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A comunidade dispõe da produção técnica e científica do Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia, Gestão de Processos, Sistema e Ambiental (PPG.EGPSA) do Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia (ITEGAM), fruto da atividade de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). É possível acessar os trabalhos de conclusão do programa de pós-graduação, artigos e livros vinculados a pesquisa, desenvolvimento, inovação e extensão.
Item A Implantação do 5S em uma Confeitaria da Cidade de Manaus-AM, Utilizando Ferramentas da Qualidade(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021) COELHO, Sarah Marjurye da Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThis chapter presents the implementation of the 5S program in a confectionery located in Manaus-AM, aiming to improve the organization, cleanliness, and efficiency of the work environment. Using quality tools such as the PDCA cycle and the 5W2H action plan, the study proposes a management model that seeks to reduce costs and increase productivity. The application of 5S proved to be effective in optimizing space and improving employee performance, resulting in a more organized and productive work environment.Item A utilização de um modelo fuzzy integrado à gestão de estoque em empresas do ramo eletroeletrônico(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-02) CARVALHO, Monteiro, Adler Matos; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798Inventory management is a practice of fundamental importance for the success of companies in the most varied segments. Companies that operate with low levels of profitability depend on efficient inventory management, under penalty of losing competitiveness. Efficient inventory maintenance is not characterized by the existence of large batches of products for prompt customer service or, on the contrary, by the lack of inventories in an attempt to minimize maintenance costs. Inventories must be managed in a balanced way to ensure an adequate level of service to customers and generate profits. This work aimed to develop a Fuzzy model for stock management of an organization, to reduce the lack of material in stock, resulting from the "lead time". The work is justified by the importance of having a management monitoring the control of inventory costs, which includes the expenses resulting from the lack of items, the costs related to the replacement of the stock, and the expenses of a stopped stock. To accomplish this, it was necessary to map the Material Purchasing Process and thus identify which were the most significant variables in inventory management. The use of Fuzzy Logic, idealized for a model like this, is to reach an inventory level close to zero, immediately before physical replacement, thus minimizing unnecessary costs. Therefore, experimental research aims to manipulate and control the research variables. The application of the developed model shows that the evaluation of Inventory Management through the Need for Replacement of Input and Type of Transport to be used through the fuzzy methodology proved to be viable to assist the desired observations, allowing to understand the impact of each linguistic variable in the research result, pointing out how company X can use the information obtained to improve the structure of its Logistics Process, thus reducing the lack of material in stock due to the lead time.Item Algoritmo para análise preliminar dos requisitos técnicos dos titulares de permissão para reparo e manutenção de instrumentos de medição regulados(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-06-28) MOREIRA, Jaildo Jackson do Amaral; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; BRITO JUNIOR, Jorge de AlmeidaDocument for the registration of computer software by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), validating the software "Algorithm for preliminary analysis of the technical requirements of permit holders for repair and maintenance of regulated measuring instruments", developed in MATLAB, valid for 50 years.Item Algoritmo para escoamento da produção do setor eletroeletrônico(Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), 2024-10-08) MIRANDA, Allan Cerdeira; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique ReisThe National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) issued a registration certificate for the computer program entitled "Algorithm for the flow of production in the electronics sector," valid for 50 years from January 1st following the date of May 29th, 2024. The algorithm was developed in MATLAB, applied to fields AD-03, IF-01, and TP-01, and was registered under process BR512024003607-5. The certificate was issued on October 8th, 2024, approved by the INPI's patents and computer programs directorate.Item Análise da demanda de vendas e da capacidade produtiva para determinar a necessidade de mão-de-obra direta(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-05-20) GEMAQUE, Fabrício Mourão; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317This study consists of meeting the sales demand using the existing production capacity in an electronic goods industry and thus determining the amount of direct labor (MOD) necessary to meet the needs of customers. Since obtaining the correct number of operators on a production line is extremely important in the pursuit of productivity and cost reduction. Therefore, using concepts such as takt time, cycle time and line efficiency and other information related to the product or products that will be assembled on a production line, it will be possible to quickly and assertively determine the number of operators that must serve directly the client's demand, thus guaranteeing productive efficiency and the correct application of labor resources using as assumptions the capacity and equipment already existing in the production line. Thus, based on the