Documentação de convênios e P&D
URI permanente desta comunidade
Trabalhos ténico-científico oriundos de convênios com universidades para oferta de turmas de mestrado e doutorados no Estado do Amazonas
41 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Aterro Sanitário - Proposta Relevante para Reduzir os Lixões nas Cidades de até 100.000 Habitantes(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) LOPES, Enildo Batista; SOUZA, José Antônio da Silva; RODRÍGUEZ, Jorge Laureano MoyaThis dissertation presents a study on solid waste management in Brazilian cities with up to 100,000 inhabitants, focusing on the need to replace dumps with landfills. The work addresses the challenges of environmental management and proposes solutions for the adequate disposal of waste, aiming to preserve public health and the environment. The research includes a literature review and suggests the construction of a landfill as a viable alternative to mitigate the negative impacts of dumps, as well as discussing the importance of environmental education and community involvement.Item Características Físico-Químicas das Argilas Utilizadas na Indústria de Cerâmica Vermelha no Município de Tabatinga-AM: Um Estudo de Caso em Indústrias do Município(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) SABINO, Artemizia Rodrigues; MAGALHÃES, Edilson Marques; SOUZA, José Antônio da SilvaThe red ceramic industry in the state of Amazonas has its main production hub in the city of Iranduba and the metropolitan region of Manaus, with increasing annual demand. The municipality of Tabatinga, despite having few records in the regional industry, has been gaining prominence in the local economy through the production of ceramic bricks, impacting housing quality and generating jobs. This study analyzes the physicochemical properties of the clays used in the manufacture of blocks and tiles, aiming to obtain an optimal composition to enhance the quality of ceramic products. Test specimens were produced with different proportions of white and red clay and subjected to tests for water absorption, porosity, and mechanical resistance. The results showed that the final strength of the material is directly related to the plasticity of the red clay, resulting in a product with a strength exceeding 20 MPa, as required by the ABNT NBR 6220/1997 standard.Item Desenvolvimento de um Workflow para Teste de Qualidade de TV" Subtítulo: "Automação do Processo de Inspeção Interna do Comprador (IBI)(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2017) GONÇALVES, Bruno Pereira; QUARESMA, João Nazareno NonatoThis study proposes the development of a Workflow to automate the quality testing process of televisions (TV) within the scope of the Internal Buyer Inspection (IBI). The aim is to reduce the effort of the testing team and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of quality tests. The Workflow was implemented at a prototype level, integrating an information system, a data collector, and a control unit. The results demonstrated the feasibility of automating the tests, with the execution of 2,400 tests in 11 hours and 40 minutes, in addition to 8,404 power readings. The system also generated traceability reports and monitoring graphs, contributing to the standardization and improvement of the quality process.Item Sistematização e Transporte do Pescado para o Processamento e Abastecimento Industrial no Alto Solimões(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) CRUZ, Francilene dos Santos; CARVAJAL, Tirso Lorenzo Reyes; BRAGA, Eduardo MagalhãesThis paper systematically and analytically addresses the fish trade in the Upper Solimões region, in the state of Amazonas. The research followed the routine of local fishermen, who rely on fishing for subsistence, highlighting the difficulties they face, such as the lack of incentives for fish trade and the smuggling of fish to foreign countries. The need for fish warehouses for processing and distribution of a quality product was noted, emphasizing that the municipality of Tabatinga already has a warehouse, but it is not operational. The research also highlighted the presence of refrigerators and floating warehouses along the route, which serve to store production. Data collected in interviews demonstrated the commercial dynamics in the triple border area and the environmental and fiscal impacts resulting from the lack of inspection.Item Gestão Documental Integrada(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) NASCIMENTO, Ivanete de Oliveira; SOUZA, José Antônio da Silva; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study aims to present the relevance of Strategic Management in the organizational environment, addressing the implementation of an administrative document management system, restricted to the archival area. The proposal aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of integrated management, i.e., the application of strategic management in the structuring of processes related to document management, starting at the Strategic Planning with the formalization of sectoral strategies, supporting the