URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/1

A comunidade dispõe da produção técnica e científica do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (PPG.EGPSA) do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), fruto da atividade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). É possível acessar os trabalhos de conclusão do programa de pós-graduação, artigos e livros vinculados a pesquisa, desenvolvimento, inovação e extensão.


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 7 de 7
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Análise das propriedades mecânicas do concreto com adição de seixo e polietileno tereftalato (PET)
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) BEZERRA, Antonio Carlos Lapa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de
    The increasing production of plastic waste, particularly Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), poses a significant environmental challenge due to its long degradation time and negative environmental impact. This study investigates the feasibility of using ground PET as a partial replacement for fine aggregate (sand) in concrete production. Mixtures with 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% sand replacement by PET were prepared. Tests at 28 days of curing showed that PET addition in certain proportions maintained the required strength and provided environmental benefits, such as reducing natural sand extraction and reusing plastic waste, reinforcing the technical and environmental viability of using recycled PET in concretes.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Os Protetores do Meio Ambiente: Estratégias Educativas Através de Tirinhas Ilustrativas
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) SILVA, Mey Ling Oliveira da; SILVA, Simone da
    This work explores the use of comic strips as an educational tool to promote environmental awareness among children and young people. Through a series of strips titled "The Protectors of the Environment," themes such as sustainability, recycling, preservation of natural resources, and the importance of biodiversity are addressed. The research highlights the effectiveness of these visual media in conveying ecological messages in a playful and accessible way, contributing to the formation of a more conscious and engaged generation in environmental protection.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Manual de Práticas Interdisciplinares de Educação Ambiental
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-11-01) LEMOS, Keveny Ribeiro; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de
    The "Manual of Interdisciplinary Practices in Environmental Education" is a work designed to support educators in the development of pedagogical activities that integrate environmental education in an interdisciplinary way. The manual recognizes the growing importance of environmental education (EE) in the educational scenario, highlighting the need for an approach that goes beyond traditional content and that promotes critical awareness among students about environmental issues. The book is structured to offer elementary and secondary school teachers a series of activities and projects that can be applied in different school contexts, considering the particularities of the institutions, such as availability of physical space and material resources. Divided into five main chapters, the manual covers everything from the theoretical foundations of EA, through the relevant legislation, to the practical application of interdisciplinary activities. Chapter 1 deals with the introduction and importance of EA, while chapter 2 explores the applicability of EA in the school context and its relationship with interdisciplinarity. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 present school profiles and suggest specific activities for each profile, considering the material and logistical conditions of the institutions. These activities range from simple classroom practices to more complex projects that involve the entire school community. The manual emphasizes the importance of developing environmental values ​​from the early grades, preparing students to face global environmental challenges in a critical and conscious way. It also offers a list of films that can be used as teaching resources, in addition to providing bibliographical references for theoretical deepening. The work stands out for its practical applicability, offering educators concrete tools to integrate EA into their daily pedagogical practices, contributing to the formation of more conscious citizens who are engaged in environmental preservation.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Perspectiva da educação ambiental no ensino fundamental: um estudo de caso
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-27) JANUÁRIO, Caroline Araújo da Costa; LIMA, Alexandra Amaro de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6915958689972413
    Although it is a topic considered relevant, the environment is still treated in an insufficient and ineffective manner at school. Environmental legislation is a powerful ally in the care and preservation of the environment, in addition to providing the necessary information on the duties and rights of individuals regarding this very important topic, however, few people have access to this type of information, which makes it more difficult to educate citizens with environmental awareness and responsibility. Therefore, after some meetings with educators and students, a didactic and functional booklet will be developed, with easy-to-understand language, with the aim of introducing environmental legislation and its main aspects in elementary education, in an attempt to train knowledgeable citizens of their duties and rights to the environment, in addition to favoring the dialogue at home, with parents, permeate issues such as environmental legislation, and sanctions in case of noncompliance, thus disseminating the knowledge acquired. For the creation of the booklet to be possible, some visits will be made for dialogue and lecture with educators and a meeting with students to carry out the study of Environmental Law, with the help of the material that will be manufactured. The level of satisfaction and effectiveness with the executed project will be evaluated after a debate with the students, who will be much more aware and concerned with the legislation that protects the environment.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Os impactos econômicos e sociais da repavimentação da br 319 e os seus respectivos desdobramentos ambientais
