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A comunidade dispõe da produção técnica e científica do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (PPG.EGPSA) do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), fruto da atividade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). É possível acessar os trabalhos de conclusão do programa de pós-graduação, artigos e livros vinculados a pesquisa, desenvolvimento, inovação e extensão.
8 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Composting Model with The Reuse of Organic Waste in Rural Schools(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021) SIMÕES, Natália Cristina Bezerra de Alencar; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; BEZERRA, Alberto de Souza; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; FERRO, Any Karoline Bezerra de Alencar; PINTO JÚNIOR, José Roberto Lira.; LEITE, Jandecy CabralSchool institutions become producers of organic waste as a result of the daily consumption of school meals offered to students during the school year. An alternative to prevent this material from being incorrectly released into the environment is the implementation of a composting model that reuses organic waste, generating humus, which will serve as fertilizer for the implementation of a vegetable garden in rural schools. This work aims to propose a composting model in a rural school in Manaus for the reuse of organic waste, develop a composter prototype for the production of humic substances and mineral nutrients for garden creation, prepare a manual with guidelines for the correct and sustainable management of the composting plant and the school garden, and implement the garden system through the composting process using school organic waste. The work is a case study that seeks to raise awareness among the school community for the proper management and reuse of solid waste generated by the school, as well as to arouse interest in environmental education and behavior change for environmental preservation among students and teachers.Item Sustainable Development and Environmental Education in the Dessana Indian Village, Tupé/Manaus/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) GOMES, Waldeney Souza Coautores: LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; FERREIRA, Luciana da Cunha; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis research focuses on sustainable development through environmental education in the Dessana Indian Village, located in the Tupé community, Manaus, Amazonas. The objective is to develop pedagogical proposals to help the Dessana Tupé-AM community understand sustainable development and environmental education. The methodology involved on-site field research, revealing that the Dessana community is embedded in an economic system that influences their social context. The indigenous people offer tourism services, cultural presentations, and handicraft sales to preserve their culture and traditional knowledge. However, environmental preservation actions are still lacking, particularly regarding non-biodegradable waste. As a solution, a pedagogical proposal was developed, introducing an educational booklet aimed at raising awareness and fostering a more significant learning process within the community.Item O desenvolvimento sustentável e educação ambiental como temática da educação indígena: investigação na Comunidade Dessana Tupé AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) GOMES, Waldeney Souza; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro deThis work discusses the importance of environmental education within the indigenous context, focusing on the Dessana Tupé Community in Amazonas. The study investigates how education can contribute to sustainable practices and environmental preservation, adapted to the social and cultural realities of the community. The research was conducted through technical visits, interviews, and questionnaires, resulting in the creation of an educational booklet aimed at raising awareness and strengthening environmental consciousness within the community. The pedagogical proposal seeks to integrate traditional indigenous knowledge with modern sustainability practices, promoting a differentiated education that values cultural identities and environmental preservation.Item Manual de Práticas Interdisciplinares de Educação Ambiental(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-11-01) LEMOS, Keveny Ribeiro; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro deThe "Manual of Interdisciplinary Practices in Environmental Education" is a work designed to support educators in the development of pedagogical activities that integrate environmental education in an interdisciplinary way. The manual recognizes the growing importance of environmental education (EE) in the educational scenario, highlighting the need for an approach that goes beyond traditional content and that promotes critical awareness among students about environmental issues. The book is structured to offer elementary and secondary school teachers a series of activities and projects that can be applied in different school contexts, considering the particularities of the institutions, such as availability of physical space and material resources. Divided into five main chapters, the manual covers everything from the theoretical foundations of EA, through the relevant legislation, to the practical application of interdisciplinary activities. Chapter 1 deals with the introduction and importance of EA, while chapter 2 explores the applicability of EA in the school context and its relationship with interdisciplinarity. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 present school profiles and suggest specific activities for each profile, considering the material and logistical conditions of the institutions. These activities range from simple classroom practices to more complex projects that involve the entire school community. The manual emphasizes the importance of developing environmental values from the early grades, preparing students to face global environmental challenges in a critical and conscious way. It also offers a list of films that can be used as teaching resources, in addition to providing bibliographical references for theoretical deepening. The work stands out for its practical applicability, offering educators concrete tools to integrate EA into their daily pedagogical practices, contributing to the formation of more conscious citizens who are engaged in environmental preservation.Item Criação de um método padrão de práticas de educação ambiental para interdisciplinas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-22) LEMOS, Keveny Ribeiro; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6915958689972413The natural environment is essential to life because it is through it that it is possible to extract resources for living beings that are inserted in it. For this, it is necessary to balance living beings and the environment through environmental awareness. The objectives of the research are to obtain the profile of the analyzed schools, observing how EE is applied in the public network of the municipality, in order to create a manual of practices for the applicability of Environmental Education in schools. The research was carried out in thirteen public schools in the city of Itacoatiara/Am. Authorizations for visits were obtained, observing