comércio Hélio Nobre na Cidade de Manaus(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2018) BRAGA, Edméa de Araújo Serra; BRASIL, Davi do Socorro BarrosDue to industrial development, urban population growth, and increasing consumption, environmental concerns have intensified. This study analyzes the application of the SESC Solid Waste Management Guide at the Restaurant and Food Production Center of the Hélio Nobre Trade Worker in Manaus. The objective is to implement the Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) based on the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) to reduce the amount of waste generated and optimize its destination. The research included a qualitative and quantitative approach and showed that, although the SESC unit seeks to follow the PGRS, there are still actions to be developed to improve the waste management system.