Dissertação PPG.EGPSA
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/3
Item A agenda 2030 e o alcance do objetivo de desenvolvimento sustentável 6, água limpa e saneamento básico, no Brasil e no Amazonas: análise da meta 6.1 e 6.2. 2022(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-09-15) ALMEIDA, Simone Bessa; SILVA, Edson Pablo da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7223548333736671Environmental and social problems are becoming increasingly serious, and these are the fruits of models and measures of economic growth and development that do not pay attention to the sustainability that has been gaining more and more space in global debates. Therefore, it is necessary to find tools that go beyond the strictly economic perspective, in addition to considering environmental and social issues. Therefore, it is seen that as society becomes more rigid and attentive to socio-environmental issues, the government is pressured to revise and modify procedures. Environmental management practices and corporate responsibility have become important means of seeking greater competitiveness in the commercial arena. At the same time, the member states of the United Nations (UN) approved Agenda 2030 in September 2015. This includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and recommends that all stakeholders such as governments, private sectors, academia, civil society, and citizens - take coordinated global action to solve the world's most pressing problems by 2030. In this case, the Sustainable Development Goals can be a very useful tool for countries, as they cover a wide range of issues related to global sustainable development (such as poverty, health, education, climate change, and environmental degradation). The general objective of this work is to analyze the importance of agenda 2030 and evaluate one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Sustainable Development Goal 6 that provides for ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all SDG 6 and its relationship to the achievement of targets 6.1 and 6.2 in Brazil and the State of Amazonas. To this end, we conducted bibliographic research and data collection on the websites and documents of the main organizations that address the content of the United Nations Agenda 2030 in Brazil and worldwide.Item A gestão de resíduo no brasil e implicações das técnicas mais aplicadas no processo de gerenciamento(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-09-14) VIANA, Claudenilson dos Santos; SILVA, Edson Pablo da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7223548333736671One of the great contemporary challenges for modern societies is the high volumes of solid waste generation, a result of the high levels of population growth and economic development experienced by several countries in recent decades. In this context, this work aimed to investigate aspects of waste generation in Brazil and the main waste management techniques that are reported in the literature. The methodology used comprises a literature review, where recent works were used in order to expose the current scenario of the Brazilian context, as well as waste management techniques used more widely. Through the information collected, it was possible to notice that Brazil has a high generation of waste, with about 216 tons per day throughout the national territory. In Brazil, the most used form of management refers to the use of sanitary landfills, however, landfills require complex management, in addition to a grandiose strip of land. In this way, solutions such as incineration can contribute to waste management both in Brazil and in the world, since it considerably reduces the volume of waste. Other alternatives reported in this study include bioremediation, recycling and composting. It is also noteworthy that recycling, despite being a highly effective method, leads to severe contamination problems, which makes the plants need to have strict controls for cleaning and care, avoiding the contamination of employees. Finally, several measures can be adopted, but they must consider the context in which cities and the respective State are located, aiming to obtain lower costs and greater efficiency.Item A Importância da gestão do processo de compras e a comunicação com as demais áreas empresariais integradas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-24) CHAVES, Jesus de Alencar; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188In the current context of extreme competitiveness, companies should redirect their efforts to a good service capacity, with a high level of service and the lowest possible total cost. The entire logistics process represents a decisive factor in the company's activity, and the management of purchases in the acquisition of materials and services should be aligned with the strategic objectives of the company as a whole, acting in an integrated manner with the other sectors, in addition to exposing actions guarded by the compliance area to avoid ethical and moral deviations, protecting Corporate Governance. The adequacy of integrity models that meet the rules that comply with current laws has become fundamental in the management of organizations as a strategic way. Therefore, the objective of this study is the implementation of a process model of application of the compliance program and the security of information and data of the company, for this purpose one must identify the main tools necessary for the compliance program and show the application of the compliance mechanism in the organizational scope, that is of fundamental importance for the acceptance of products or