company's sales projection, it will be possible to determine month by month the number of operators, number of shifts and the appropriate volume to be produced to meet the requested demand.Item Análise decisória para implementação de estratégias integradas para a redução de setup em processos industriais utilizando lógica fuzzy(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-06-09) SOUZA, Vanessa Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; SILVA, Ítalo Rodrigo SoaresThis article explores the application of Fuzzy Logic as a decision support tool for implementing integrated strategies aimed at reducing setup times in industrial processes. The study seeks to optimize operational efficiency and reduce variability in production processes, ultimately enhancing productivity. A computational model based on Fuzzy Logic was developed to analyze key variables impacting setup times and associated waste. The research was conducted in a company in the Manaus Industrial Park, specializing in electronics. The results showed that the combination of Tools and Equipment with Advanced Planning variables significantly impacts setup time by 86%, highlighting the importance of managing these variables to improve productivity.Item Análise do grau de riscos em projetos de P&Di utilizando lógica fuzzy para identificação de viabilidade técnica(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-10) PONTES, Kleber de Lima; NASCIMENTO, Manoel Henrique Reis; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0850846128967798Currently, business structures are increasingly focused on pursuit of continuous improvement in their processes so that organizations can remain competitive in the market, since customers require more and more products or services with high quality levels. With the reference this scenario, this work brings a methodology of analysis of the risk of R&DI (Research, Development and Innovation) projects, using the fuzzy mathematical model, developed in an organization whose core business is the research and development of new technologies. This analysis occurs through the development of linguistic variables (input), with the aim of identifying measure the degree of risk in projects. After the determination of the guidelines to be followed, it was possible to obtain results that demonstrate that the developed fuzzy model can assist in the identification and prioritization of the variables that increase the degree of risk of technologies development projects.Item Análise ergonômica do trabalho (AET) em linha de inserção manual de produção industrial no segmento eletroeletronico(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-12-10) FERNANDES, Raulchelison Tavares; BEZERRA, Roberval Monteiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0466572603004690The ergonomic analysis of work (EAW) has as its principle to identify and try to prevent possible diseases that develop slowly due to repetitive movements, unfavorable postures, furniture without comfort and visual discomfort, causing for the organization the loss of productivity, employee dissatisfaction, and increased costs. The inadequate working environment and furniture can also lead to reduced productivity in companies, because if not adjusted to biotypes can lead to the occurrence of occupational diseases. One of the great challenges of ergonomics applied to work is to design or adapt workstations and tools to the morphological diversity of the population. The accurate analysis of the various segments is done according to the techniques of anthropometry, which is the study of the physical measurements of the human body. This research aimed to "apply the ergonomic analysis of work (EAW) in the production line of a company in the electro-electronic segment to promote improvements in the workplace aiming at the quality of life, well-being, and safety of the employees". In the study methodology, a population survey of the company's biotypes was carried out through anthropometric evaluation; the human body movements were analyzed, with emphasis on the upper limbs, according to the conditions of their workstation; ergonomic concepts were implemented in the production line; the workstations were adapted to the employees; and, finally, the results of productivity were monitored, followed up, and compared after the ergonomic improvements were implemented. To analyze the results of this research, a sampling of 375 employees was carried out with emphasis on the manual insertion production line. The anthropometric analysis showed that there is a difference between male and female biotypes. With the female more concentrated around the mean and the male presenting a larger tail of the distribution. The ergonomic analysis of the work identified the need for adaptation, alteration and changes in the workstations that start in the equipment permeating with the improvement of the posture of the employees that operate in the production lines. After the implementation of the improvements, the ex-post analysis showed that the company's proposed targets for productivity, quality, and absenteeism were met, with averages of 780.2 units/manhour, 281.4 pieces/million, and 1.8%, respectively.Item Análise ergonômica do trabalho (AET) em linha de inserção manual de produção industrial no segmento eletroeletrônico(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-30) FERNANDES, Raulchelison Tavares; LIMA, Roberval Monteiro Bezerra deThis study presents an Ergonomic Work Analysis (EWA) applied to a manual insertion production line in the electronics manufacturing sector. The main objective was to identify and implement ergonomic improvements to optimize working conditions and, consequently, increase productivity and worker well-being. The research involved the collection of anthropometric data, analysis of repetitive movements and postures adopted by workers, and the implementation of ergonomic improvements. As a result, the company