Dissertação PPG.EGPSA
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/3
Item As formas de descarte de agulhas e seringas em época de pandemia da Covid-19 no Sistema de Saúde de Iranduba(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-23) AZEVEDO FILHO, Walter da Cunha; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975Developing evidence-based guidelines to make the disposal of used injection devices safer is the goal of this research. The study was based on a meticulous process of visual observation in a specific vaccination post in the Iranduba City, State of Amazonas, and not on any process used to observe just for observing. The study was motivated by the increased interest in knowing how to dispose of these syringes used in vaccination against covid-19, since the demand for vaccinated individuals is still large compared to other vaccines and, consequently, the number of syringes discarded is also unreasonably large when the same comparison is made. Also through a literature review, we sought to summarize the best evidence-based practices to prevent infections associated with the disposal of injection devices/syringes in inappropriate environments. The development process included, for data collection, an observational analysis of how sanitary supplies were disposed of, used in vaccinations against covid-19 in 2021, in addition to an analysis of the World Health Organization's reference definition ( WHO) and the Ministry of Health of an injection syringe disposal in an appropriate and safe place, from after the immediate use until its final disposal followed by exclusive incineration. A literature review for each of these steps, the formulation of best practices and submission of the preliminary document for review were the steps of this research. At the end of this arduous research, it was conclusively noticeable the wrong and harmful way in which such solid waste was disposed of, since these materials, soon after their use, were allocated, in a collection box, together with other sanitary supplies, perhaps, the latter with the possibility of reuse or recycling, which would bring enormous risks to UBS workers in the face of the risk of infection from covid19.This article only discusses the necessary procedure to control the handling of syringes and needles already used in vaccination against covid-19.