Dissertação PPG.EGPSA
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/3
8 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Gestão de logística avaliação de fornecedores em indústria utilizando inteligência artificial (lógica fuzzy) para a tomada de decisão(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-18) NEVES, Ananda Desirée Rondon Fonseca Jana das; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317The quality aspect is considered as an indispensable requirement when it comes to the production of goods or services, because with the highly competitive market, a simple factor that does not please the consumer, can be crucial to generate negative points in business operations. With this, the research conducted in a watch factory X, aimed to analyze the factors that contribute to the performance and analysis of an international supplier. In view of this, to reach this objective, it was necessary to raise the rates of rejects in the process of inspection in receipt and assembly, as well as the process of service term of replacement in reject, aiming to evaluate the supplier's performance. The need to perform this analysis arose through the experience of one of the members of the group, who works in the company, reason why this dissertation can contribute to maximize the decision making of managers in relation to the approval or non-accreditation of suppliers for the production of watches. The quantitative approach aims to measure the variables, as the procedure for data collection was carried out through excel spreadsheet documents copied from the SAP program. At the end of this research, improvement actions were suggested to the company according to the application of the supplier evaluation by the fuzzy logic method. The results achieved in the dissertation, obtains substantiation through the evaluation method used, and thus, minimize the losses that can generate significant losses to the process of waiting for information copilation for decision making.Item Aplicação da lógica fuzzy na definição da resistência à compressão de caixas de papéis ondulados(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-09-16) LIMA, Vagner Rodrigues; LIMA, Moysés Mendes de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8329412238374484Corrugated paper packaging, commonly called cardboard packaging, stands out among the most used in industry and commerce in general. These packages have established themselves as the preferred resource when it comes to storing and transporting products, this is fundamentally due to their low cost. Furthermore, the packaging box is fully recyclable and perfectly meets the environmental appeal and awareness of using less polluting and more sustainable raw material. Packing box damage occurs mostly in the storage or transport of the finished product. One of the main causes for these failures is directly linked to the definition compressive strength that the packaging box must withstand throughout its life cycle. In this research, a computational model based on Fuzzy logic is proposed to classify the compressive strength of the designed packaging box as being: inadequate, good, adequate. Always taking into account that the higher the value of the compressive strength, the lower the cost of the box. As a support tool, two methods well known among packaging box designers were used, the calculation of compressive strength using Mckee’s formula and the method of calculating compressive strength using static stacking. The approach proved to be effective, since it was possible to validate the classification of the with the use of Fuzzy logic.Item Otimização do processo de fabricação de embalagens de papelão com lógica fuzzy(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-24) FERNANDES, Everson Lima; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188This study arose from the need to meet the demand for manufacturing monitors at a lower cost than initially budgeted, with the assembly of the new corrugated cardboard packaging, complying with the requirements established by the client DELL and with a reduced staff of 42 employees to a maximum of 08 people in the assembly process. The methods used for the purposes of the research were exploratory and descriptive, having as a research instrument applied in the form of observation in the various stages and aimed to present a production feasibility study in the development of corrugated cardboard packaging for LCD monitors used in computers, respecting the ergonomic rules of the OCRA tool and using Fuzzy logic, in the development of cardboard packaging, which contain a high level of manufacturing and assembly complexity in the company, totally eliminating the current packaging standard, which contains cardboard boxes, styrofoam and poly bubble bag in the company, as well as other recommendations relevant to the proposed study, creating subsidies to answer the problem raised.Item Análise do grau de riscos em projetos de P&Di utilizando lógica fuzzy para identificação de viabilidade técnica(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-10) PONTES, Kleber de Lima; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798Currently, business structures are increasingly focused on pursuit of continuous improvement in their processes so that organizations can remain competitive in the market, since customers require more and more products or services with high quality levels. With the reference this scenario, this work brings a methodology of analysis of the risk of R&DI (Research, Development and Innovation) projects, using the fuzzy mathematical model, developed in an organization whose core business is the research and development of new technologies. This analysis occurs through the development of linguistic variables (input), with the aim of identifying measure the degree of risk in projects. After the determination of the guidelines to be followed, it was possible to obtain results that demonstrate that the developed fuzzy model can assist in the identification and prioritization of the variables that increase the degree of risk of technologies development projects.Item A utilização de um modelo fuzzy integrado à gestão de estoque em empresas do ramo eletroeletrônico(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-02) CARVALHO, Monteiro, Adler Matos; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798Inventory management is a practice of fundamental importance for the success of companies in the most varied segments. Companies that operate with low levels of profitability depend on efficient inventory management, under penalty of losing competitiveness. Efficient inventory maintenance is not characterized by the existence of large batches of products for prompt customer service or, on the contrary, by the lack of inventories in an attempt to minimize maintenance costs. Inventories must be managed in a balanced way to ensure an adequate level of service to