Dissertação PPG.EGPSA
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/3
35 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Sistema de inferência fuzzy para análise dos requisitos técnicos dos taxímetros(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-11) LEITE, Yago Ruan Binda; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisThis research implements a fuzzy inference model to support the preliminary technical analysis of taximeters, aiming for greater accuracy and reliability in inspections according to Ordinance No. 124, March 24, 2022. The methodology was structured in three phases: identification of technical indicators, fuzzy system modeling, and model experimentation. Using Matlab R2013a - Fuzzy Toolbox, variables, fuzzy sets, and inference rules were defined. Results indicated that the model replicates real inspection conditions, reducing subjectivity and promoting uniformity in evaluations.Item Estratégias e técnicas computacionais integradas para a redução do tempo de setup em processos industriais(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-09-28) SOUZA, Vanessa Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThis dissertation presents an integrated approach to reducing setup time in industrial processes, combining fuzzy logic, quality tools, SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) technique, and computer simulation. The study followed a five-step methodology, from analyzing the current process to validating proposed strategies, emphasizing that tools and equipment account for 86% of the setup time influence. The SMED application was crucial to eliminating waste and optimizing the process by converting internal activities into external ones.Item Logística de Distribuição de Produtos Farmacêuticos no Estado do Amazonas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-04-30) SOUSA, Rodrigo da Silva; RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Manuel Taboada; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5905893327298080In river logistics in the Amazon, the distribution of medicines and health products faces significant challenges, requiring managers to constantly seek to reduce impacts on the population and improve operational efficiency. The study was conducted in a company based in Manaus/AM and focused on the process that begins in the dispatch area of the distribution center until delivery to the customer. The stages of transportation and distribution of medicines and health products are carried out in accordance with the carrier's processes, which is responsible for ensuring the quality of the medicines. To carry out this study, a process mapping was developed using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation), which establishes a standard for representing processes using graphs and diagrams. In addition, digital simulation was employed to evaluate the performance of the current process, critically analyze the mapped processes in accordance with current legislation, and propose improvements based on the mapping and critical analysis.Item Logística Lean aplicado a centros de distribuições: um estudo de caso em um operador logístico nacional(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-02-26) MARIALVES, Luiz Carlos Carmo; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188This dissertation aims to address the application of Lean logistics in the Distribution Center of a Logistics Operator, describing the most appropriate logistical methods, reporting the challenges in the Distribution Center, and analyzing the Lean methodology used by the Logistics Operator. The study has a qualitative scientific basis using books and articles for its preparation and is quantitative by employing a case study. The Lean term was applied to services as a domain rich in logistical concepts, approaches, and techniques, part of the Toyota Production System or adapted from it for different contexts. One of the main objectives of Lean is to eliminate waste from the production process, and the company must seek to develop teams capable of solving exceptional problems. The study showed that Lean processes and control tools improved lead time by 63%, promoting significant gains for the organization. It is concluded that Lean helps organizations maintain their gains, promote improvements, and reduce costs.Item Análise da demanda de vendas e da capacidade produtiva para determinar a necessidade de mão-de-obra direta(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-05-20) GEMAQUE, Fabrício Mourão; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317This study consists of meeting the sales demand using the existing production capacity in an electronic goods industry and thus determining the amount of direct labor (MOD) necessary to meet the needs of customers. Since obtaining the correct number of operators on a production line is extremely important in the pursuit of productivity and cost reduction. Therefore, using concepts such as takt time, cycle time and line efficiency and other information related to the product or products that will be assembled on a production line, it will be possible to quickly and assertively determine the number of operators that must serve directly the client's demand, thus guaranteeing productive efficiency and the correct application of labor resources using as assumptions the capacity and equipment already existing in the production line. Thus, based on the company's sales projection, it will be possible to determine month by month the number of operators, number of shifts and the appropriate volume to be produced to meet the requested demand.Item Barreiras à implementação da logística reversa em indústrias de eletroeletrônicos