URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/1
A comunidade dispõe da produção técnica e científica do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (PPG.EGPSA) do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), fruto da atividade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). É possível acessar os trabalhos de conclusão do programa de pós-graduação, artigos e livros vinculados a pesquisa, desenvolvimento, inovação e extensão.
17 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Educação Ambiental: Os 3R’s (Três Erres) no Primeiro Ano do Ensino Fundamental: Atividades de Palestra e Musicalização para Conscientização Ambiental(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) SILVA, Mey Ling Oliveira da; SILVA, Simone daThis manual proposes the application of educational activities aimed at environmental awareness, focusing on the 3R's concepts (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), directed at first-year elementary school students. The activities include lectures and musicalization, using didactic resources such as musical parodies and pedagogical games to facilitate the understanding and retention of sustainability principles among children. The interdisciplinary approach seeks to integrate environmental education into school routines, promoting the development of ecological attitudes from an early age.Item Os Protetores do Meio Ambiente: Estratégias Educativas Através de Tirinhas Ilustrativas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) SILVA, Mey Ling Oliveira da; SILVA, Simone daThis work explores the use of comic strips as an educational tool to promote environmental awareness among children and young people. Through a series of strips titled "The Protectors of the Environment," themes such as sustainability, recycling, preservation of natural resources, and the importance of biodiversity are addressed. The research highlights the effectiveness of these visual media in conveying ecological messages in a playful and accessible way, contributing to the formation of a more conscious and engaged generation in environmental protection.Item O desenvolvimento sustentável e educação ambiental como temática da educação indígena: investigação na Comunidade Dessana Tupé AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) GOMES, Waldeney Souza; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro deThis work discusses the importance of environmental education within the indigenous context, focusing on the Dessana Tupé Community in Amazonas. The study investigates how education can contribute to sustainable practices and environmental preservation, adapted to the social and cultural realities of the community. The research was conducted through technical visits, interviews, and questionnaires, resulting in the creation of an educational booklet aimed at raising awareness and strengthening environmental consciousness within the community. The pedagogical proposal seeks to integrate traditional indigenous knowledge with modern sustainability practices, promoting a differentiated education that values cultural identities and environmental preservation.Item Os impactos socioambientais causados pela exigência do cadastro ambiental rural aos agricultores familiares do estado do Amazonas em 2019(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) PAIVA, Ana Paula Cardoso Queiroz de; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro deThe study addresses the socio-environmental impacts resulting from the requirement of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) for family farmers in the state of Amazonas in 2019. The research investigates how this requirement affected these farmers' access to public policies, rural credit, and sustainable development in the region. Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, the study identifies the challenges faced by farmers in the environmental regularization of their properties and proposes innovative solutions, such as the creation of a digital platform for CAR management, aiming to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the process.Item Implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental: estudo de caso no laboratório de química orgânica do Instituto Federal de Ciências, Educação e Tecnologia do Amazonas – IFAM/Campus Manaus Centro(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-03-11) SILVA, Waldomiro dos Santos; CAMPOS, Paola SoutoThis dissertation addresses the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory at IFAM/Campus Manaus Centro. The study emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices in higher education institutions, especially in laboratories dealing with potentially hazardous chemicals. Using methodologies such as the Leopold matrix and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), the study identifies environmental impacts and proposes mitigation measures. The research concludes that implementing the EMS can significantly reduce environmental impacts, improve operational efficiency, and serve as a model for other institutions.Item As formas de descarte de agulhas e seringas em época de pandemia da COVID-19 no sistema de saúde de Iranduba(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-10) AZEVEDO, Walter da Cunha; CAMPOS, Paola SoutoThis study analyzes the disposal process of needles and syringes used during COVID-19 vaccination in the municipality of Iranduba, Amazonas. The research investigates whether these waste disposal practices comply with Brazilian laws and regulations, such as the National Solid Waste Policy (Law No. 12,305/2010) and CONAMA Resolution No. 358/2005. The study also assesses the adequacy of disposal practices in Basic Health Units (UBS) and proposes strategies to improve waste management, especially in rural areas, to protect public health and the environment.Item Análise do manejo dos resíduos de serviço de saúde: um estudo de caso de um hospital universitário de Manaus/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03) SILVA, Maria do Carmo Costa; CAMPOS, Paola SoutoThis work addresses the analysis of health service waste management and treatment at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital in Manaus/AM. The study was motivated by the need to adapt the Health Service Waste Management Plan (PGRSS) according to Anvisa Resolution 222/2018, aiming to reduce negative impacts on human health and the environment. The research evaluated whether the hospital's waste management process complies with current legislation and identified opportunities for improvement, using a case study methodology with empirical data collection and detailed analysis of waste segregation, storage, and treatment processes.Item Procedimentos de Boas Práticas para Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos no Ambulatório Médico do Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-30) PINHEIRO, João Carlos da Costa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThis study addresses the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for solid waste management at Dr. Fajardo Children's Hospital in Manaus, Amazonas. The growing production of solid waste, especially from healthcare services, presents a significant challenge to both public health and the environment. The study proposes best practices for waste handling, focusing on reducing contamination risks and environmental impacts. The research includes analyzing the types of waste generated, the management stages, and developing training programs for hospital staff. The expected outcome is the minimization of environmental impacts and the promotion of a safer and more efficient work environment.Item Uma Proposta de Metodologia de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos do Centro Universitário Fametro, Unidades 1 e 2, Manaus/Amazonas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-11-20) ALMEIDA, Dario Amauri Lopes de; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro deThis work proposes a solid waste management methodology for Units 1 and 2 of the Centro Universitário Fametro in Manaus, Amazonas. With the increasing need for efficient solutions for urban solid waste management, the study aims to reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainable practices within the institution. The developed methodology applies quality tools, such as the PDCA cycle and the fishbone diagram, to optimize waste disposal, segregation, collection, treatment, and final disposal processes. The study also involves creating a selective collection plan and installing sorting units, aiming to transform Fametro into a model of sustainable management.Item Gestão de Design e Sistema Lean Manufacturing como Ferramentas no Desenvolvimento de Modelo de Produção Mitigadora de Impactos Ambientais na Indústria de Confecções em Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-11-11) MELO, Cidarta Gautama de Souza; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6915958689972413This work proposes a production model that mitigates environmental impacts in the garment industry in Manaus, integrating Lean Manufacturing (LM) and Design Management methodologies. The study identifies waste factors that can be converted into environmental impacts and proposes mitigating measures. The model, unprecedented in its specific application to the garment industry, seeks to reduce environmental impacts without compromising production efficiency, addressing both quantitative and qualitative aspects of manufacturing processes.