services in the market where they operate, as well as business continuity. The study began with the problem that the failure of communication in the company during internal and external changes can negatively affect the company's results and the conduct of employees. For this, the Inductive Method was elected and thus used a strategic tool such as SWOT analysis, a 5W2H activity mapping tool and PDCA action plan. Thus, the present study can be considered exploratory, of an applied and qualitative nature, in two aspects, bibliographic research and case study. The Research will be by observation and comparison with bibliographic research through a sample of facts identified in the company and reports of employees from various departments, of facts already occurred. Data collection was through meeting and interviewing with the professionals of the companies, reporting on the importance of the theme. We sought to know how to improve communication between the purchasing department with the other departments of the company and with the companies that maintain relationships. The results showed the main tools and compliance mechanism, proposing actions that can be used in practice with the purpose of providing a broad view of the operation of the proposed model, with transparency and ethics, thus increasing the competitiveness of the business.Item A importância do meio ambiente no cotidiano escolar: trabalhando metodologias ativas com alunos surdos(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-07) LIMA, Hellen Leite; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317Initially it is considered relevant to inform that this study aims to present an analysis of the main active methodologies used in the education of deaf students in elementary school, having as assumption of the theme, The Environment in Everyday School and its Active Methodologies. The student is stimulated to assume an active and responsible posture in his learning process, seeking self-regulation and meaningful learning. This learning involves methods and techniques that stimulate student-teacher and student-student interaction, materials and didactic resources, and almost always bets on learning in a collaborative environment, leading the student to take responsibility for the construction of his knowledge. Based on this premise, we will present the results and discussions of a qualitative and quantitative research. Moreover, we will expand our information by conducting a field research through observations and semistructured interviews relevant to our study, based on experiences with deaf students in a state school in Manaus. Therefore, we will present some active methodologies, among which is Recycle, Reuse and Reduce solid waste. It was found that the methodologies used are oriented according to the theories of child-centered learning. In this context, it is essential to invest in the deaf student and in his identification, thus providing the referral to appropriate services for the stimulation and development of this learner. Based on the evaluation of the results obtained by the applicability of environmental issues in daily school life, and the use of active methodologies, propose a new method of study for the training of deaf students. We sought to clarify what is the best way to work the active methodologies in the training of the deaf subject. It was found that the use of active methodologies motivates students and directs them to seek information in order to solve problems and promote their own development, making them realize that the new learning is a necessary and significant tool to expand their possibilities and paths. We conclude that the process of teaching and learning with deaf students still lacks opportunities for relevant research, aiming at the adoption of new techniques that favor learning at better levels of qualification to the child.Item A proteção ambiental como princípio da gestão pública: uma análise sob a perspectiva do direito administrativo(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Edinaldo Inocêncio; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisEnvironmental protection in public management in the state of Amazonas plays a central role in conserving natural resources and biodiversity, given the global importance of the Amazon region. This study investigated the effectiveness of environmental protection policies implemented in the state, employing a methodological approach based on literature review and document analysis. The objectives included analyzing the application and outcomes of these policies, identifying gaps and challenges in sustainable management, and proposing strategic recommendations to improve practices. Additionally, the cases of the Belo Monte and Balbina hydroelectric plants were examined, highlighting their environmental impacts and implications for public policy formulation in the Amazon region. The findings revealed significant progress but also exposed structural and operational deficiencies, such as ineffective enforcement and poor coordination across governance levels. The proposed recommendations aim to align economic development with environmental preservation, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable public management framework. This research also emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary and participatory approaches to addressing socio-environmental challenges, ensuring a sustainable future for the Amazon and its populations. Moreover, it offers valuable insights that may serve as a reference for other regions facing similar environmental challenges.Item A transformação digital e os avanços