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Item A Brief Account of the 2030 Agenda and its Implications for Brazil and the Amazon Region in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) Simone Bessa de Almeida , Edson Pablo da Silva; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThe 2030 Agenda, developed by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), broken down into 169 targets and 231 indicators to be achieved by 2030. This article focuses on SDG 6, which addresses universal access to clean water and sanitation, analyzing its implementation in Brazil and the Amazon region. Data from the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA), the National Sanitation Information System (SNIS), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), and the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) from 2016 to 2020 were examined. The results highlight the need for increased investment in water infrastructure and sanitation projects to alleviate challenges faced by the Amazonian population. The participation of multiple sectors in integrated water management is crucial to achieving SDG 6 by 2030.Item A contribuição do cadastro ambiental rural para agricultores familiares no estado do Amazonas, Brasil(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021) PAIVA, Ana Paula Cardoso Queiroz de LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de SILVA, Daniel Nascimento e; LEITE, Jandecy CabralEnvironmental issues remain a growing agenda worldwide, with a significant focus on the Amazon. However, the human contingent inhabiting this region, particularly family farmers, is often overlooked. The Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) was created as a tool to promote sustainable public policies and enable environmental and land regularization for these communities. This literature review study investigates CAR's contribution to family farmers in the state of Amazonas from a legal and environmental perspective. The results indicate that understanding the legal aspects and registration process of CAR is essential for compliance. The simplified registration process for family farmers facilitates legal compliance, promoting environmental and land tenure regularization and reducing territorial conflicts. The study concludes that implementing the Brazilian Forest Code, with technical support, is crucial for the sustainability of family farming in the Amazon.Item A proteção ambiental como princípio norteador da gestão pública no Amazonas: uma análise sob a perspectiva do direito administrativo(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023) FERREIRA JUNIOR, Edinaldo Inocêncio; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis article analyzes the role of environmental protection as a guiding principle of public administration in the state of Amazonas, from the perspective of administrative law. To achieve this objective, a literature review and analysis of legal and administrative documents were conducted to understand the relevance of environmental protection in public administration, considering the unique characteristics of the Amazon region. The research emphasizes the importance of administrative law as a legal tool to ensure the effective implementation of environmental policies and compliance with relevant legislation. Additionally, administrative competences related to environmental management, environmental licensing, and administrative and judicial liability for environmental damages were analyzed. The results highlight challenges in implementing public policies for environmental protection in Amazonas, as well as the need to strengthen the performance of government agencies responsible for environmental management. The study concludes that improving legal-administrative mechanisms and adopting integrated approaches are fundamental to sustainable public administration.Item An Analysis Of Solid Waste Management At A Civil Construction In The City Of Manaus-Am(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) BEZERRA, Eliane Sigrid Lacerda Dos Reis; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; ALENCAR, David Barbosa De; MORAES, Nadime Mustafa; BEZERRA, Antônio Lapa; BEZERRA, Carlos Gabriel Dos Reis; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThe increase in solid waste generation is a result of growing urbanization and industrialization, with civil construction standing out as one of the main sources. This study proposes an analysis of solid waste management in civil construction in Manaus. The research identified that the studied company does not have an official construction waste management plan but seeks sustainable solutions such as recycling and reuse on-site.Item Análise da demanda de vendas e da capacidade de produção para determinar a necessidade de mão de obra direta(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) GEMAQUE, Fabrício Mourão; LEITE, Jandeey Cabral; SILVA, Carlos Américo de Souza; BRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de Almeida; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study consists of meeting the sales demand using the existing production capacity in an electronic goods industry and thus determining the amount of direct labor (MOD) necessary to meet the needs of customers. Obtaining the correct number of operators on a production line is extremely important for productivity and cost reduction. Using concepts such as takt time, cycle time, and line efficiency, it is possible to quickly and assertively determine the number of operators needed to meet customer demand, ensuring productive efficiency and the correct application of labor