Dissertação PPG.EGPSA
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/3
Item Modelo de previsão do KPI confiabilidade em um grupo de máquinas de combustão interna utilizando técnicas de redes neurais artificiais em usinas termoelétricas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-07) SILVA, Ítalo Rodrigo Soares; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisThe unavailability of equipment in thermoelectric plants for any reason becomes a risk of the entrepreneur, who as a consequence bears even greater losses with a high cost of machines stopped, in addition to the penalties sanctioned and provided by law, based on this assumption the maintenance programs are methodologies that aim to contribute with techniques and tools to mitigate this problem, however, However, only the use of maintenance programs are not enough, thus, this research aims to develop an Engine Reliability Prediction Algorithm, capable of predicting the Reliability Key Performance Indicator, with the purpose of indicating the probability of the equipment to operate in a pre-defined space of time, as the object of study has a group of internal combustion machines of Thermoelectric Power Plants. In view of this, the research meets the objectives of cataloging the significant variables for the prediction model; analyze twelve ANN training algorithms, considering the supervised learning approach, where the number of neurons, hidden layers, and activation functions are performance requirements of the network; To develop the prediction model for the reliability of the motor group, where the training algorithms are validated using the best model stopping criterion; to find the best network performance based on Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Linear Regression, and Best Model stopping criterion; and finally, to simulate the cataloged failure data in order to analyze the technical state of the motor group with the best model. The innovation of the research is characterized by the computational methods of data processing by using: optimization methods, iterative and heuristic, characterizing the use of artificial intelligence techniques to predict the reliability in days and months, in addition, it is used predictive maintenance indicators as: Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), Availability and Reliability. To analyze the results of this research, a set of twenty load generation units was used as parameters for investigating the frequency of failures, the twelve training algorithms were applied, with a combination between the activation functions: Sigmoid, Linear and Hyperbolic Tangent, the research results show that the techniques of Levenberg-Marquardt and Bayesian Regularization showed 100% correlation between the output and simulated variables, characterizing the efficiency in predicting in days and months.Item Modelo híbrido com redes neurais artificiais e algoritmos evolucionários para otimização do consumo de combustível em embarcações que utilizam motor de combustão interna a diesel(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-07-27) SIQUEIRA JUNIOR, Paulo Oliveira; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisThe waterway transport is the main means of locomotion in the North Region, feeding cities through boats, speedboats, ships and ferries with the transport of goods and/or passengers. However, one of the problems of this modality of transport is the cost of supply, considering that the lack of technologies/resources that allow or facilitate a strategic vision of the business is a reality. The flow of passenger transport concentrates an average turnover of 9 million people, while the cargo transport with approximately 3 million, both distributed throughout the northern region. This fact characterizes a considerable demand in the water transportation sector, bringing to light the perspective of this research to study methods of analysis and support for decision making on the basis of fuel consumption. This dissertation aims to present the results about the development of an optimization model of fuel consumption considering the optimal speed for small vessels that operate on a regular basis in the Manaus River Port. In view of this, the research meets the objectives of mapping the variables related to the specifications of the vessel and engine to be analyzed, present the methods and results about the development of the computational hybrid model for optimization of fuel consumption when considering as a parameter of regulation the optimal speed for minimizing the predictor variable and the distance of the projected path for 3 scenarios: Manaus to Itacoatiara, Manaus to Barcelos and Manaus to Parintins, determine by statistical error analysis the best model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) when considering number of neurons, hidden layers, activation functions (hyperbolic Tangent, Sigmoid and Linear) and training algorithm being the latter 12 possibilities each with different objectives and convergence strategies, To test the hybrid model analyzing the performance of 3 optimization algorithms (Particle Swarm, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing) as a function of computational cost and error rate in each generation of elites, and finally, to present the simulation results of the 3 scenarios mentioned above when using the hybrid model with the winning algorithm as a function of the requirements mentioned above. To analyze the results provided by the simulations, scenarios and tests for the acquisition of thebest models, the statistical techniques of Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Normalized Root Mean Squared Error (NRMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) were used, the data regarding the vessel were acquired through meetings and interviews with experts (vessel owner) to formalize a specific database for the study delimited in this dissertation, 12 training algorithms were used to choose the best ANN, according to the results the Levenberg-Marquardt presented 100% correlation between the output variables and the Particle Swarm obtained the lowest computational cost in relation to the others proving the effectiveness of the computational hybrid model.Item Modelo híbrido utilizando holt-winters e rede neural