customers and generate profits. This work aimed to develop a Fuzzy model for stock management of an organization, to reduce the lack of material in stock, resulting from the "lead time". The work is justified by the importance of having a management monitoring the control of inventory costs, which includes the expenses resulting from the lack of items, the costs related to the replacement of the stock, and the expenses of a stopped stock. To accomplish this, it was necessary to map the Material Purchasing Process and thus identify which were the most significant variables in inventory management. The use of Fuzzy Logic, idealized for a model like this, is to reach an inventory level close to zero, immediately before physical replacement, thus minimizing unnecessary costs. Therefore, experimental research aims to manipulate and control the research variables. The application of the developed model shows that the evaluation of Inventory Management through the Need for Replacement of Input and Type of Transport to be used through the fuzzy methodology proved to be viable to assist the desired observations, allowing to understand the impact of each linguistic variable in the research result, pointing out how company X can use the information obtained to improve the structure of its Logistics Process, thus reducing the lack of material in stock due to the lead time.Item Uso de ferramentas computacionais e de qualidade na melhoria de design de monitores de LCD(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-03-07) SILVA, Ronildo Souza da; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317Companies all over the world aim to launch a considerable amount of new products every year. During this process, project failures and design problems are often detected. In this context, this study aims to scientifically explore the events that occurred during the implementation of a new LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitor product, where its functionality, appearance, quality, and cost are considered satisfactory; however, its design had a negative impact on the mass production process and presented a great need for improvement. The research then sought to understand the causes of the problem and apply some solutions, especially for the biggest defect found in the project: infiltration of adhesive inside the joystick button actuation mechanism. The applied methodology was developed through action research, which meant an active role in the analysis of the problem and development of solutions within the research environment and used quality tools (PDCA, Ishikawa and Kaizen) and parameters of the fuzzy logic tools (linguistic variables, fuzzyfication, Inference rules and defuzzification). As the result, the organization obtained several benefits, such as reducing the defect rate from 20% to less than 3%, reducing costs with spare parts and repair service, and increasing quality and productivity indicators. There was also an impact on product costs, with probable savings with the implementation of the improvement estimated to be around R$ 16 million in a six-month period. Considering these factors, this work produced the desired effects on its object of study in a satisfactory way.Item Lógica fuzzy aplicada na análise ergonômica de trabalho na industria automobilistica para tomada de decisão(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-02-14) PINTO, Leandro Soares; LEITE, Jandecy CabralErgonomics have proved to be increasingly important for industrial processes around the world. The evolution of machines and various work equipment. Therefore, it is extremely important to make a comprehensive reading of the workstations and ergonomic analysis tools. The objective of this research is an application of the technological resources of fuzzy logic in the results found in the Ergonomic Analysis of Work (AET) in seven jobs in the automotive industry of the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM). The methodology was applied to an ergonomic tool using the Suzanne Rodgers method and in the mathematical models characterized by fuzzy inference for decision making on the various disorders that occur with the health of the employee. Data from the Sune Rodgers ergonomic tool and other observations at the workstations will be tabulated and serve as an application for a fuzzy application through modeling in fuzz logic, fuzzization engine and base fuzzization with a mathematical risk output variable in nuclei. Therefore, it is useful to make a comparison and be able to contest the importance of ergonomic processes for the benefit of the worker in the automotive industry for decision making.Item Implementação do sistema de inferência fuzzy para suporte à avaliação do esfigmomanômetro visando atender às atividades de fiscalização fluvial na área da metrologia legal, cientifica e conformidades(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-04-26) BRITO, Márcio André Oliveira; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; ; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317The Amazon region has characteristics that point to logistical difficulties in meeting the demands whose inspection goal is to contribute to the economic development of the craft industry and commerce in the interior of the state, making regional products competitive, by providing technical metrological advice on procedures for verifying weighing and measuring instruments, using river vessels equipped with laboratories for testing pre-measured products, service rooms, IT and training. The Management Model for Basic River Units (UBF), aimed at carrying out inspection activities in the area of legal and scientific metrology and conformity assessment using fuzzy logic for decision-making, proposes an innovative management system for river units, focused on IPEM-AM's inspection activities using INMETRO's methodology. The approach uses fuzzy logic to improve decision-making, making it more accurate and efficient. The aim of the research is to evaluate a pressure device (sphygmomanometer) in order to fulfil inspection activities in the area of legal and scientific metrology and compliance, using fuzzy inference to support decision-making. The methodology used aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of inspection activities in these areas, reducing errors and optimising resources. Fuzzy logic is a suitable tool for dealing with the uncertainty and imprecision present in this context, allowing the system to make decisions that are closer to reality in accordance with the legislation. The results of the proposed model can be applied to different types of river units, helping to improve inspection processes and ensuring compliance with current rules and regulations. In addition, the use of fuzzy logic can provide more intelligent management that can be adapted to the changing conditions of the river environment according to the region's logistical purposes.