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Item A importância do meio ambiente no Cotidiano escolar: trabalhando metodologias ativas Com alunos surdos(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-06-11) LEITE, Hellen Lima; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThe study investigates the application of active methodologies in the education of deaf students, focusing on environmental awareness within the school context. Conducted in a state school in Manaus, the work aims to broaden the teaching possibilities in a way that is accessible to deaf students, using strategies that place them at the center of the learning process. The research highlights the relevance of environmental education from childhood and the importance of methodologies that respect the particularities of students with special needs, promoting inclusion and environmental awareness.Item Aplicação da metodologia Six Sigma e método DMAIC para redução no índice de perdas de latas de alumínio em uma indústria de bebidas: estudo de caso na Latax Refrigerantes Ltda(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-20) SANTOS, João Felipe Silva dos; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study investigates the application of the Six Sigma methodology and the DMAIC method to reduce the aluminum can loss rate in a beverage industry, Latax Refrigerantes Ltda. The research was motivated by the need to minimize waste and optimize production processes in a sector of high economic and social relevance. By utilizing Six Sigma and DMAIC tools, the study identifies the main causes of losses and implements corrective actions, resulting in a significant reduction in operational costs and improvement in production efficiency. The study provides a replicable model for other industries in the sector seeking to increase competitiveness and sustainability.Item Aplicação do lean seis sigma e método DMAIC para redução da perda de açúcar em uma empresa de refrigerante: estudo de caso no Grupo Simões(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-05-11) DEVEZAS, Kelen Amaral; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study presents the application of Lean Six Sigma and DMAIC methodologies to reduce sugar loss in the production process of a soft drink company belonging to Grupo Simões. The research focuses on the analysis and optimization of syrup manufacturing and beverage bottling processes, aiming to reduce sugar waste, which directly impacts production costs. By implementing these methodologies, the company was able to identify the root causes of the losses and propose solutions to significantly reduce operational inefficiencies, improving the quality and competitiveness of the final product.Item Desenvolvimento de um layout de etiquetas seriais para redução de falhas de leitura em códigos de barras(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-03-10) RODRIGUES, Elias; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis work addresses the development of a serial label layout to reduce barcode reading failures in a company in the electronics sector. The barcode is an essential tool for the accuracy and efficiency of production processes. However, the company faces challenges related to reading these labels, leading to interruptions and loss of efficiency. The research proposes solutions to improve the label layout by applying quality tools such as the Ishikawa diagram and the 5 Whys, aiming to eliminate failures and optimize the production process.Item Ferramenta de lógica fuzzy aplicada na análise ergonômica de trabalho na indústria automobilística para tomada de decisão(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-12) PINTO, Leandro Soares; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study proposes the application of a fuzzy logic tool for ergonomic work analysis in an automotive industry, focusing on decision-making. The methodology aims to improve working conditions and reduce the risk of occupational injuries by applying artificial intelligence techniques to evaluate ergonomic factors at workstations. The developed fuzzy system considers variables such as effort level, effort time, and the number of efforts per minute, providing a detailed analysis that helps identify risks and implement ergonomic improvements.Item Implementação de um Sistema de Medição para Melhoria do Sistema de Eficiência Energética em Empresa de Eletroeletrônico Buscando a Certificação na Norma ISO 50001: Estudo Multi-Caso(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-10-20) PIMENTEL, Ingrid Mara do Carmo Fernandes; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study aims to implement a measurement system to improve energy efficiency in an electronics company, with the goal of obtaining ISO 50001 certification. The research addresses the application of energy management techniques and the adoption of tools such as the PDCA cycle and digital twins to monitor and optimize energy consumption. The study highlights the importance of preventive maintenance and process readjustment to achieve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs. The applied methodology allowed for the identification of significant improvements in energy consumption, contributing to the company's sustainability and competitiveness.Item Implementação do sistema de inferência fuzzy para suporte à avaliação do esfigmomanômetro visando atender às atividades de fiscalização fluvial na área da metrologia legal, científica e conformidades(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-05-12) BRITO, Marcio André de Oliveira; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; Nascimento, Manoel Henrique ReisThis study proposes the implementation of a fuzzy inference system to evaluate sphygmomanometers used in river inspection activities in the Amazon region. Fuzzy logic, applied to handle uncertainties and inaccuracies, allows for a robust and adaptable analysis under the variable conditions of the river environment. The system aims to ensure the accuracy of sphygmomanometers, which are crucial for healthcare and for ensuring fairness in commercial transactions that rely on precise measurements. The research covers the system's development, testing, and validation, highlighting its importance for legal and scientific metrology in the region.Item Otimização do Processo de Inserção Manual de Bobinadeira de Motores Elétricos Utilizando Técnicas do Lean Manufacturing(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-10-12) SOUZA, Rene Brito de; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study addresses the optimization of the manual coil insertion process in electric motors using Lean Manufacturing techniques. The main objective is to improve the efficiency and productivity of the coil winding sector in an electric motor factory. The research employed methodologies such as World Class Manufacturing (WCM), Spaghetti Diagram, Mura, Muri, Muda, and Time Study. Lean tools were implemented to reorganize workflow and redistribute tasks, resulting in a more balanced workload and a significant reduction in productivity losses. This study demonstrates the feasibility of applying Lean techniques to industrial processes and the importance of continuous adaptation to achieve operational excellence.Item Sistemas embarcados para eficiência energética de ambientes climatizados(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-06-20) CASTRO, Hilton Barros de; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study presents the development and implementation of embedded systems for energy efficiency in air-conditioned environments. The proposal aims to create an automated system capable of controlling climate in environments using sensors and algorithms to adjust temperature efficiently, reducing electricity consumption. The research was conducted at a campus of the Federal Institute of Amazonas (IFAM) and involves the use of technologies such as Arduino and temperature and motion sensors, demonstrating the feasibility of intelligent systems in managing energy consumption in institutional environments.Item Uso da ferramenta DMAIC: alto índice de falhas no processo de parafusamento de heat sink(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-11) RAMOS, Juan Gabriel de Albuquerque; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study explores the application of the DMAIC tool to address high incidence of failures in the heat sink screwing process at a company in the Industrial Hub of Manaus. The DMAIC methodology, combined with tools such as the Ishikawa diagram and statistical control, was used to identify root causes of the problem and implement process improvements. The study demonstrated that adopting the methodology resulted in a significant reduction in failures and associated financial losses, improving operational efficiency and product quality.Item Uso de ferramentas computacionais e de qualidade na melhoria de design de monitores de LCD(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-02-01) SILVA, Ronildo Souza da; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis dissertation addresses the improvement of LCD monitor design using computational and quality tools. The research is justified by the continuous need for innovation and enhancement of these devices to meet the growing demands for quality and functionality in the global market. The study focused on solving specific design issues, such as adhesive infiltration in the joystick button mechanism, which compromised monitor operation. By applying tools such as PDCA, Ishikawa Diagram, Kaizen, and Fuzzy Logic, the research successfully identified and implemented significant improvements, resulting in a drastic reduction in defect rates and production costs.