não linear autoregressiva com entradas exógenas (narx) para previsão da velocidade do vento(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-07-27) PARENTE, Ricardo Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188The wind energy matrix is gradually increasing in recent years and its importance for the renewable energy industry is increasingly linked to the benefits in relation to the environment, with this growing energy matrix the research around the wind power generation is also increasing, and one of the strands is the wind speed prediction, because with this it is possible to predict the wind power generation and decrease the error rate in decision making in the industry of electricity generation through wind power matrix. Considering the problem of decision making and the unpredictability of wind speed, this paper aims to develop a hybrid model for wind speed prediction and consequently wind power generation, based on HoltWinters Exponential Smoothing and Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Neural Network with Exogenous Inputs (NARX). In the materials and methods, the database of the SONDA project (System of National Organization of Environmental Data) organized by INPE (National Institute for Space Research) was used, in which it was chosen to use the anemometric data from the station of Brasilia - BRB and Petrolina - PTR, where data from the years February 2005 to March 2019 of the BRB station were used for training, validation and testing, and from January 2006 to December 2015 of the PTR station for simulations of the HW, NARX and proposed model. The results obtained with the proposed hybrid HW-NARX model were compared with the HW and NARX seasonal time series forecasting algorithms, in which the proposed model was able to achieve better performance and predictability results than HW and NARX for the ultra-short-term, medium-term, and long-term time horizons.Item Redes neurais artificiais para predição da geração de acetaldeído na resina pet no processo de injeção de pré-formas de embalagens plásticas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-09-21) NASCIMENTO, Mauro Reis; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThe industrial production of preforms for the manufacture of PET bottles, during the plastic injection process, is essential to regulate the temperature of the PET resin drying Silo, to control the generation of Acetaldehyde (ACH), which in high concentrations alters the flavor of carbonated or non-carbonated beverages, giving a citrus flavor to the beverage and casting doubt on the quality of packaged products. In this work, several configurations of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN's) for the Feedforward type are simulated in the specification of an ANN model to predict the formation of Acetaldehyde from the evaluation of the parameters of the PET packaging preform manufacturing process, generating information to support decision-making on optimal silo temperature control in PET resin drying, enabling specialists to make the necessary regulation decisions to lower ACH levels. The materials and methods were applied according to the manufacturer's characteristics on the moisture in the grain of the PET resin, which may contain between 50 ppm and 100 ppm of ACH, and for the analysis of the methods, data were collected, according to the temperatures and times of residence used in the blow injection process in the manufacture of the bottle preform, the generation of ACH from the PET bottle after the solid post-condensation step reached residual ACH levels lower than (3-4) ppm, as per the desired specification, reaching levels below 1 ppm. The results were found through simulations of Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques applied by ANNs, where they enabled the prediction of ACH levels generated in the plastic injection process of the preform of bottle packaging, allowing an effective management of the production parameters, helping in strategic decision making regarding the use of temperature control during the drying process of PET resin.Item Modelo de compostagem com a reutilização de resíduos orgânicos em escola rural(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-11-10) SIMÕES, Natália Cristina Bezerra de Alencar; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deSchool institutions are producers of organic waste as a result of the daily consumption of school meals and inadequate disposal has become a problem for the Environment. Given this scenario, the project proposed the reuse of organic substances, avoiding their incorrect disposal. Therefore, the feasibility of the low-cost composting model, reusing material from school meals, generating humus, became viable for the production of fertilizer, enabling the implementation of vegetable gardens in rural schools. The research aimed to develop a composting model for schools through the reuse of organic waste, contributing to the correct disposal of waste from schools and fulfilled the other objectives by conducting a low-cost production of substances humic and mineral nutrients in the creation of gardens; prepare a Manual with guidelines for the correct and sustainable management of composting and the school garden and implement the garden system through the composting process using organic waste from the school. The work was a case study with on-site visits, having as a method the manufacture of composters, the preparation of the school garden, socioeducational lectures and the creation of a manual with instructions for the correct handling of food leftovers. The research results demonstrated the effectiveness and importance of composting for the reuse of organic food and fertilizer in school gardens. The proposed project raised the interest of students and teachers in environmental education at school and in changing their behavior in view of the need to preserve the environment.https://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/41.listelement.badge O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos como instrumento de sustentabilidade em denominações protestantes(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-12-15) SILVA, Marcelo Guedes da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062Nowadays, there is a worldwide concern about