how the theme is applied in schools and whether they have environmental projects. After the visits, an online questionnaire was applied to teachers and students to detect the qualities and deficiencies of the schools. Finally, the profile of the schools was obtained in order to develop an interdisciplinary application manual in the schools of Amazonas. As a result, it was found that public schools are more prepared to work on these issues, and in support of pedagogical resources, given the lack of municipal schools, which, in addition to the lack of material, do not have the application of environmental projects as in state schools in that all apply at least one. All teachers are interested in working in an interdisciplinary way, as the themes are only worked on in the classroom and, according to the results of the students, they are not attractive. It is concluded that there are many deficiencies that need to be corrected, whether structural, pedagogical or material that could benefit EE teaching, and thus make practices more attractive to students.Item O desenvolvimento sustentável e educação ambiental como temática da educação Indígena: investigação na Comunidade Dessana Tupé-AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-07-06) GOMES, Waldeney Souza; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6915958689972413The present work aims to approach Sustainable Development and Environmental Education as a Theme of Indigenous Education: investigation in the Dessana Tupé-Am community. Thus, Environmental Education seen as a practice aims to draw the attention of the global population to environmental problems, aiming to rescue social transformation through awareness of the poor distribution of natural resources. Faced with this situation, the following question arises: How can education be contributing in a sustainable way to the Dessana Tupé-Am community? With the general objective of developing a methodology proposal for DS and EA practices within the community for possible solutions to the problems detected through visits to the tribe with in-depth interactive studies, In this way, a booklet in the form of a lecture in the which aimed to demonstrate the trajectory and development of environmental education in order to contribute to a more significant learning in the life of the Dessana tribe, so that it was contextualized and recognized in the environment in which they are.Item Educação Ambiental: os 3r’s (três erres) no primeiro Ano do Ensino Fundamental(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-03) SILVA, Mey Ling da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062We can observe that, at present, the social body suffers from the dilemma of the excess of the inadequate corollary creation of solid waste. This excessive amount of waste has been worrisome because, if not properly collected and disposed of, it causes serious consequences to health and the environment. Thus, the reluctance of the non-management of solid waste is numerous and includes environmental, economic, social, and health aspects. In this scenario, it is clear that waste cannot be completely eliminated; however, it is possible to decrease it by reducing the amount of waste and recycling as much as possible. It is true that the contemporary world is characterized by an almost constant state of crisis, however, to recycle or reuse has the sense to restrain what is used, to limit waste and residues, to protect the environment, to conserve and defend the ecosystem. For this, there is a need to moderate this expressed consumption, not only to use what is necessary, but also to reuse what is possible. The optics of the concept of the "3R's" reduce, reuse, and recycle aims to contain the ecosystemic shock with the applicability of the reduction and awareness about the amount of products that are consumed, thus minimizing the waste of materials and waste generation. In this reality, the reuse of products and objects avoids exacerbated consumption and the extraction of raw materials. The recycling of solid residues reuses these inputs and increases their useful life. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize education, as an agent of change, for the development of people into informed and active citizens. In view of the above, the objective of this work was to observe the perception of children in the first year of elementary school about the environment in order to raise awareness in a critical and reflective way about how we relate to each other and how we can improve our environment through the reduction and reuse of waste. The concept of the three Rs in this case study was used, therefore, to clarify and promote reflection about excessive shopping, the reuse of what would go to waste such as cans, cardboard, bottles among others, and finally, to offer the possibility of converting items no longer used into other creations. This study contributed to the awareness and preservation of the environment and its didactic-pedagogical sequence promoted progressions in the visuomotor, motor, motor, playful, affective, and critical-reflexive aspects to promote the acquisition and strengthening of skills and abilities.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/41.listelement.badge O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos como instrumento de sustentabilidade em denominações protestantes(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-12-15) SILVA, Marcelo Guedes da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062Nowadays, there is a worldwide concern about issues related to the environment and one of the biggest environmental problems caused are generated by inadequate solid waste management of such waste and the lack of society's involvement. The present work deals with the management in Protestant Christian religious institutions, which are also producers of solid waste from them and, therefore, deserve to be studied scientifically, in order to answer the following guiding question: Solid waste management in Protestant Christian institutions in the city of Manaus asserts itself as an effective instrument for the concept of sustainability? The main objective of this work is to evaluate how Protestant Christian religious institutions act in the management of solid waste, identifying if these institutions do any kind of management of this generated waste, in order to monitor how it is done using quality management tools, methodology and analysis of the results achieved. The applied methodology will be descriptive, through observation, registration, analysis and correlation of the object or facts under study, however, without manipulating them. With the information collected from selected churches in all areas of the city, in equal quantity, through a practical form and checklist based on the National Solid Waste Policy, it will be possible to build a DMAIC framework and sequentially apply the GUT tool, to notes of the most urgent problems. The results of these notes will be put into the PDCA cycle for improvement planning and, finally, the 5W2H will be used to propose improvements, which will facilitate observation, data collection and analysis of the information obtained. The survey results showed a great possibility of these Christian communities to serve as environmental schools, and that if carried out, could bring a real mass awareness of society, thanks to its enormous scope.