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A comunidade dispõe da produção técnica e científica do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (PPG.EGPSA) do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), fruto da atividade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). É possível acessar os trabalhos de conclusão do programa de pós-graduação, artigos e livros vinculados a pesquisa, desenvolvimento, inovação e extensão.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    A gestão de resíduo no brasil e implicações das técnicas mais aplicadas no processo de gerenciamento
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-09-14) VIANA, Claudenilson dos Santos; SILVA, Edson Pablo da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7223548333736671
    One of the great contemporary challenges for modern societies is the high volumes of solid waste generation, a result of the high levels of population growth and economic development experienced by several countries in recent decades. In this context, this work aimed to investigate aspects of waste generation in Brazil and the main waste management techniques that are reported in the literature. The methodology used comprises a literature review, where recent works were used in order to expose the current scenario of the Brazilian context, as well as waste management techniques used more widely. Through the information collected, it was possible to notice that Brazil has a high generation of waste, with about 216 tons per day throughout the national territory. In Brazil, the most used form of management refers to the use of sanitary landfills, however, landfills require complex management, in addition to a grandiose strip of land. In this way, solutions such as incineration can contribute to waste management both in Brazil and in the world, since it considerably reduces the volume of waste. Other alternatives reported in this study include bioremediation, recycling and composting. It is also noteworthy that recycling, despite being a highly effective method, leads to severe contamination problems, which makes the plants need to have strict controls for cleaning and care, avoiding the contamination of employees. Finally, several measures can be adopted, but they must consider the context in which cities and the respective State are located, aiming to obtain lower costs and greater efficiency.
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    Educação Ambiental: os 3r’s (três erres) no primeiro Ano do Ensino Fundamental
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-03) SILVA, Mey Ling da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062
    We can observe that, at present, the social body suffers from the dilemma of the excess of the inadequate corollary creation of solid waste. This excessive amount of waste has been worrisome because, if not properly collected and disposed of, it causes serious consequences to health and the environment. Thus, the reluctance of the non-management of solid waste is numerous and includes environmental, economic, social, and health aspects. In this scenario, it is clear that waste cannot be completely eliminated; however, it is possible to decrease it by reducing the amount of waste and recycling as much as possible. It is true that the contemporary world is characterized by an almost constant state of crisis, however, to recycle or reuse has the sense to restrain what is used, to limit waste and residues, to protect the environment, to conserve and defend the ecosystem. For this, there is a need to moderate this expressed consumption, not only to use what is necessary, but also to reuse what is possible. The optics of the concept of the "3R's" reduce, reuse, and recycle aims to contain the ecosystemic shock with the applicability of the reduction and awareness about the amount of products that are consumed, thus minimizing the waste of materials and waste generation. In this reality, the reuse of products and objects avoids exacerbated consumption and the extraction of raw materials. The recycling of solid residues reuses these inputs and increases their useful life. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize education, as an agent of change, for the development of people into informed and active citizens. In view of the above, the objective of this work was to observe the perception of children in the first year of elementary school about the environment in order to raise awareness in a critical and reflective way about how we relate to each other and how we can improve our environment through the reduction and reuse of waste. The concept of the three Rs in this case study was used, therefore, to clarify and promote reflection about excessive shopping, the reuse of what would go to waste such as cans, cardboard, bottles among others, and finally, to offer the possibility of converting items no longer used into other creations. This study contributed to the awareness and preservation of the environment and its didactic-pedagogical sequence promoted progressions in the visuomotor, motor, motor, playful, affective, and critical-reflexive aspects to promote the acquisition and strengthening of skills and abilities.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Relação entre meio ambiente e as pandemias
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-04-19) SILVA, Maria Eurilene da; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062
    In late 2019, one of the biggest pandemics of our time, with the power to completely shut down cities, was revealed. This is Sars-cov-2, which spreads very quickly and is transmitted through the air. The Coronavirus is nothing new to the world and warnings about the risk of pandemics have existed for many years, such as that of the 2013 epidemic, made by the WHO (World Health Organization) at a time when there was already alarm about the potential of this virus to cause outbreaks. Pandemics are nothing new to humanity. They were present at different times in history, and this paper aims to present the link between pandemics and disturbances of the natural environment, with emphasis on zoonoses. Some pandemics and their consequences will be briefly exposed, pointing out parallels between them. The study was carried out through the analysis of scientific articles within the specified topic in journals with a high level of reliability, seeking to understand this phenomenon and how to face them. This paper was written while the world was going through the Sars-cov-19 pandemic and was evolving together with the discoveries made day by day by the scientific world. Goals were defined for this paper, such as studying zoonoses and their forms of transmission, analyzing the human factor and how it impacts the environment, and pointing out solutions to solve these problems. This literature review concludes that when humans invade the natural environment and destroy existing relationships in this place, diseases transmitted from animals or from the environment itself can arise, which may or may not cause new pandemics through zoonoses.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Análise do Manejo dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde: Um Estudo de Caso em um Hospital Universitário de Manaus/AM
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03-16) SILVA, Maria do Carmo Costa; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975
    It is dissertation aims to analyze the current process of management and treatment of health service residues of the Hospital University Getúlio Vargas (HUGV). For this, the following specific objectives were traced: identify the current generation and segregation locations of Health Service Waste (RSS) generated; analize the proceed of segregation, packaging and treatment currently carried out in RSS; and relate the current RSS management with hospital cost for the treatment and final disposition. For better deepening in the research object, it was based on expert in studies on the environment, health service waste, supporting mainly in: Gomes (et al, 2015), Oliveira (et al, 2018) and Ventura (et al, 2012). For this work, to examine the process of waste management and expose the possible environments, it was necessary to discuss the legislation in force, such as: Law 6.938/81, which deals with the National Environmental Policy, Resolution 222/20118, which updates the management of health waste, a new Revision of 306/2004; Law 12.305/2010 establishing the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS). The research, this is a case study of quantitative/ qualitative, exploratory descriptive, on the HUGV Waste Management Plan. In data collection, the following instruments were used: the interview and observation. The information was collected through the Observational Route of the Current Flow and the construction of the script based in the RDC 222/2018. Consistently, the results obtained show that the hospital cost with waste treatment is directly related to the management of RSS. With this, it was concluded that the management process in the hospital is not fully in accordance with current legislation, and that this nonconformity has as a consequence the high cost for the final treatment and destination of PGRSS, the hospital. The research makes a relevant contribution to HUGV, with suggestions for proposals for improvements in the management work of RSS.