observed a significant reduction in occupational diseases, absenteeism, and an increase in productivity and quality indicators.Item Aplicação da lógica fuzzy como ferramenta no auxílio da tomada de decisões para otimização de layout de linha de soldagem(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-03-21) FARIAS, Leandro da Mota; GUIMARAES, Gil Eduardo; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8142709905105377In the current market scenario, companies face a highly competitive and challenging market due to various economic and technological factors. Companies that do not modernize themselves are surpassed by new companies with more agile and efficient market methodologies. Therefore, if a company seeks to remain in the market, it must pursue the implementation of new market methodologies. We observe that Industry 4.0 applications are increasingly spreading in the industrial sector through various tools such as automation, IoT, among others. Companies using these tools can reduce costs and become more efficient. Thus, there is a growing demand for the implementation of these tools in the industrial sector. This work aims to apply methods such as Fuzzy logic to develop a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) analysis to assist in the decision-making process aimed at increasing the efficiency of a motorcycle welding production line in a company located in the Manaus Free Trade Zone. Through these mathematical methods, it is possible to losses of the process, helping managers gain a clearer understanding of highly imprecise issues and often dependent on the perspective of decision-makers. Using methods such as: mapping the production process, collecting data such as process time, layout area, productive counterflow, among other indicators, we will prepare an analysis using Fuzzy Logic to aid in the analysis of improving the layout at points such as space layout, parts inventory and line efficiency. The goal of this work is to identify bottleneck points and offer opportunities for deverticalization to propose improvements in production, reducing losses and improving the process flow.Item Aplicação da lógica fuzzy na definição da resistência à compressão de caixas de papéis ondulados(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) LIMA, Vagner Rodrigues; LIMA, Moysés Mendes deThe study presents the application of fuzzy logic in classifying the compression resistance of corrugated cardboard boxes. The research aims to provide a quick and accurate classification of box strength (inadequate, good, adequate) using simulations based on essential parameters such as the McKee formula and static stacking. The project's innovation lies in applying fuzzy logic to interpret imprecise data, optimizing the packaging development process and reducing logistical costs.Item Aplicação da metodologia six sigma e método dmaic para redução no índice de perdas de latas de alumínio em uma indústria de bebidas Estudo de caso: latax refrigerantes ltda(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-12-01) SANTOS, João Felipe Silva dos; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317In the segment of the beverage industry, quality factors are critical for a company, as in addition to being related to consumer safety, due to the ingestion of products by human beings, it is also essential to avoid wasting raw materials. Characterized by low profit margins, maintaining high quality levels directly contributes to the competitiveness and survival of a company in this segment among the competitors. Six Sigma is an internationally recognized tool widely used in the identification and implementation of improvements in internal processes of an organization, aiming to obtain lower operating costs and, consequently, increase profit margins. During the application of this tool, it is necessary to follow a defined sequence of steps and to establish quantified objectives. This study demonstrates how the application of the tool can assist in reducing operational costs by reducing losses of cans in the production process through cause analysis and implementation of action plans in a production line of soft drinks in aluminum cans in a beverage industry. In the application of this study, steps of the DMAIC methodology were followed, where statistics tools were used to DEFINE the problems and identify the improvements, MEASURE during the phases of getting results, ANALYZE the collected data into useful information for decision making, IMPLEMENT the actions proposed in an action plan based on the previous steps and finally CONTROL the processes so that continuous improvement is a living cycle within the institution. The Six Sigma team of this project, applying VOC - Voice of Customer, Snake Diagram and SIPOC methodologies, could interact with internal customers about the soft drink bottling processes in aluminum cans, as well as the other processes that interact among themselves and how this industrialization process isinserted in the context of the organization as a whole. After the full implementation of the actions, the objective was met. In comparison with the previous measured period, the analyzed process reduced the average percentage of can losses from 0,53% to 0,26% after the implemented actions, representing a 49% improvement in the loss rate of the processItem Aplicação da metodologia Six Sigma e método DMAIC para redução no índice de perdas de latas de alumínio em uma indústria de bebidas: estudo de caso na Latax Refrigerantes Ltda(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-06-20) SANTOS, João Felipe Silva dos; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study investigates the application of the Six Sigma methodology and the DMAIC method to reduce the aluminum can loss rate in a beverage industry, Latax Refrigerantes Ltda. The research was motivated by the need to minimize waste and optimize production processes in a sector of high