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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Educação Ambiental: Os 3R’s (Três Erres) no Primeiro Ano do Ensino Fundamental: Atividades de Palestra e Musicalização para Conscientização Ambiental
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) SILVA, Mey Ling Oliveira da; SILVA, Simone da
    This manual proposes the application of educational activities aimed at environmental awareness, focusing on the 3R's concepts (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), directed at first-year elementary school students. The activities include lectures and musicalization, using didactic resources such as musical parodies and pedagogical games to facilitate the understanding and retention of sustainability principles among children. The interdisciplinary approach seeks to integrate environmental education into school routines, promoting the development of ecological attitudes from an early age.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Os Protetores do Meio Ambiente: Estratégias Educativas Através de Tirinhas Ilustrativas
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) SILVA, Mey Ling Oliveira da; SILVA, Simone da
    This work explores the use of comic strips as an educational tool to promote environmental awareness among children and young people. Through a series of strips titled "The Protectors of the Environment," themes such as sustainability, recycling, preservation of natural resources, and the importance of biodiversity are addressed. The research highlights the effectiveness of these visual media in conveying ecological messages in a playful and accessible way, contributing to the formation of a more conscious and engaged generation in environmental protection.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    O desenvolvimento sustentável e educação ambiental como temática da educação indígena: investigação na Comunidade Dessana Tupé AM
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) GOMES, Waldeney Souza; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de
    This work discusses the importance of environmental education within the indigenous context, focusing on the Dessana Tupé Community in Amazonas. The study investigates how education can contribute to sustainable practices and environmental preservation, adapted to the social and cultural realities of the community. The research was conducted through technical visits, interviews, and questionnaires, resulting in the creation of an educational booklet aimed at raising awareness and strengthening environmental consciousness within the community. The pedagogical proposal seeks to integrate traditional indigenous knowledge with modern sustainability practices, promoting a differentiated education that values cultural identities and environmental preservation.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Os impactos socioambientais causados pela exigência do cadastro ambiental rural aos agricultores familiares do estado do Amazonas em 2019
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) PAIVA, Ana Paula Cardoso Queiroz de; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de
    The study addresses the socio-environmental impacts resulting from the requirement of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) for family farmers in the state of Amazonas in 2019. The research investigates how this requirement affected these farmers' access to public policies, rural credit, and sustainable development in the region. Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, the study identifies the challenges faced by farmers in the environmental regularization of their properties and proposes innovative solutions, such as the creation of a digital platform for CAR management, aiming to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the process.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    A importância do meio ambiente no Cotidiano escolar: trabalhando metodologias ativas Com alunos surdos
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-06-11) LEITE, Hellen Lima; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral
    The study investigates the application of active methodologies in the education of deaf students, focusing on environmental awareness within the school context. Conducted in a state school in Manaus, the work aims to broaden the teaching possibilities in a way that is accessible to deaf students, using strategies that place them at the center of the learning process. The research highlights the relevance of environmental education from childhood and the importance of methodologies that respect the particularities of students with special needs, promoting inclusion and environmental awareness.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Os 3R's (Três Erres) no Primeiro Ano do Ensino Fundamental: Uma Abordagem Didático-Pedagógica para a Educação Ambiental
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-12) SILVA, Mey Ling Oliveira da; SILVA, Simone da;
    This work aims to observe the perception of first-year elementary school children about the environment and to sensitize them critically and reflectively on how to improve our environment through waste reduction and reuse. Using the three Rs concept (reduce, reuse, recycle), the study promoted educational activities that highlighted the formative and educational benefits of Environmental Education for children aged six to seven years. The project was implemented at the Municipal School Desembargador Felismino Soares, in Manaus, during the atypical 2021 school year, using remote, hybrid, and face-to-face methods.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Criação de um método padrão de práticas de educação ambiental para interdisciplinares
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-22) LEMOS, Keveny Ribeiro; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de;
    The document describes the creation of a standard method for Environmental Education (EA) practices with a focus on interdisciplinarity, aiming for its application in basic education schools in the municipality of Itacoatiara-AM. The study emphasizes the importance of integrating EE into different school subjects to promote a holistic and effective approach to education on environmental issues. The research resulted in the development of a manual to guide teachers in implementing environmental activities and projects, based on the specific characteristics of each school. The visits carried out in 13 schools allowed the analysis of the profile of each institution, facilitating the creation of personalized EA application strategies. The central objective is to prepare students to face environmental challenges in an integrated and conscious way, contributing to a more sustainable education.