pre-established goals, ending with the achievement of defined goals. The proposal provides effective information in decision-making, the implementation of strategic planning fostering future actions to restructure the internal work process, in this case applied specifically to Archival Management.Item Os Impactos do Arranjo Físico nos Processos de uma Agência Bancária: Um estudo sobre a influência do layout na eficiência e segurança dos processos bancários(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) LIMA, Priscilla Monique Paula; QUARESMA, João Nazareno Nonato; SOUZA, José Antônio da SilvaThis study investigates the impacts of physical arrangement on the processes of a bank agency, focusing on the treasury and cashier counters. The research, conducted in a bank agency in Manaus, analyzed issues such as queues, transaction errors, noise pollution, and difficulties in supplying ATMs. The results indicate that, although the agency's area is sufficient for the number of clients, the arrangement of equipment, the scarcity of labor, and the lack of visible signage hinder process efficiency, leading to customer dissatisfaction and slow service. The implementation of a new functional physical arrangement showed significant improvements in service time and customer satisfaction.Item Produtividade em uma Empresa de Refrigeração com Ênfase na Melhoria da Qualidade" Subtítulo: "Implementação de monitoramento de teste das unidades evaporadoras e interligação ao sistema MES(Instituto de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) OLIVEIRA, Silvia Karla da Silva de; MAGALHÃES, Edilson Marques; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis dissertation aims to implement the monitoring of evaporator unit tests and integrate them with the MES system, focusing on process improvement with an emphasis on quality. The study proposes the automation of the product performance test, conducted during the assembly process at the "Run Test" station. Previously, the test was performed manually, which did not guarantee that 100% of the products were tested, resulting in issues identified only by the end consumer. With the implementation of the automated system, it was possible to increase productivity, improve product quality, and ensure the safety of employees during all assembly stages.Item Redução do Tempo de Setup do Processo de Aquecimento de Moldes de Fundição de Baixa Pressão com Utilização de Resistência Tubular: Um Estudo de Caso Aplicado à Indústria de Motocicletas(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2016) THOMAZ, Elton de Jesus; CARVAJAL, Tirso Lorenzo ReyesThis study aims to reduce the setup time in the mold heating process used in low-pressure casting of motorcycle cylinder heads. The methodology applied was a case study, with the implementation of a tubular resistance electric heater. The results showed a 44.45% reduction in setup time, elimination of operator safety risks, improvement in the quality of produced parts, increased mold lifespan, and reduction in operational costs in the order of millions of reais per year. The relevance of the study lies in the application of the proposed improvements to other industrial processes involving mold heating.Item Método de Sintonia de Controlador PID de um Sistema de Carregamento de GLP(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2018) CALDERÓN JÚNIOR, Nibson Müller; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisPID controllers are increasingly present in various industrial processes. However, many control loops present tuning failures. This study proposes a methodology for modeling and analyzing industrial plant control systems based on real data, aiming to improve efficiency and optimize plant parameters. The tuning of the PID controller parameters was performed by identifying the dynamic model of the flow control of the LPG loading pump in a propane vessel loading terminal. The plant transfer function was obtained using the Process Reaction Curve method, applying a step disturbance to the manipulated variable (pump rotation). Simulations were conducted using the MATLAB/SIMULINK platform to ensure controller performance, with tuning adjustments made via MATLAB/PID Tuner. The results demonstrated that the adjusted PID controller successfully maintained the controlled variable at predetermined values, optimizing system performance.Item Implantação da Metodologia de Desenvolvimento de Projeto de Redes Corporativas Computacionais(Universidade Federal do Pará, 2018) NEVES, André Ricardo Nascimento das; QUARESMA, João Nazareno NonatoCompanies frequently invest in high-performance IT infrastructure while neglecting structured cabling, which is crucial for network performance. This research investigates the applicability of NBR 14565:2007, a standard for structured cabling in corporate networks. Using the PMBOK methodology, the study was conducted in a military organization in Rio Grande do Sul to enhance logical network infrastructure. The findings indicate that implementing the standard improved performance, compatibility with future systems, and interoperability.