economic and social relevance. By utilizing Six Sigma and DMAIC tools, the study identifies the main causes of losses and implements corrective actions, resulting in a significant reduction in operational costs and improvement in production efficiency. The study provides a replicable model for other industries in the sector seeking to increase competitiveness and sustainability.Item Aplicação de ferramentas da gestão da qualidade para redução de scrap em uma indústria de caixa eletrônico no Polo Industrial de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022) RODRIGUES, Suede da Luz; LIMA, Roberval Monteiro Bezerra deThis study presents the application of quality management tools, such as DMAIC and Lean Six Sigma, to reduce the scrap rate in an ATM manufacturing industry in the Manaus Industrial Pole. The main objective was to identify the key factors contributing to scrap generation and implement improvements that would optimize production processes and reduce waste. The research involved a detailed mapping of the production process, identification of root causes of the problems, and the proposal of corrective actions. The results showed a significant reduction in scrap, contributing to the company's competitiveness.Item Aplicação de ferramentas da gestão da qualidade para redução de scrap em uma indústria de caixa eletrônico no Polo Industrial de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-12-10) RODRIGUES, Suede da Luz; BEZERRA, Roberval Monteiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0466572603004690Due to the globalization that has increased the competitiveness among markets, companies have sought to improve their production processes to reduce waste and production costs. To optimize the processes, the industry has invested in the implementation of advanced technologies and has also sought to apply different quality tools, ranging from traditional tools to more modern methods. Quality tools are means that facilitate the resolution of problems that can interfere with the good performance of a process, product, or service. They enable continuous process improvement and allow organizations to take appropriate action to avoid recurrence of the problem. In addition, applying quality tools to reduce process scrap can bring medium- and long-term benefits to companies, which will reflect in customer satisfaction, and cost reduction due to the rejection of non-conforming materials. The objective of this work was to reduce scrap of financial resources and time through the introduction of robust quality tools applied to the production process in the ATM industry. The research methodology used was the case study, applied in a company in the Industrial Pole of Manaus. The methodological proposals, conceptualization, and the main quality tools used in the industry were presented. The results were analyzed through the use of the following quality tools: Pareto Diagram, Trend Graph, Brainstorming, 5-Why Analysis and 5W2H. The results found point out that the quality tools are effective for the identification of causes and solution of problems related to rejection of materials. The Pareto diagram evidenced that the card reader was the main cause of rejection, and together with 7 other items represented 78% of the rejection costs of 2018 and 2019. Finally, with the application of the 5W2H tool it was possible to implement action plans to solve the problems identified, which generated a significant reduction of 95% of the 2020 rejection costs.Item Aplicação do lean seis sigma e método DMAIC para redução da perda de açúcar em uma empresa de refrigerante. Estudo de caso: Grupo Simões(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-11-30) AMARAL, Kelen Farias de; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317The Lean Six Sigma method is the integration between Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma, two methods that have been adding value to the production processes, generating the best results, because they provide tools to assist in the management of the indicators of the companies that use them. The use of this method in the manufacturing process is a strategic factor for competitive companies, whose focus seeks to meet the customers with a cost appropriate to market requirements, considering that the existing processes related to the manufacture of a finished product have their variability. The objective of this study was to present the application of Lean Six Sigma tools, describe the use of the DMAIC model and demonstrate its application in the syrup production and beverage filling process in one of Simões Group companies, as well as demonstrate the results obtained with the reduction of production cost through the reduction of sugar loss. The technique applied in this study followed the steps of the DMAIC methodology. This project relied on a team that, by applying VOC (Voice of Customer) methodologies, identification of Critical Attributes to Quality (CTQs), Serpent Diagram and SIPOC, was able to collect information from internal customers about the manufacturing processes of simple syrup, final syrup, and the bottling of beverages in PET bottles, as well as others related to the theme. It was possible to determine and quantify the main process waste after the full implementation of the actions proposed by the Six Sigma team, having achieved the objective of this project. When comparing the sugar loss with the previous period measured, the analyzed process reduced the average percentage of losses from 2.02% to 0.07% after the implemented actions. Thus, there was a financial contribution of the project to the company with the average annual production cost reduction on sugar waste of 33% for the company.Item Aplicação do lean seis sigma e método DMAIC para redução da perda de açúcar em uma empresa de refrigerante: estudo de caso no Grupo Simões(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-05-11) DEVEZAS, Kelen