resources. Based on the company's sales projection, it is possible to determine month by month the number of operators, the number of shifts, and the appropriate volume to be produced to meet the requested demand.Item Análise da dispersão dos indicadores de desempenho para a tomada de decisão entre duas ferramentas de modelagem fuzzy Analysis of the dispersion of performance indicators for decision making between two fuzzy modeling tools(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2020) SILVA, Ítalo Rodrigo Soares; SIQUEIRA JÚNIOR, Paulo Oliveira; PARENTE, Ricardo Silva; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral.; LEITE, Jandecy CabralAnalyzing data processing methods and ensuring consistent results is hard work for scientists. The optimization of a process makes a difference regardless of the area being worked on. This research used a comparative method of dispersion analysis to evaluate the performance of two fuzzy modeling tools: the Fuzzylite library and the MatLab® Fuzzy Toolbox. The case study was conducted with the School Adventurers application, which uses the Fuzzylite library for fuzzy inferences. The results indicated that Fuzzylite showed superior performance in terms of dispersion of performance indicators.Item Análise da Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos no Trecho Entre o Terminal Portuário da Manaus Moderna e IP4 Município Careiro da Várzea/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023) CUNHA, Alinda Freitas da; SILVA, Simone da; LEITE, Jandecy CabralPort activities are essential for the expansion of the globalized economy; however, this sector can cause significant environmental impacts, such as those related to solid waste from vessels. It is important to find a sustainable solution for the adequate management of waste on vessels, in order to contribute to the reduction of waste discharges by vessels into rivers, thus playing a vital role in protecting the environment. The objective of this study was to analyze solid waste management in the section between the Modern Manaus Port Terminal and the Small Port Installation (IP4) of Careiro da Várzea in light of Law nº 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy), CONAMA Resolution nº 05/1993, and other Port Environmental Legislation.Item Análise das propriedades mecânicas do concreto com adição de seixo e polietileno tereftalato (PET)(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2025) BEZERRA, Antonio Carlos Lapa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; MORAES, Nadime Mustafa; BEZERRA, Eliane Sigrid Lacerda dos Reis; BEZERRA, Carlos Gabriel dos Reis; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThe increasing accumulation of plastic waste, particularly PET, represents a significant environmental challenge due to its long degradation time and the negative impacts of improper disposal. This study explores the feasibility of partially replacing sand with ground PET in concrete, focusing on its effects on compressive strength and workability. Four concrete compositions were tested: one without PET and three with 10%, 30%, and 50% PET, adhering to ABCP standards. The results demonstrated that PET addition, in certain proportions, maintained the required strength while reducing environmental impacts, highlighting the sustainable potential of recycled PET in construction.Item Análise decisória para implementação de estratégias integradas para a redução de setup em processos industriais utilizando lógica fuzzy(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) SOUZA, Vanessa Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; SILVA, Ítalo Rodrigo Soares; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis article explores the application of Fuzzy Logic as a decision support tool for implementing integrated strategies aimed at reducing setup times in industrial processes. The study was conducted in a company in the Manaus Industrial Park, in the electronics sector, and developed a computational model based on Fuzzy Logic to analyze variables affecting setup time and production efficiency. The results showed that the combination of Tools and Equipment with Advanced Planning has a significant impact of 86% on setup time, highlighting the importance of effective management of these variables to reduce bottlenecks and time waste. Palavras-chave: Lógica Fuzzy, Estratégias de Redução do Tempo de Setup, Eficiência Operacional, Otimização de Processos, ProdutividadeItem Análise do Gerenciamento de Resíduos da Construção Civil na Cidade de Manaus, Sob a Perspectiva da Sustentabilidade(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023) PINTO, Cynthia de Faria; SILVA, Simone da; LEITE, Jandecy CabralIn the city of Manaus, environmental problems, mainly those related to civil construction, are not different from the rest of Brazil. The rubber period at the end of the 19th century and the implementation of the Free Trade Zone in the 1960s were responsible for the growing population migration, boosting the growth of the Civil Construction Industry, as well as the generation of its waste. Therefore, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the current scenario of the management of civil construction waste in the City of Manaus, from the perspective of sustainability, from data collected in public administration bodies, through bibliographies and in the construction sites, verifying the current situation of the final destination of the RCC, and which sustainability practices were adopted, aiming to indicate the weaknesses of the RCC management and elaboration of a booklet with the main information collected, in order to guide the best practices