do polo industrial de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-04-10) MADURO, Renata da Silva; RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Manuel Taboada; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5905893327298080Reverse logistics is a concept that involves managing the reverse flow of products and materials focusing on reuse, recycling and adequate disposal of products at the end of their useful life, aiming to reduce environmental impact and ensure efficiency and sustainable development of products and productive processes. Currently, academic discussion in this regard is increasing and the research carried out offers, for the most part, practical answers for companies in facing obstacles to the implementation of reverse flows and highlights the economic and environmental advantages resulting from this practice. In order to understand the lack of implementation and investments of reverse flows in productive processes, the present work aims to identify the main barriers to its implementation in the electronics industries of the Manaus Industrial Complex. To this end, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, through which we can better understand the state of academic research on this subject and which made it possible to identify a series of barriers, which were categorized, selected and validated by industry experts and academic professionals based on questionnaires. Their responses were compiled creating an overall prioritization of the list of barriers. From then on, the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory method (DEMATEL) was used, which determined which barriers were most impactful based on the opinion of experts in order to obtain the level of relationship that a group of barriers exerts on another group. The purpose of this instrument is to offer for managers and decision makers a conceptual framework for understanding the difficulties of implementing reverse logistics practices in the Manaus Industrial Complex.Item Modelo para estimar o risco de ruptura pela falta de abastecimento de insumos, com base em simulação digital – o caso de uma indústria de eletroeletrônicos(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-04-09) BRANDÃO, Edio Paulo Segnini; RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Manuel Taboada; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5905893327298080The supply flow of components for the manufacture of technology products has been suffering restrictions in its supply dynamics, due to the increase in market demand for more sophisticated products, by the exclusivity of a few manufacturing plants in the global supply, limitations of transportation infrastructure and natural impacts that affects the flow of cargo transportation. This context has resulted in the worsening of the global supply crisis for the electrical and electronic goods industry, in particular for the automotive industries, from 2020 onwards. Faced with this scenario of uncertainties, this study aimed to create a model that estimates the risk of disruption in a manufacturing process of an automotive electrical and electronic product, for periods, due to the lack of supply of inputs and through a case study. This study development examined how traditional production planning and control systems are integrating with new information technologies enabling to obtain an accurate data for predicting disruption risks. The model is based on real data and requirements generated by Production Planning and Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) calculation to determine the disruption point, integrated within a Low Code Development Platform (LCDP) digital platform. To facilitate the achievement of the objectives, a four-step was developed. First, the steps of the production process and of the inputs supply planning were mapped, based on the production planning. In the second step, it was created a method for calculating the consumption and the point of disruption of the inputs in the production process, based on the requirements generated by production planning. In the third stage, the choice of the supporting digital platform was determined, whose selection criterion was determined by the evaluation of the artificial intelligence elements contained on it and by the complexity of the programing codes. Finally, the application of digital simulation by the real data. The results achieved can be mentioned: a model that estimates the rupture of the production process by the date of and the period involved in the disruption. By this study it was identified 66% of production plan coverage from the total production plan of the period due to the disruptions found. The contribution to the literature through a model that estimates the risk of disruption of a production process, through a digital tool.Item Desenvolvimento de uma bancada automatizada de teste de medidores eletrônicos de energia elétrica para aferição da calibração(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-03-27) OLIVEIRA, Gelcimar Ribeiro; MARINELLI FILHO, Nelson; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9077460245811758This dissertation addresses the entire journey of research and development of an automated bench for calibrating electronic electricity meters (Device) and was conducted within the scope of projects of this class for industries under the jurisdiction of SUFRAMA, in the Industrial Pole of Manaus. In its initial chapters, it established the construction of its foundation in terms of the importance of this theme, as a technological construction research that deserved reporting and publication, its implications, and how this research should be conducted, with all the necessary