tecnológicos na Zona Franca de Manaus: impactos e desafios da implementação da Indústria 4.0 em direção à Sociedade 5.0(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) VALE, Rosangela Victor do; GUIMARÃES, Gil EduardoThe implementation of Industry 4.0 principles in the Manaus Free Trade Zone represents a significant opportunity to boost industrial competitiveness and sustainable development in the region. By integrating technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence, and automation, local companies can improve their production processes, increase operational efficiency, and reduce costs. However, for this transformation to be effective, continuous investment in workforce training, technological innovation, and digital infrastructure is essential, preparing the region for the challenges of the global economy. The transition to Society 5.0, focusing on creating an economy centered on human needs, offers a promising outlook for the Manaus Free Trade Zone. The combination of advanced technologies with a humanized approach allows the region to not only increase its industrial competitiveness but also contribute to the creation of a more balanced socioeconomic model. This dissertation investigates how the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the Manaus Industrial Hub can facilitate the transition to Society 5.0, promoting industrial efficiency, technological innovation, and improvements in the quality of life of the local population.Item A utilização de um modelo fuzzy integrado à gestão de estoque em empresas do ramo eletroeletrônico(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-02) CARVALHO, Monteiro, Adler Matos; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798Inventory management is a practice of fundamental importance for the success of companies in the most varied segments. Companies that operate with low levels of profitability depend on efficient inventory management, under penalty of losing competitiveness. Efficient inventory maintenance is not characterized by the existence of large batches of products for prompt customer service or, on the contrary, by the lack of inventories in an attempt to minimize maintenance costs. Inventories must be managed in a balanced way to ensure an adequate level of service to customers and generate profits. This work aimed to develop a Fuzzy model for stock management of an organization, to reduce the lack of material in stock, resulting from the "lead time". The work is justified by the importance of having a management monitoring the control of inventory costs, which includes the expenses resulting from the lack of items, the costs related to the replacement of the stock, and the expenses of a stopped stock. To accomplish this, it was necessary to map the Material Purchasing Process and thus identify which were the most significant variables in inventory management. The use of Fuzzy Logic, idealized for a model like this, is to reach an inventory level close to zero, immediately before physical replacement, thus minimizing unnecessary costs. Therefore, experimental research aims to manipulate and control the research variables. The application of the developed model shows that the evaluation of Inventory Management through the Need for Replacement of Input and Type of Transport to be used through the fuzzy methodology proved to be viable to assist the desired observations, allowing to understand the impact of each linguistic variable in the research result, pointing out how company X can use the information obtained to improve the structure of its Logistics Process, thus reducing the lack of material in stock due to the lead time.Item Adoção da tecnologia mobile para a otimização do processo de fiscalização do ingresso de mercadoria nacional na áreas de controle da SUFRAMA: vistoria 4.0(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-05-09) NEIVA, Fernando Viana; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798The Manaus Free Trade Zone (ZFM) is an area with tax incentives created to stimulate economic development in the Amazon region. Among these incentives are tax breaks for national goods sent from all over the country to the region, however, controlling their entry into the region faces challenges such as a lack of personnel in Suframa, few administrative units for inspection, and poor infrastructure in the Amazon region that make the area prone to tax fraud. To solve this problem, an application is proposed that uses information technologies to increase the efficiency and security of the process of inspecting goods. The application will use embedded technologies such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Geolocation, allowing the recipients of the goods themselves to carry out the physical inspection procedure safely. The functional and non-functional requirements of the application were elicited, and the interface screens were developed in the FIGMA software. An analysis of the potential productivity gain of the goods inspection was carried out, which found that only with medicines and vehicles, it was possible to increase the quantitative productivity of physical inspections by 7.5%, from the current 2.5% defined as an institutional goal to almost 10% of the total values of the invoices registered in the autarchy. In addition to improving the efficiency of the inspection process in the ZFM, the application will cover 100% of the control area, covering all 157 incentivized municipalities in the region. It was found that the low investment required for the development of the application, compared to hiring personnel to carry out the same number of physical