for the decision-making by the public administration regarding compliance with CONAMA Resolution No. 307 and Law 12.305/2010 (National Solid Waste Policy – PNRS).Item Analysis Of Energy Efficiency And Environmental Impacts With The New Inverter Air Conditioning Technology(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023) SILVA, Wellington José de Castro da; LEITE, Jandecy CabralAir conditioning systems are known for their high energy consumption and the environmental impacts they can cause, especially regarding greenhouse gas emissions. However, inverter air conditioning systems are a more advanced technology that can offer significant improvements in terms of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impacts. Inverter systems use a variable speed compressor, which adjusts the compressor speed according to cooling or heating needs, reducing energy consumption and increasing system lifespan. In Brazil, where demand for air conditioning systems is high, the use of inverter systems can significantly impact energy consumption reduction and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, Brazilian authorities have implemented measures to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, such as energy efficiency labeling programs. However, the energy efficiency of these systems depends on proper installation and maintenance.Item Analysis of the Current Management of Health Service Waste: A Case Study of a University Hospital in Manaus/AM(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) SILVA, Maria do Carmo Costa; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; RAMOS, Marcelo Franklin de Almeida.; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study analyzes the current management and treatment process of health service waste (HSW) at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital (HUGV) in Manaus/AM. The research, of a quantitative/qualitative and descriptive nature, was based on the HUGV Waste Management Plan and used an Observational Roadmap of the Current Flow, in accordance with ANVISA Resolution 222/2018. The results showed that the hospital cost of waste treatment is directly related to inadequate HSW management, highlighting the need to update the hospital's Health Services Waste Management Program (PGRSS). The study contributes with suggestions for improvements in HSW management at HUGV.Item Analysis of the Degree of Risk of R&DI Projects Using Fuzzy Logic to Identify Technical Feasibility(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) PONTES, Kleber de Lima NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; LEITE, Jandecy CabralCurrently, business structures are increasingly focused on the pursuit of continuous improvement in their processes to remain competitive in the market, requiring high-quality products and services. In this scenario, this study proposes a methodology for analyzing the risk of Research, Development, and Innovation (R&DI) projects using a fuzzy mathematical model. The developed methodology applies linguistic variables to measure the degree of risk in projects, prioritizing factors that impact technical feasibility. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy model can assist in identifying and prioritizing variables that increase the degree of risk in technology development projects, optimizing decision-making in innovation project management.Item Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in a Photographic Paper Finishing Industry in Manaus City(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021) MAGALHÃES, Edfran da Cruz SILVA, Simone da; LEITE, Jandecy CabralIn the Manaus Free Zone, the photographic paper processing industry is poorly representative and classified as a Chemical Industry. This sector has environmental aspects throughout its production processes, including the processing of already emulsified photographic papers, transforming them into necessary sizes and formats for printing. This study investigated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in scopes 1 and 2 using the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program (PBGHGP) methodology. The analysis revealed that the main source of GHG emissions originates from the use of R410A refrigerant in the cooling system. The research highlights that proper management of these gases is feasible, as the industry has an environmental management system in place for this control.Item Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in a Photographic Paper Finishing Industry in the Manaus City(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021) MAGALHÃES, Edfran da Cruz SILVA, Simone da; LEITE, Jandecy CabralIn the Manaus Free Trade Zone, the photographic paper processing industry is classified as a chemical industry and presents environmental aspects in various stages of the production process. This study aims to analyze greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a photographic paper finishing industry in Manaus, using the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program (PBGHGP) to inventory and estimate total emissions in Scopes 1 and 2. The results indicate that the main source of GHG emissions in the analyzed industry comes from the consumption of refrigerant gas R410A in cooling systems. The study concludes that, with the implementation of an appropriate environmental management system, it is possible to control and mitigate such emissions, reducing the industry's environmental impact.Item Anthropometric And Ergonomic Analysis Applied To An Industrial Production Manual Insertion Line In The Electronics