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-12-16) SOUZA, Luiz Henrique Castelo de; SILVA, Simone da; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7260488247107062
    BR 319 is a highway of great importance for the state of Amazonas and for other states in the northern region, since the existence of this road directly influences social, economic and environmental aspects of the region. It is noteworthy that many people depend on this highway to move between Manaus and Porto Velho and, consequently, to connect to the rest of the country. This study presents an analysis of the economic and social benefits of the repaving of BR 319 and its respective environmental consequences. On a preliminary basis, it can be said that the reconstruction of the road will contribute to the increase in the generation of jobs and will facilitate the flow of production, favoring regional development. This study also suggests that the reconstruction of the road will result in a reduction in the cost per kilometer traveled, resulting in a decrease in road freight and a reduction in the value of bus tickets between Manaus and Porto Velho. The loss, degradation of natural habitats, fauna trampling, chemical pollution, anthropic invasion and the increase in violence were some of the negative impacts raised in this work.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    A importância do meio ambiente no cotidiano escolar: trabalhando metodologias ativas com alunos surdos
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-07) LIMA, Hellen Leite; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317
    Initially it is considered relevant to inform that this study aims to present an analysis of the main active methodologies used in the education of deaf students in elementary school, having as assumption of the theme, The Environment in Everyday School and its Active Methodologies. The student is stimulated to assume an active and responsible posture in his learning process, seeking self-regulation and meaningful learning. This learning involves methods and techniques that stimulate student-teacher and student-student interaction, materials and didactic resources, and almost always bets on learning in a collaborative environment, leading the student to take responsibility for the construction of his knowledge. Based on this premise, we will present the results and discussions of a qualitative and quantitative research. Moreover, we will expand our information by conducting a field research through observations and semistructured interviews relevant to our study, based on experiences with deaf students in a state school in Manaus. Therefore, we will present some active methodologies, among which is Recycle, Reuse and Reduce solid waste. It was found that the methodologies used are oriented according to the theories of child-centered learning. In this context, it is essential to invest in the deaf student and in his identification, thus providing the referral to appropriate services for the stimulation and development of this learner. Based on the evaluation of the results obtained by the applicability of environmental issues in daily school life, and the use of active methodologies, propose a new method of study for the training of deaf students. We sought to clarify what is the best way to work the active methodologies in the training of the deaf subject. It was found that the use of active methodologies motivates students and directs them to seek information in order to solve problems and promote their own development, making them realize that the new learning is a necessary and significant tool to expand their possibilities and paths. We conclude that the process of teaching and learning with deaf students still lacks opportunities for relevant research, aiming at the adoption of new techniques that favor learning at better levels of qualification to the child.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    As formas de descarte de agulhas e seringas em época de pandemia da Covid-19 no Sistema de Saúde de Iranduba
    (Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-23) AZEVEDO FILHO, Walter da Cunha; CAMPOS, Paola Souto; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6414810834266975
    Developing evidence-based guidelines to make the disposal of used injection devices safer is the goal of this research. The study was based on a meticulous process of visual observation in a specific vaccination post in the Iranduba City, State of Amazonas, and not on any process used to observe just for observing. The study was motivated by the increased interest in knowing how to dispose of these syringes used in vaccination against covid-19, since the demand for vaccinated individuals is still large compared to other vaccines and, consequently, the number of syringes discarded is also unreasonably large when the same comparison is made. Also through a literature review, we sought to summarize the best evidence-based practices to prevent infections associated with the disposal of injection devices/syringes in inappropriate environments. The development process included, for data collection, an observational analysis of how sanitary supplies were disposed of, used in vaccinations against covid-19 in 2021, in addition to an analysis of the World Health Organization's reference definition ( WHO) and the Ministry of Health of an injection syringe disposal in an appropriate and safe place, from after the immediate use until its final disposal followed by exclusive incineration. A literature review for each of these steps, the formulation of best practices and submission of the preliminary document for review were the steps of this research. At the end of this arduous research, it was conclusively noticeable the wrong and harmful way in which such solid waste was disposed of, since these materials, soon after their use, were allocated, in a collection box, together with other sanitary supplies, perhaps, the latter with the possibility of reuse or recycling, which would bring enormous risks to UBS workers in the face of the risk of infection from covid19.This article only discusses the necessary procedure to control the handling of syringes and needles already used in vaccination against covid-19.