inspections, is advantageous due to its cost-effectiveness. The use of information technologies to strengthen the control of goods entering the region is an economic, practical, and sustainable option that can strengthen the inspection process and minimize the risks of fraud.Item Análise da demanda de vendas e da capacidade produtiva para determinar a necessidade de mão-de-obra direta(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-05-20) GEMAQUE, Fabrício Mourão; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317This study consists of meeting the sales demand using the existing production capacity in an electronic goods industry and thus determining the amount of direct labor (MOD) necessary to meet the needs of customers. Since obtaining the correct number of operators on a production line is extremely important in the pursuit of productivity and cost reduction. Therefore, using concepts such as takt time, cycle time and line efficiency and other information related to the product or products that will be assembled on a production line, it will be possible to quickly and assertively determine the number of operators that must serve directly the client's demand, thus guaranteeing productive efficiency and the correct application of labor resources using as assumptions the capacity and equipment already existing in the production line. Thus, based on the company's sales projection, it will be possible to determine month by month the number of operators, number of shifts and the appropriate volume to be produced to meet the requested demand.Item Análise da eficiência energética e impactos ambientais com a nova tecnologia de ar condicionados inverter(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-09-20) Silva, Wellington José de Castro da; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317Air conditioning systems are known for their high energy consumption and the environmental impacts they can cause, especially with regard to greenhouse gas emissions. However, inverter air conditioning systems are a more advanced technology that can offer significant improvements in terms of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impacts. Inverter air conditioning systems use a variable speed compressor, which allows the unit to adjust the compressor speed to meet cooling or heating needs. This means that the compressor does not have to switch on and off continuously, which reduces energy consumption and increases system life. In addition, inverter air conditioning systems are designed to operate more quietly and produce less noise than conventional systems. In Brazil, where demand for air conditioning systems is high, the use of inverter air conditioning systems can have a significant impact on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, Brazilian authorities have implemented measures to encourage the adoption of energy efficient technologies, including energy efficiency labeling programs to help consumers identify the most efficient appliances. However, it is important to remember that the energy efficiency of an inverter air conditioning system depends on its proper installation and maintenance. It is necessary that the system be sized correctly for the space in which it will be installed and that a regular maintenance program be carried out to ensure that the system is operating efficiently. In summary, the use of inverter air conditioning systems in Brazil can offer significant benefits in terms of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impacts, especially when combined with government incentive measures and proper installation and maintenance practices. It is with these awards that this project will explore the need for technological changes in refrigeration systems, proving their efficiency both in terms of energy and the environment.Item Análise da eficiência energética e impactos ambientais com a nova tecnologia de ar condicionados inverter(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-09-20) Silva, Wellington José de Castro da; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317Air conditioning systems are known for their high energy consumption and the environmental impacts they can cause, especially with regard to greenhouse gas emissions. However, inverter air conditioning systems are a more advanced technology that can offer significant improvements in terms of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impacts. Inverter air conditioning systems use a variable speed compressor, which allows the unit to adjust the compressor speed to meet cooling or heating needs. This means that the compressor does not have to switch on and off continuously, which reduces energy consumption and increases system life. In addition, inverter air conditioning systems are designed to operate more quietly and produce less noise than conventional systems. In Brazil, where demand for air conditioning systems is high, the use of inverter air conditioning systems can have a significant impact on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, Brazilian authorities have implemented measures to encourage the adoption of energy efficient technologies, including energy efficiency labeling programs to help consumers identify the most efficient appliances. However, it is important to remember that the energy efficiency of an inverter air conditioning system depends on its proper installation and maintenance. It is necessary that the system be sized correctly for the space in which it will be installed and that a regular maintenance program be carried out to ensure that the system is operating efficiently. In summary, the