Amaral; LEITE, Jandecy CabralThis study presents the application of Lean Six Sigma and DMAIC methodologies to reduce sugar loss in the production process of a soft drink company belonging to Grupo Simões. The research focuses on the analysis and optimization of syrup manufacturing and beverage bottling processes, aiming to reduce sugar waste, which directly impacts production costs. By implementing these methodologies, the company was able to identify the root causes of the losses and propose solutions to significantly reduce operational inefficiencies, improving the quality and competitiveness of the final product.Item Application of ergonomic work analysis in automotive industry processes using computational intelligence for decision making(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-02-26) PINTO, Leandro Soares; LEITE, Jandecy CabralErgonomics have proved to be increasingly important for industrial processes around the world. The evolution of machinery and equipment has caused several disorders in occupational health at work. Therefore, it is extremely important to make a comprehensive reading of the workstations and ergonomic analysis tools. The objective of the article is to make an application of the technological resources of fuzzy logic in the results found in the Ergonomic Analysis of Work (AET) in seven jobs in the automotive industry of the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM). The methodology applied is based on the application of ergonomic tools using Suzanne Rodgers`method and on the mathematical models characterized by Fuzzy Inference for decision making on various disorders that occur with the health of the employee. The results found in the ergonomic tool ‘’Suzanne Rodgers’’ applied to the movement of upper and lower limbs and other observations in the productive sectors, with the application of Fuzzy Logic, it was shown that the linguistic variables by colors, the legend that shows the classification of ergonomic risks through run. Therefore, they serve to make a comparison and discuss the importance of ergonomic processes for the benefit of the worker in the automotive industry for decision-making.Item Barreiras à implementação da logística reversa em indústrias de eletroeletrônicos do polo industrial de Manaus(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-04-10) MADURO, Renata da Silva; RODRIGUEZ, Carlos Manuel Taboada; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5905893327298080Reverse logistics is a concept that involves managing the reverse flow of products and materials focusing on reuse, recycling and adequate disposal of products at the end of their useful life, aiming to reduce environmental impact and ensure efficiency and sustainable development of products and productive processes. Currently, academic discussion in this regard is increasing and the research carried out offers, for the most part, practical answers for companies in facing obstacles to the implementation of reverse flows and highlights the economic and environmental advantages resulting from this practice. In order to understand the lack of implementation and investments of reverse flows in productive processes, the present work aims to identify the main barriers to its implementation in the electronics industries of the Manaus Industrial Complex. To this end, a systematic review of the literature was carried out, through which we can better understand the state of academic research on this subject and which made it possible to identify a series of barriers, which were categorized, selected and validated by industry experts and academic professionals based on questionnaires. Their responses were compiled creating an overall prioritization of the list of barriers. From then on, the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory method (DEMATEL) was used, which determined which barriers were most impactful based on the opinion of experts in order to obtain the level of relationship that a group of barriers exerts on another group. The purpose of this instrument is to offer for managers and decision makers a conceptual framework for understanding the difficulties of implementing reverse logistics practices in the Manaus Industrial Complex.Item Desenvolvimento de sistema inteligente de manufatura enxuta para gerenciamento e controle da produção do medidor eletrônico.(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-10-20) RAMOS JÚNIOR, Juarez da Silva; LEITE, Jandecy Cabral; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7279183940171317This project presents a viable solution to the problem of communication, integration and control of information in the manufacturing process of the electronic meter, a product that includes an Intelligent System. The aim was to develop an Intelligent System for Lean Manufacturing to support decision-making when using Production Control processes to guarantee product quality and reduce production costs. The advancement of technologies in manufacturing processes aligned with methodologies that enable production efficiency, this project demonstrates a focus on the modernization of factories by using the pillars of industry 4.0 to enable new investment perspectives and fit the company into the process maturity requirements. The software was developed for a company in the Manaus Industrial Estate (PIM). It used Machine Learning, Deep Learning and various methods such as: optimization, bio-inspired, classification and pattern recognition, heuristic, iterative and Newton methods. The results showed that the main development phases were validated, obtaining a computational model applied to production demand forecasting with knowledge generation made available on production and quality dashboards and the Intelligent System with integration via API and development stacks with modern resources (web frameworks), developing with quality metrics: reliability, security, availability and robustness.