methodological care while simultaneously meeting the objectives of the contracted research and development project delivery. The application of the New Product Introduction (NPI) concept was crucial in this delivery. The intermediate chapters presented all the steps for the system's construction, highlighting the attention points of its experimental configuration (parameters, variables, and specific logics) and then its extensive work on setting values in the unfolding of the computer program. All these sets, when combined, resulted in a functional system with its three main functional and validated operational components: the RS485 communication network, the communication with the three-phase source, and the entire test circuit of the Device. This is a set of significant results because, besides delivering the expected technological construction, there is a system capable of inferring from comparisons about the possibilities of error in each test, making the decision to repeat or separate the component, all within a fully traceable data management environment capable of fostering the learning of more complex patterns.Item Aplicação da lógica fuzzy como ferramenta no auxílio da tomada de decisões para otimização de layout de linha de soldagem(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-03-21) FARIAS, Leandro da Mota; GUIMARAES, Gil Eduardo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8142709905105377In the current market scenario, companies face a highly competitive and challenging market due to various economic and technological factors. Companies that do not modernize themselves are surpassed by new companies with more agile and efficient market methodologies. Therefore, if a company seeks to remain in the market, it must pursue the implementation of new market methodologies. We observe that Industry 4.0 applications are increasingly spreading in the industrial sector through various tools such as automation, IoT, among others. Companies using these tools can reduce costs and become more efficient. Thus, there is a growing demand for the implementation of these tools in the industrial sector. This work aims to apply methods such as Fuzzy logic to develop a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) analysis to assist in the decision-making process aimed at increasing the efficiency of a motorcycle welding production line in a company located in the Manaus Free Trade Zone. Through these mathematical methods, it is possible to losses of the process, helping managers gain a clearer understanding of highly imprecise issues and often dependent on the perspective of decision-makers. Using methods such as: mapping the production process, collecting data such as process time, layout area, productive counterflow, among other indicators, we will prepare an analysis using Fuzzy Logic to aid in the analysis of improving the layout at points such as space layout, parts inventory and line efficiency. The goal of this work is to identify bottleneck points and offer opportunities for deverticalization to propose improvements in production, reducing losses and improving the process flow.Item Redução de energia no processo de tratamento térmico t6 nas ligas de alumínio AC2B – AlCuSi(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-03-21) SILVA, Ricardo Cruz; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8142709905105377; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8142709905105377The use of aluminum alloys by the automotive industry is one of the main vectors for automakers to achieve important and sustainable goals that define the limits of pollutant gas emissions, fuel consumption, safety and performance. Since aluminum has approximately 1/3 of the density of steel and excellent mechanical properties, replacing steel alloys with aluminum alloys results in a reduction in vehicle weight, positively impacting the listed aspects. There is a relationship defined in some bibliographies that a 10% reduction in vehicle mass can reduce up to 8 g of CO2 per km driven and up to 6.5% in fuel consumption. However, for the application of these changes to be viable, a high degree of innovation is necessary in traditional alloys, which, in turn, require a high consumption of electrical energy for their processing, as aluminum is present in nature in the form of an oxide. called alumina (Al2O3), which is obtained through the reduction of bauxite ore by electrolysis, where around 2000°C is required for the process, which consumes large amounts of energy, on the order of 15 kWh/kg of aluminum (50 to 55 MJ/kg) in steel mills, leaving the industry with only the possibility of reducing energy in fusion processes and heat treatments. At the same time, aluminum alloys of the 2XXX series, whose main element is copper, are the alloys most used in the aerospace and automotive industries in the manufacture of suspension components, forged wheels, engine heads, aircraft fuselages, etc. as they are mostly heat treatable alloys, and after treatments, resistance of 450 MPa can be reached. However, one of the challenges in meeting cost and environmental targets is the high energy consumption to melt and heat treat these mechanical components. In this way, this dissertation aims to provide a 30.7% reduction in time in the artificial aging stage of T6 heat treatments applied to AC2B alloy, AlCuSi alloy through proposals that change the ranges of alloy elements Cu, Si and Mg without compromising the mechanical properties of the material by optimizing the solubility of hardening precipitates in a shorter period of time, thus reducing electrical energy consumption and CO2 production in the process by 14.6% and 2.99% of Cu in the cost alloy manufacturing.