use of inverter air conditioning systems in Brazil can offer significant benefits in terms of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impacts, especially when combined with government incentive measures and proper installation and maintenance practices. It is with these awards that this project will explore the need for technological changes in refrigeration systems, proving their efficiency both in terms of energy and the environment.Item Análise da gestão de resíduos sólidos no trecho entre o terminal portuário da Manaus moderna e instalação portuária de pequeno porte-ip4 município Careiro da várzea/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-11-21) CUNHA, Alinda Freitas; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062Port activities are essential for the development of the globalized economy, however, this sector can cause significant environmental impacts, such as those related to solid waste from vessels. It has been verified that port terminals increasingly constitute a source of significant waste. As such, it is of fundamental importance to find a sustainable solution for the adequate management of waste both on vessels and in ports, as these, with the appropriate waste management facilities and equipment, can contribute to the reduction of waste discharges from vessels. for rivers, thus playing a vital role in protecting the environment. It is crucial to develop a strategy, within the legal framework, that guarantees operational measures and financial incentives, which enable the successful economic and environmental implementation of port waste management plans, since it is possible to see that currently, many ports still do not meet established standards. In view of the above, the objective of this study is to investigate the solid waste management processes at the port of Manaus Moderna and Small Installations IP4 Careiro da Várzea, as well as to propose an infographic on good practices for the collection, segregation and disposal of this waste. The research is based on the following methodological tools: bibliographical survey in various sources such as activity reports, internal port documents, publications from public bodies, scientific articles, waste manifests, among others; the identification and analysis of documentation, content and applicable legislation and; research with teaching and research institutions specializing in the topic.Item Análise das propriedades mecânicas do concreto com adição de seixo e polietileno tereftalato (PET)(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) BEZERRA, Antonio Carlos Lapa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThe increasing production of plastic waste, particularly Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), poses a significant environmental challenge due to its long degradation time and negative environmental impact. This study investigates the feasibility of using ground PET as a partial replacement for fine aggregate (sand) in concrete production. Mixtures with 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% sand replacement by PET were prepared. Tests at 28 days of curing showed that PET addition in certain proportions maintained the required strength and provided environmental benefits, such as reducing natural sand extraction and reusing plastic waste, reinforcing the technical and environmental viability of using recycled PET in concretes.Item Análise de impactos harmônicos em redes elétricas: desenvolvimento de um estudo comparativo entre as técnicas regressão linear e árvore de decisão(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-10-28) AQUINO, Dener Jeferson Horta; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317A comparative study was carried out between the Simple Linear Regression and Decision Tree techniques in the evaluation of the impacts caused by the generation of harmonics, in the distribution network, in a medium voltage substation. Data collection was carried out through a measurement campaign in a 13.8 kV substation that feeds a portion of the companies in the industrial district of the city of Manaus. The objective of this dissertation is to carry out a comparative study of the results of the application of Decision Tree and Simple Linear Regression techniques in the analysis of harmonic impacts in an electrical system. The measurement campaign was carried out for a minimum period of 7 calendar days according to PRODIST. The impact of these harmonics on the electrical system is quite harmful, both for consumers and for utilities. The techniques used in the methodology of this dissertation are the Decision Tree technique, which features the construction of non-parametric models and the Simple Linear Regression technique, which features the construction of parametric models and simple mathematical calculation, easy to interpret and analyze. of data. In this way, this dissertation presented and applied in practice with case studies actions for the analysis of harmonic impacts in electrical energy distribution systems through the construction of mathematical models using Simple Linear Regression analysis and Regression Tree analysis, obtaining important and enlightening results. in the studies carried out, thus validating the techniques applied in the analysis of harmonic impactsin electrical energy distribution systems.Item Análise do gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil na cidade de Manaus, sob a perspectiva da sustentabilidade(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-06-03) PINTO, Cynthia de Faria; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062The generation of waste