issues related to the environment and one of the biggest environmental problems caused are generated by inadequate solid waste management of such waste and the lack of society's involvement. The present work deals with the management in Protestant Christian religious institutions, which are also producers of solid waste from them and, therefore, deserve to be studied scientifically, in order to answer the following guiding question: Solid waste management in Protestant Christian institutions in the city of Manaus asserts itself as an effective instrument for the concept of sustainability? The main objective of this work is to evaluate how Protestant Christian religious institutions act in the management of solid waste, identifying if these institutions do any kind of management of this generated waste, in order to monitor how it is done using quality management tools, methodology and analysis of the results achieved. The applied methodology will be descriptive, through observation, registration, analysis and correlation of the object or facts under study, however, without manipulating them. With the information collected from selected churches in all areas of the city, in equal quantity, through a practical form and checklist based on the National Solid Waste Policy, it will be possible to build a DMAIC framework and sequentially apply the GUT tool, to notes of the most urgent problems. The results of these notes will be put into the PDCA cycle for improvement planning and, finally, the 5W2H will be used to propose improvements, which will facilitate observation, data collection and analysis of the information obtained. The survey results showed a great possibility of these Christian communities to serve as environmental schools, and that if carried out, could bring a real mass awareness of society, thanks to its enormous scope.Item Análise do inventário de emissões de gases do efeito estufa em uma indústria de beneficiamento de papel fotográfico na cidade de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-01-25) MAGALHÃES, Edfran da Cruz; SILVA, Simone daIn Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM), the photographic paper processing industry is unrepresentative and is classified as a Chemical Industry. This type of photographic industry has environmental aspects in its production processes, maintenance and administrative support, including those processes that only benefit the photographic papers already emulsified, transforming them into sizes and formats necessary for later use in photo printing laboratories. From this perspective, the problem investigated in this dissertation was limited to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in scope 1 (direct emissions) and 2 (indirect emissions), using the Protocol of the Brazilian GHG Protocol (PBGHGP), thus enabling the inventory of data and the estimation of total GHG emissions in a PIM industry of finishing photographic paper and in operations to which this industry has operational control. The combination of these methodological strategies was designed in order to provide a more complete discussion of the theme addressed in this research As a result of the analysis it was found that the main source of GHG is derived from the refrigeration system in the consumption of R410A refrigerant gas and that the control and/or management of these gases are possible to be adopted, because the industry has an implemented environmental management system capable of managing this environmental aspect and reducing the environmental impact of GHG emissions, responsibly fulfilling its social role.Item Sistemas embarcados para eficiência energética de ambientes climatizados(Instituto de Educação e Tecnologia Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-01-31) CASTRO, Hilton Barros de; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317The consumption of electricity grows as technology advances, as this, almost entirely depends on the power of some energy source, the increase in this consumption causes positive impacts, but also negative ones, one of them is due to the high cost of the energy. resources, the reduction of medical resources education in Brazil makes institutions look for a clinic to reduce expenses and one is, to be able to use efficiency in the consumption of electricity. This work aims to reduce the consumption of electricity, increase the duration of climate control devices and improve thermal comfort, to reduce cost resources, the air conditioning was developed for a computerized system, to control the temperature in the environments, the use of sensors to adjust the temperature of the people and the environment, to train the access of people and, communication and control of the devices that air conditioning the environment. After the implementation of this technology in the proposed environments, the system began to regulate the air system(s), seeking to compensate for a temperature different from the temperature of the air conditioning device by the user, based on the set. Of sensors and, end the activity of the device when there are no people in the environment as well as initiating a user to enter the place.Item Sistema de Simulação Computacional para Implantação de Melhorias em Processos Industriais(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-02-14) CASTRO, Diego Alexandre de Lima; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317The evolution of technology is fundamental to the development of society, its benefits bring comfort, time savings, and speed to solve everyday problems. In 2022 the use of industrialized products such as televisions, cell phones, air conditioners, and automobiles is indispensable; however, this acceleration in the consumption of industrialized products challenges industries to improve their manufacturing processes, in view of the constant adaptation of their processes by the emergence of new products. In order to avoid losses, companies seek to minimize problems during the implementation of new layouts with computer simulation. Therefore, this research aims to show the use of computer simulation in the development of improvements in industrialized processes. The applied materials and methods were obtained through process data collection, interviews with collaborators, bottleneck identification, analysis, and