Segment(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023) FERNANDES, Raulchelison; LIMA, Roberval; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThe principle of ergonomic work analysis is to identify and prevent possible illnesses that develop slowly due to repetitive movements, unfavorable postures, uncomfortable furniture, and visual discomfort, resulting in loss of productivity, employee dissatisfaction, and increased costs. This study applied ergonomic and anthropometric analysis to the production line of a company in the electrical and electronics sector, aiming to promote improvements in workstations to enhance the quality of life, well-being, and safety of employees. The methodology included an anthropometric assessment of the company's population, analysis of body movements, implementation of ergonomic concepts, and monitoring of productivity results after improvements. The results showed that the targets for productivity, quality, and absenteeism were achieved after the implementation of ergonomic improvements.Item Aplicação da lógica Fuzzy na emissão de notas fiscais em processos administrativos na Indústria Lean Office 4.0(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2025) SOARES, Vera Alana Nobre; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; SANTOS, Eliton Smith dos; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; MORAES, Nadime Mustafa; LEITE, Jandecy CabralIndustry 4.0 has brought the need to integrate advanced technologies to improve the efficiency and agility of administrative processes. This study proposes the application of fuzzy logic to optimize the issuance of invoices, a critical process that faces challenges such as manual errors, delays, and high costs. A fuzzy model was developed that identifies key variables, applies inference rules, and tests the solution in a real environment with operational data. The results indicate a significant reduction in errors and processing times, in addition to gains in tax compliance and customer satisfaction.Item Aplicação da Lógica Fuzzy para Análise de Qualidade da Compressão da Caixa de Papel Ondulado: Um Estudo de Caso numa Empresa do Polo Industrial de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) LIMA, Vagner Rodrigues LIMA, Moysés Mendes de; LEITE, Jandecy CabralCorrugated paper packaging, commonly known as cardboard boxes, is widely used in industry and commerce due to its mechanical strength and efficiency in product transportation. This study proposes a computational model based on Fuzzy Logic to optimize decision-making regarding box quality, using the parameters of the McKee formula for compression resistance. The applied methodology validated the mechanical strength of the packaging, ensuring greater security in the transportation and storage of products. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach, allowing precise inferences about the suitability of the boxes throughout the logistics chain.Item Aplicação da teoria dos jogos na otimização de processos para redução do tempo construtivo de habitações populares(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) SOUZA, Silvia Cristina Matos de; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis work proposes the application of Game Theory to optimize processes and reduce the construction time of affordable housing. Given the growing housing deficit and the poor living conditions for low-income populations, the study aims to improve collaboration and efficiency in the construction sector. The methodology involved the development of a theoretical model for the sector, focusing on reducing delays and costs, as well as rationalizing decision-making in the construction process. The research, which is descriptive and quantitative in nature, aims to show how Game Theory can be a useful tool for decision-making, contributing to the reduction of construction time through cooperation among the agents involved. The developed model suggests that the application of incentives can transform competition into cooperation, resulting in a significant reduction in total construction time.Item Aplicação da Teoria dos Jogos no gerenciamento do contexto das altas temperaturas na cidade de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) SOUZA, Amós Ribeiro de; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; SANTOS, Eliton Smith dos; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; MORAES, Nadime Mustafa; SOUZA, Silvia Cristina Matos de.; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThe city of Manaus faces increasing challenges related to high temperatures, a problem intensified by climate change and unplanned urbanization. Efficient management of this climatic context is essential to minimize negative impacts on the population and the environment, promoting sustainability and urban well-being. In this scenario, Game Theory emerges as a strategic tool to model interactions among the various agents involved in climate management, such as government, businesses, and communities, enabling the identification of collaborative and effective solutions. This study employed a Game Theory-based model to explore the strategic dynamics among the agents involved in managing high temperatures in Manaus. The research utilized a quantitative methodology, with simulations analyzing strategic scenarios and potential equilibria, considering economic, social, and environmental aspects. The results revealed the feasibility of cooperative strategies to mitigate climatic impacts and guide more sustainable public policies. The study provides a significant contribution by proposing integrated solutions to balance economic development and environmental preservation in a challenging urban context.