from the civil construction industry, a reflection of population growth, changes in habits and intense consumption, has been a matter of great concern for the world, since natural resources are finite and nature cannot absorb production. exorbitant amount of waste generated by society. In the city of Manaus, environmental problems, mainly those related to civil construction, are not different from the rest of Brazil. The rubber period at the end of the 19th century and the implementation of the Free Trade Zone in the 1960s were responsible for the growing mass population migration to the capital, thus boosting the growth of the Civil Construction Industry, as well as the generation of its waste. Therefore, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the current scenario of management of civil construction waste in the City of Manaus, from the perspective of sustainability, from data collected in the Secretariats and bodies of public administration, through bibliographies, as well as in the construction sites, verifying the current situation of the final destination of the (RCC), and what are the sustainability practices adopted, aiming at the elaboration of a booklet with the indication of the weaknesses found in the management of the RCC and suggestions of improvement actions, aiming at minimization of impacts on the environment, in order to support decision-making by the public administration and its managers regarding compliance with CONAMA Resolution No. 307 and Law 12,305/2010 (National Solid Waste PolicyPNRS).Item Análise do grau de riscos em projetos de P&Di utilizando lógica fuzzy para identificação de viabilidade técnica(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-10) PONTES, Kleber de Lima; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798Currently, business structures are increasingly focused on pursuit of continuous improvement in their processes so that organizations can remain competitive in the market, since customers require more and more products or services with high quality levels. With the reference this scenario, this work brings a methodology of analysis of the risk of R&DI (Research, Development and Innovation) projects, using the fuzzy mathematical model, developed in an organization whose core business is the research and development of new technologies. This analysis occurs through the development of linguistic variables (input), with the aim of identifying measure the degree of risk in projects. After the determination of the guidelines to be followed, it was possible to obtain results that demonstrate that the developed fuzzy model can assist in the identification and prioritization of the variables that increase the degree of risk of technologies development projects.Item Análise do inventário de emissões de gases do efeito estufa em uma indústria de beneficiamento de papel fotográfico na cidade de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-01-25) MAGALHÃES, Edfran da Cruz; SILVA, Simone daIn Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM), the photographic paper processing industry is unrepresentative and is classified as a Chemical Industry. This type of photographic industry has environmental aspects in its production processes, maintenance and administrative support, including those processes that only benefit the photographic papers already emulsified, transforming them into sizes and formats necessary for later use in photo printing laboratories. From this perspective, the problem investigated in this dissertation was limited to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in scope 1 (direct emissions) and 2 (indirect emissions), using the Protocol of the Brazilian GHG Protocol (PBGHGP), thus enabling the inventory of data and the estimation of total GHG emissions in a PIM industry of finishing photographic paper and in operations to which this industry has operational control. The combination of these methodological strategies was designed in order to provide a more complete discussion of the theme addressed in this research As a result of the analysis it was found that the main source of GHG is derived from the refrigeration system in the consumption of R410A refrigerant gas and that the control and/or management of these gases are possible to be adopted, because the industry has an implemented environmental management system capable of managing this environmental aspect and reducing the environmental impact of GHG emissions, responsibly fulfilling its social role.Item Análise do Manejo dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde: Um Estudo de Caso em um Hospital Universitário de Manaus/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03-16) SILVA, Maria do Carmo Costa; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975It is dissertation aims to analyze the current process of management and treatment of health service residues of the Hospital University Getúlio Vargas (HUGV). For this, the following specific objectives were traced: identify the current generation and segregation locations of Health Service Waste (RSS) generated; analize the proceed of segregation, packaging and treatment currently carried out in RSS; and relate the current RSS management with hospital cost for the treatment and final disposition. For better deepening in the research object, it was based on expert in studies on the environment, health service waste, supporting mainly in: Gomes (et al, 2015), Oliveira (et al, 2018) and Ventura (et al, 2012). For this work, to examine the process of waste management and expose the possible environments, it was necessary to discuss the legislation in