simulation of the new layout model using the PLANT SIMULATION T15 software. For the viability of the research, regarding records and observations, the confidentiality of the name of the company being studied was required. With the growing increase in sales of air conditioners, the company in question increased its production capacity from 1490 units per day, to 1800 units. Eight workstations were identified that will be modified, which are: Compressor, Thermal Blanket, Compressor Cover, Gas Charging, Voltage Test, Functional Test, Packaging and Labeling. The new proposal is to implement a new layout in addition to the use of automation, machines and industrial robots. The results of the research show that the computer simulation techniques brought predictability to problems that once identified can be solved before being implemented. After implementation of the proposed simulated model, new measurements were made, where the results were satisfactory, reaching the goal of 1800 units per day, reinterpreting the importance of using computer simulation in industrial processes.Item Lógica fuzzy aplicada na análise ergonômica de trabalho na industria automobilistica para tomada de decisão(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-02-14) PINTO, Leandro Soares; LEITE, Jandecy CabralErgonomics have proved to be increasingly important for industrial processes around the world. The evolution of machines and various work equipment. Therefore, it is extremely important to make a comprehensive reading of the workstations and ergonomic analysis tools. The objective of this research is an application of the technological resources of fuzzy logic in the results found in the Ergonomic Analysis of Work (AET) in seven jobs in the automotive industry of the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM). The methodology was applied to an ergonomic tool using the Suzanne Rodgers method and in the mathematical models characterized by fuzzy inference for decision making on the various disorders that occur with the health of the employee. Data from the Sune Rodgers ergonomic tool and other observations at the workstations will be tabulated and serve as an application for a fuzzy application through modeling in fuzz logic, fuzzization engine and base fuzzization with a mathematical risk output variable in nuclei. Therefore, it is useful to make a comparison and be able to contest the importance of ergonomic processes for the benefit of the worker in the automotive industry for decision making.Item Uso de ferramentas computacionais e de qualidade na melhoria de design de monitores de LCD(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03-07) SILVA, Ronildo Souza da; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317Companies all over the world aim to launch a considerable amount of new products every year. During this process, project failures and design problems are often detected. In this context, this study aims to scientifically explore the events that occurred during the implementation of a new LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitor product, where its functionality, appearance, quality, and cost are considered satisfactory; however, its design had a negative impact on the mass production process and presented a great need for improvement. The research then sought to understand the causes of the problem and apply some solutions, especially for the biggest defect found in the project: infiltration of adhesive inside the joystick button actuation mechanism. The applied methodology was developed through action research, which meant an active role in the analysis of the problem and development of solutions within the research environment and used quality tools (PDCA, Ishikawa and Kaizen) and parameters of the fuzzy logic tools (linguistic variables, fuzzyfication, Inference rules and defuzzification). As the result, the organization obtained several benefits, such as reducing the defect rate from 20% to less than 3%, reducing costs with spare parts and repair service, and increasing quality and productivity indicators. There was also an impact on product costs, with probable savings with the implementation of the improvement estimated to be around R$ 16 million in a six-month period. Considering these factors, this work produced the desired effects on its object of study in a satisfactory way.Item Análise do Manejo dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde: Um Estudo de Caso em um Hospital Universitário de Manaus/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03-16) SILVA, Maria do Carmo Costa; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975It is dissertation aims to analyze the current process of management and treatment of health service residues of the Hospital University Getúlio Vargas (HUGV). For this, the following specific objectives were traced: identify the current generation and segregation locations of Health Service Waste (RSS) generated; analize the proceed of segregation, packaging and treatment currently carried out in RSS; and relate the current RSS management with hospital cost for the treatment and final disposition. For better deepening in the research object, it was based on expert in studies on the environment, health service waste, supporting mainly in: Gomes (et al, 2015), Oliveira (et al, 2018) and Ventura (et al, 2012). For this work, to examine the process of waste management and expose the possible environments, it was necessary to discuss the legislation in force, such as: Law 6.938/81, which deals with the National Environmental Policy, Resolution 222/20118, which updates the management of health waste, a new Revision of 306/2004; Law 12.305/2010 establishing the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS). The research, this is a case study of quantitative/ qualitative, exploratory descriptive, on the HUGV Waste Management Plan. In data collection, the following instruments were used: the interview and observation. The information was collected through the Observational Route of the Current Flow and the construction of the script based in the RDC 222/2018. Consistently, the results obtained show that the hospital cost with waste treatment is directly related to the management of RSS. With this, it was concluded that the management