Aplicação da metodologia six sigma e método dmaic para redução no índice de perdas de latas de alumínio em uma indústria de bebidas Estudo de caso: latax refrigerantes ltda

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Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia


In the segment of the beverage industry, quality factors are critical for a company, as in addition to being related to consumer safety, due to the ingestion of products by human beings, it is also essential to avoid wasting raw materials. Characterized by low profit margins, maintaining high quality levels directly contributes to the competitiveness and survival of a company in this segment among the competitors. Six Sigma is an internationally recognized tool widely used in the identification and implementation of improvements in internal processes of an organization, aiming to obtain lower operating costs and, consequently, increase profit margins. During the application of this tool, it is necessary to follow a defined sequence of steps and to establish quantified objectives. This study demonstrates how the application of the tool can assist in reducing operational costs by reducing losses of cans in the production process through cause analysis and implementation of action plans in a production line of soft drinks in aluminum cans in a beverage industry. In the application of this study, steps of the DMAIC methodology were followed, where statistics tools were used to DEFINE the problems and identify the improvements, MEASURE during the phases of getting results, ANALYZE the collected data into useful information for decision making, IMPLEMENT the actions proposed in an action plan based on the previous steps and finally CONTROL the processes so that continuous improvement is a living cycle within the institution. The Six Sigma team of this project, applying VOC - Voice of Customer, Snake Diagram and SIPOC methodologies, could interact with internal customers about the soft drink bottling processes in aluminum cans, as well as the other processes that interact among themselves and how this industrialization process isinserted in the context of the organization as a whole. After the full implementation of the actions, the objective was met. In comparison with the previous measured period, the analyzed process reduced the average percentage of can losses from 0,53% to 0,26% after the implemented actions, representing a 49% improvement in the loss rate of the process



Six Sigma, Método DMAIC, Redução de perdas, Indústria de bebidas


SANTOS, João Felipe Silva dos. Aplicação da metodologia six sigma e método dmaic para redução no índice de perdas de latas de alumínio em uma indústria de bebidas. Estudo de caso: latax refrigerantes ltda. 73 Folhas. Dissertação do programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistemas e Ambiental (EGPSA), Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), Manaus, 2022.



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