force, such as: Law 6.938/81, which deals with the National Environmental Policy, Resolution 222/20118, which updates the management of health waste, a new Revision of 306/2004; Law 12.305/2010 establishing the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS). The research, this is a case study of quantitative/ qualitative, exploratory descriptive, on the HUGV Waste Management Plan. In data collection, the following instruments were used: the interview and observation. The information was collected through the Observational Route of the Current Flow and the construction of the script based in the RDC 222/2018. Consistently, the results obtained show that the hospital cost with waste treatment is directly related to the management of RSS. With this, it was concluded that the management process in the hospital is not fully in accordance with current legislation, and that this nonconformity has as a consequence the high cost for the final treatment and destination of PGRSS, the hospital. The research makes a relevant contribution to HUGV, with suggestions for proposals for improvements in the management work of RSS.Item Análise ergonômica do trabalho (AET) em linha de inserção manual de produção industrial no segmento eletroeletronico(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-12-10) FERNANDES, Raulchelison Tavares; BEZERRA, Roberval Monteiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0466572603004690The ergonomic analysis of work (EAW) has as its principle to identify and try to prevent possible diseases that develop slowly due to repetitive movements, unfavorable postures, furniture without comfort and visual discomfort, causing for the organization the loss of productivity, employee dissatisfaction, and increased costs. The inadequate working environment and furniture can also lead to reduced productivity in companies, because if not adjusted to biotypes can lead to the occurrence of occupational diseases. One of the great challenges of ergonomics applied to work is to design or adapt workstations and tools to the morphological diversity of the population. The accurate analysis of the various segments is done according to the techniques of anthropometry, which is the study of the physical measurements of the human body. This research aimed to "apply the ergonomic analysis of work (EAW) in the production line of a company in the electro-electronic segment to promote improvements in the workplace aiming at the quality of life, well-being, and safety of the employees". In the study methodology, a population survey of the company's biotypes was carried out through anthropometric evaluation; the human body movements were analyzed, with emphasis on the upper limbs, according to the conditions of their workstation; ergonomic concepts were implemented in the production line; the workstations were adapted to the employees; and, finally, the results of productivity were monitored, followed up, and compared after the ergonomic improvements were implemented. To analyze the results of this research, a sampling of 375 employees was carried out with emphasis on the manual insertion production line. The anthropometric analysis showed that there is a difference between male and female biotypes. With the female more concentrated around the mean and the male presenting a larger tail of the distribution. The ergonomic analysis of the work identified the need for adaptation, alteration and changes in the workstations that start in the equipment permeating with the improvement of the posture of the employees that operate in the production lines. After the implementation of the improvements, the ex-post analysis showed that the company's proposed targets for productivity, quality, and absenteeism were met, with averages of 780.2 units/manhour, 281.4 pieces/million, and 1.8%, respectively.Item Análise preliminar dos requisitos técnicos dos titulares de autorizações para reparo e manutenção de instrumentos de medição regulados: Aplicação de sistemas de inferência fuzzy(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-07-24) MOREIRA, Jaildo Jackson do Amaral; BRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3423176906589920Accurate measurement is essential in sectors such as industry, healthcare, and the environment. In Brazil, the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) regulates and inspects measuring instruments, requiring authorization holders for repair and maintenance to meet stringent technical requirements. This study applied fuzzy inference systems for the preliminary analysis of these requirements, developing a model capable of efficiently and accurately identifying and evaluating compliance. The method involved surveying technical requirements, defining linguistic variables, developing and testing the fuzzy system, and analyzing results. The system was implemented and tested in a controlled environment with different datasets, demonstrating high accuracy in identifying compliance in over 90% of cases. Additionally, it provided valuable insights into authorization holders' strengths and weaknesses, highlighting areas that may need improvement for continued compliance. The application of fuzzy inference systems proved to be a promising approach to improving compliance assessment processes, ensuring the quality and accuracy of measurements in Brazil, and renewing the perception of analyses in ordinances already implemented by INMETRO. This approach can also significantly contribute to decision-making by regulatory agencies, such as IPEM/AM, providing an additional tool to ensure compliance and reliability of measuring instruments used nationwide.