process in the hospital is not fully in accordance with current legislation, and that this nonconformity has as a consequence the high cost for the final treatment and destination of PGRSS, the hospital. The research makes a relevant contribution to HUGV, with suggestions for proposals for improvements in the management work of RSS.Item Os impactos socioambientais causados pela exigência do cadastro ambiental rural aos agricultores familiares do Estado do Amazonas em 2019(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03-29) PAIVA, Ana Paula Cardoso Queiroz de; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6915958689972413Environmental issues continue to be on the growth agenda around the world. A large part of global concerns is focused on the Amazon, even if it leaves aside the entire human contingent that inhabits this space, as Amazonian family farmers do. Usually, it is disregarded that the conservation of this ecosystem depends essentially on the human beings that live here. Therefore, this territory's management must create and implement mechanisms and instruments capable of promoting sustainable rural development in the region, bringing together social and environmental interests, which must be done through the laws. For this convergence, the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) was created as an instrument for implementing sustainable rural public policies. This study investigates the socio-environmental impacts caused by the CAR requirement on family farmers living in rural areas of the state of Amazonas in 2019. Hypothetical-deductive and scientific-technological methods were used, and bibliographic surveys, documents, and interviews with professionals who work in the registration of these farmers. The results showed that 1) the filling failures hampered the validation of the CAR and that, therefore, an operational procedure must be created to enable its execution, 2) the group of Amazonian family farmers is predominantly made up of men, married, with low education, squatters and who develop subsistence activities, 3) the lack of environmental licensing and the restriction of access to resources intended for rural credit were the significant socio-environmental impacts caused in 2019 and that 4) the implementation of the operational procedure proposed in this study for registration of the CAR can alleviate the conflicts of overlapping registered registries, which will benefit family farmers and similar populations, guardians of these areas. The conclusion reaffirms that the simplified character attributed to federal and state legislation was not enough to make the CAR feasible for Amazonian family farmers in 2019 without causing them significant socio-environmental impacts.Item Metodologia para Análise e Gerenciamento de Riscos de Estoque em Mercados de Pequeno Porte(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-04-04) LEANDRO, Aurélio Paulo; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062Visual Basic for Application (VBA) programming, when used in an Excel programming environment, is an important tool in determining inventory classification risks, as well as an excellent option in view of the current situation of scarcity of classification optimization assessment. inventory risks. This work has as objective to contribute to the development of programming for an application in VBA - Excel, with the ability to classify inventory risks, capable of delivering data and assertive answers, according to the concepts established within the organization. To achieve this objective, bibliographic research was developed in conjunction with a case study carried out with small and medium-sized companies in the city of Manaus, AM. The theoretical framework of the work is being developed in chapters, which addressed issues relevant to the theme and proposed objectives, such as: Inventory Management, Inventories, IT application in inventory management and VBA programming. In methodological terms, the research is classified as experimentalist, allowing the achievement of qualitative type results. The research results have been shown to be satisfactory in terms of achieving the objectives of developing a schedule for inventory risk classification, modeling and data compilation. It is hoped that this research can contribute to foster discussion about the proposed theme and serve as a technical-theoretical framework for practical application for users and programmers in the solver and VBA tools.Item Relação entre meio ambiente e as pandemias(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-04-19) SILVA, Maria Eurilene da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062In late 2019, one of the biggest pandemics of our time, with the power to completely shut down cities, was revealed. This is Sars-cov-2, which spreads very quickly and is transmitted through the air. The Coronavirus is nothing new to the world and warnings about the risk of pandemics have existed for many years, such as that of the 2013 epidemic, made by the WHO (World Health Organization) at a time when there was already alarm about the potential of this virus to cause outbreaks. Pandemics are nothing new to humanity. They were present at different times in history, and this paper aims to present the link between pandemics and disturbances of the natural environment, with emphasis on zoonoses. Some pandemics and their consequences will be briefly exposed, pointing out parallels between them. The study was carried out through the analysis of scientific articles within the specified topic in journals with a high level of reliability, seeking to understand this phenomenon and how to face them. This paper was written while the world was going through the Sars-cov-19 pandemic and was evolving together with the discoveries made day by day by the scientific world. Goals were defined for this paper, such as studying zoonoses and their forms of transmission, analyzing the human factor and how it impacts the environment, and pointing out solutions to solve these problems. This literature review concludes that when humans invade the natural environment and destroy existing relationships in this place, diseases transmitted from animals or from the environment itself can arise, which may or may not cause new pandemics through zoonoses.Item Educação Ambiental: os 3r’s (três erres) no primeiro Ano do Ensino Fundamental(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-03) SILVA, Mey Ling da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062We can observe that, at present, the social body suffers from the dilemma of the excess of the inadequate corollary creation of solid waste. This excessive amount of waste has been worrisome because, if not properly collected and disposed of, it causes serious consequences to health and the environment. Thus, the reluctance of the non-management of solid waste is numerous and includes environmental, economic, social, and health aspects. In this scenario, it is clear that waste cannot be completely eliminated; however, it is possible to decrease it by reducing the amount of waste and recycling as much as possible. It is true that the contemporary world is characterized by an almost constant state of crisis, however, to recycle or reuse has the sense to restrain what is used, to limit waste and residues, to protect the environment, to conserve and defend the ecosystem. For this, there is a need to moderate this expressed consumption, not only to use what is necessary, but also to reuse what is possible. The optics of the concept of the "3R's" reduce, reuse, and recycle aims to contain the ecosystemic shock with the applicability of the reduction and awareness about the amount of products that are consumed, thus minimizing the waste of materials and waste generation. In this reality, the reuse of products and objects avoids exacerbated consumption and the extraction of raw materials. The recycling of solid residues reuses these inputs and increases their useful life. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize education, as an agent of change, for the development of people into informed and active citizens. In view of the above, the objective of this work was to observe the perception of children in the first year of elementary school about the environment in order to raise awareness in a critical and reflective way about how we relate to each other and how we can improve our environment through the reduction and reuse of waste. The concept of the three Rs in this case study was used, therefore, to clarify and promote reflection about excessive shopping, the reuse of what would go to waste such as cans, cardboard, bottles among others, and finally, to offer the possibility of converting items no longer used into other creations. This study contributed to the awareness and preservation of the environment and its didactic-pedagogical sequence promoted progressions in the visuomotor, motor, motor, playful, affective, and critical-reflexive aspects to promote the acquisition and strengthening of skills and abilities.Item Conhecimento de Profissionais de Saúde sobre Gestão de Resíduos em tempos de Pandemia pela COVID-19: Estudo de caso no Hospital Federal Universitário Getúlio Vargas em Manaus-AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-07) SILVA, Pollyana da Conceição Andrade; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975Introduction: The lack of adequate knowledge about health service waste management (RSS) can generate local damage, such as the occurrence of biological accidents with contamination of co-workers or even patients, in addition to having a long-term impact on the environment. Where these wastes are disposed of. Training on the SSR Management Plan (PGRSS) is one of the processes implemented in health institutions that aims to reduce such impacts, however, what is the knowledge in fact that has been absorbed by health professionals in relation to this process? Aim: To analyze the knowledge of health professionals about waste management in times of a pandemic by COVID-19. Materials and Methods: This is a clinical, observational, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive study. The study population of interest consisted of 55 health professionals working at the Federal University Hospital Getulio Vargas in Manaus. The study included individuals who: are health care professionals at the institution of interest; were over 18 years old; accepted to participate in the study and signed the free and informed consent form; excluded from the study: health professionals who were not specifically working with COVID-19. To collect data from this study, forms with virtual application were used, aiming at practicality and ensuring social distance. The data were analyzed using the GraphPad Prism Software, version 22. Initially, the analysis was performed to define the normal distribution of the data, then parametric and/or nonparametric comparisons and correlations were performed to analyze the objectives of the study. The results were grouped in mean and standard deviation, and represented in descriptive frequency tables. This study followed the ethical precepts of Resolution 196/96 of the Ministry of Health, which aims at autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice, among other rights of the research participant, by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form. The expected risks of the study were minimal, and all were carefully managed to best serve the participants.Item As formas de descarte de agulhas e seringas em época de pandemia da Covid-19 no Sistema de Saúde de Iranduba(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-23) AZEVEDO FILHO, Walter da Cunha; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975Developing evidence-based guidelines to make the disposal of used injection devices safer is the goal of this research. The study was based on a meticulous process of visual observation in a specific vaccination post in the Iranduba City, State of Amazonas, and not on any process used to observe just for observing. The study was motivated by the increased interest in knowing how to dispose of these syringes used in vaccination against covid-19, since the demand for vaccinated individuals is still large compared to other vaccines and, consequently, the number of syringes discarded is also unreasonably large when the same comparison is made. Also through a literature review, we sought to summarize the best evidence-based practices to prevent infections associated with the disposal of injection devices/syringes in inappropriate environments. The development process included, for data collection, an observational analysis of how sanitary supplies were disposed of, used in vaccinations against covid-19 in 2021, in addition to an analysis of the World Health Organization's reference definition ( WHO) and the Ministry of Health of an injection syringe disposal in an appropriate and safe place, from after the immediate use until its final disposal followed by exclusive incineration. A literature review for each of these steps, the formulation of best practices and submission of the preliminary document for review were the steps of this research. At the end of this arduous research, it was conclusively noticeable the wrong and harmful way in which such solid waste was disposed of, since these materials, soon after their use, were allocated, in a collection box, together with other sanitary supplies, perhaps, the latter with the possibility of reuse or recycling, which would bring enormous risks to UBS workers in the face of the risk of infection from covid19.This article only discusses the necessary procedure to control the handling of syringes and needles already used in vaccination against covid-19.Item Perspectiva da educação ambiental no ensino fundamental: um estudo de caso(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-27) JANUÁRIO, Caroline Araújo da Costa; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6915958689972413Although it is a topic considered relevant, the environment is still treated in an insufficient and ineffective manner at school. Environmental legislation is a powerful ally in the care and preservation of the environment, in addition to providing the necessary information on the duties and rights of individuals regarding this very important topic, however, few people have access to this type of information, which makes it more difficult to educate citizens with environmental awareness and responsibility. Therefore, after some meetings with educators and students, a didactic and functional booklet will be developed, with easy-to-understand language, with the aim of introducing environmental legislation and its main aspects in elementary education, in an attempt to train knowledgeable citizens of their duties and rights to the environment, in addition to favoring the dialogue at home, with parents, permeate issues such as environmental legislation, and sanctions in case of noncompliance, thus disseminating the knowledge acquired. For the creation of the booklet to be possible, some visits will be made for dialogue and lecture with educators and a meeting with students to carry out the study of Environmental Law, with the help of the material that will be manufactured. The level of satisfaction and effectiveness with the executed project will be evaluated after a debate with the students, who will be much more aware and concerned with the legislation that protects the environment.Item Procedimentos de boas práticas para gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos do ambulatório médico do Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo.(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-07-05) PINHEIRO, João Carlos da Costa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0302572441325646To reduce the risk to health and the environment in the handling of hazardous health waste, it is necessary to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the management of Health Services Waste (RSS) that includes ensuring correct disposal practices and packaging of waste. hospital. It is pointed out that the general objective is to develop a procedure of good practices and solid waste management in public and private health units. It is mentioned that the specific objectives are: to characterize the Health Services Residues (RSS) of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo; to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the management of Waste from Health Services (RSS) at Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo for the outpatient sector; implement the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the management of Waste from Health Services (RSS) to the employees of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo; and analyze the results of improvements after the implementation of the SOPs. The methodology applied regarding the approach is qualitative-quantitative data, of the descriptive type, and the research procedures are a case study of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Farjado (HIDF). All the necessary information was collected to be able to develop the proposed objectives, the solid waste of the HIDF, making it possible to identify the types and classification of solid hospital waste, as established by the RSS of groups A, B, and E are the main waste collected in the health unit children and are potentially dangerous as they pose a risk to the health of HIDF staff and patients. The research also elaborated and presented an SOP of the management of RSS of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo for the outpatient sector. The document consists of information such as Classification of waste; Symbology; Packaging; Collection and Transport; Internal Management Flow of RSS; Recommended treatments for health waste; Risks associated with accidents; and Health and safety recommendations at work in a health unit. Such data are essential for building meaningful knowledge among all people, including staff and patients, about the risks of HSR. The implementation of the SOP on the management of RSS to the employees of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo took place in September, in which the employees will obtain essential knowledge since the safe management of waste protects the hospital staff, the public and the local environment. Finally, the handling of hospital waste in the HIDF was not carried out in accordance with the hospital waste management plan, presenting poor segregation, transport, storage, and disposal of waste, which led to two occupational accidents with exposure to biological material in the outpatient sector. Thus, the implementation of the SOP will improve organizational behavior, generating new perceptions, attitudes, skills, and abilities of the professionals involved, also modifying the work environment.