Dissertação PPG.EGPSA
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://rigalileo.itegam.org.br/handle/123456789/3
Item A Importância da gestão do processo de compras e a comunicação com as demais áreas empresariais integradas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-24) CHAVES, Jesus de Alencar; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188In the current context of extreme competitiveness, companies should redirect their efforts to a good service capacity, with a high level of service and the lowest possible total cost. The entire logistics process represents a decisive factor in the company's activity, and the management of purchases in the acquisition of materials and services should be aligned with the strategic objectives of the company as a whole, acting in an integrated manner with the other sectors, in addition to exposing actions guarded by the compliance area to avoid ethical and moral deviations, protecting Corporate Governance. The adequacy of integrity models that meet the rules that comply with current laws has become fundamental in the management of organizations as a strategic way. Therefore, the objective of this study is the implementation of a process model of application of the compliance program and the security of information and data of the company, for this purpose one must identify the main tools necessary for the compliance program and show the application of the compliance mechanism in the organizational scope, that is of fundamental importance for the acceptance of products or services in the market where they operate, as well as business continuity. The study began with the problem that the failure of communication in the company during internal and external changes can negatively affect the company's results and the conduct of employees. For this, the Inductive Method was elected and thus used a strategic tool such as SWOT analysis, a 5W2H activity mapping tool and PDCA action plan. Thus, the present study can be considered exploratory, of an applied and qualitative nature, in two aspects, bibliographic research and case study. The Research will be by observation and comparison with bibliographic research through a sample of facts identified in the company and reports of employees from various departments, of facts already occurred. Data collection was through meeting and interviewing with the professionals of the companies, reporting on the importance of the theme. We sought to know how to improve communication between the purchasing department with the other departments of the company and with the companies that maintain relationships. The results showed the main tools and compliance mechanism, proposing actions that can be used in practice with the purpose of providing a broad view of the operation of the proposed model, with transparency and ethics, thus increasing the competitiveness of the business.Item Análise das propriedades mecânicas do concreto com adição de seixo e polietileno tereftalato (PET)(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) BEZERRA, Antonio Carlos Lapa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThe increasing production of plastic waste, particularly Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), poses a significant environmental challenge due to its long degradation time and negative environmental impact. This study investigates the feasibility of using ground PET as a partial replacement for fine aggregate (sand) in concrete production. Mixtures with 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% sand replacement by PET were prepared. Tests at 28 days of curing showed that PET addition in certain proportions maintained the required strength and provided environmental benefits, such as reducing natural sand extraction and reusing plastic waste, reinforcing the technical and environmental viability of using recycled PET in concretes.Item Estimativa da incerteza de medição nos ensaios de resistência elétrica de fios e cabos elétricos para tensões nominais de até 450/750V(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024) CAVALCANTE, Henrique Augusto Mota; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThe national market for electrical wires and cables faces products of dubious quality, with electrical resistance exceeding normative limits, which may cause fires. This dissertation addresses the importance of ensuring the compliance of these products, focusing on the estimation of measurement uncertainty in electrical resistance tests for wires and cables with nominal voltages up to 450/750V. The "top-down" methodology was applied, using the Ishikawa Diagram, enabling the creation of a mathematical model to calculate combined standard uncertainty. Tests conducted on samples from factories and the market revealed non-conformities, emphasizing the need for improved inspection and measurement processes.Item Estratégias e técnicas computacionais integradas para a redução do tempo de setup em processos industriais(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-09-28) SOUZA, Vanessa Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThis dissertation presents an integrated approach to reducing setup time in industrial processes, combining fuzzy logic, quality tools, SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) technique, and computer simulation. The study followed a five-step methodology, from analyzing the current process to validating proposed strategies, emphasizing that tools and equipment account for 86% of the setup time influence. The SMED application was crucial to eliminating waste and optimizing the process by converting internal activities into external ones.Item Implantação do programa zero aterro em uma indústria de transformação do PIM – Polo Industrial de Manaus estudo de caso(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-06-20) LOPES, Antonio Verissimo Noronha; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188This study was carried out in order to seek sustainable alternatives to reduce the disposal of industrial waste to landfills, curbing the disorderly growth of dumps and landfills in large urban centers. Developing, testing and implementing a systematic with a sustainable approach that seeks to reduce the sending of waste to landfills, encourage the reuse of materials and promote recycling, creating an economic cycle and inspiring other companies to adopt similar practices are the main objectives of the case study carried out in a manufacturing industry in Manaus. Based on the principles of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), sustainable industrial waste management practices were developed, actions were implemented to reduce the amount of waste generated in the production process, promoting awareness about the importance of reduction at source, established procedures for the reuse of materials, seeking to extend their useful life and minimize disposal and also, recycling programs were implemented, encouraging the transformation of waste into new products or raw materials. The results obtained were promising. The Manaus plant was able to meet the necessary criteria to obtain certification in the Zero Landfill Program. The Manaus plant served as an example of good practices, encouraging other companies to adopt similar measures to reduce their environmental impact.Item Implementação de metodologias na inserção automática de componentes para otimização no processo de SMT: aplicando o método DMAIC(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-06-20) SANTOS, Ivo Amancio; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188This dissertation presents a project developed within a master's thesis in Engineering that was developed in the company AUTOS S/A automotive. Its main objective is to implement the principles that govern lean production, applying improvements using tools and applying methodology that collaborates in studies to identify the root cause of the problem. It was possible with this analysis to define a series of actions analyzing the production processes of the automatic insertion of SMT components (Surface Mount Technology), the need arose to improve the processes in the assembly machines, which resulted in low production, disorganization in the feeders and delay in preparing for changing models. In general, the implemented measures yielded favorable outcomes, resulting in an enhancement of the machines' efficiency for all products. Additionally, there were reductions in Cycle Time, ranging from 7% to 8%, ranging from 32% to 50% in the initial line.Item Logística Lean aplicado a centros de distribuições: um estudo de caso em um operador logístico nacional(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2024-02-26) MARIALVES, Luiz Carlos Carmo; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188This dissertation aims to address the application of Lean logistics in the Distribution Center of a Logistics Operator, describing the most appropriate logistical methods, reporting the challenges in the Distribution Center, and analyzing the Lean methodology used by the Logistics Operator. The study has a qualitative scientific basis using books and articles for its preparation and is quantitative by employing a case study. The Lean term was applied to services as a domain rich in logistical concepts, approaches, and techniques, part of the Toyota Production System or adapted from it for different contexts. One of the main objectives of Lean is to eliminate waste from the production process, and the company must seek to develop teams capable of solving exceptional problems. The study showed that Lean processes and control tools improved lead time by 63%, promoting significant gains for the organization. It is concluded that Lean helps organizations maintain their gains, promote improvements, and reduce costs.Item Metodologia para avaliação dos riscos ambientais em processos de trabalho no Brasil(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2023-11-14) BRITO, Rute Franco Frazão; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188The assessment of environmental risks in labor processes plays a crucial role in protecting workers and the environment in Brazil. In order to identify the risks associated with work activities and promote preventive measures, the methodology for assessing environmental risks in work processes becomes essential. The methodology for assessing environmental risks in labor processes in Brazil is based on a multidisciplinary approach that involves professionals from different areas, such as occupational safety engineering, occupational health, environment, and law. Initially, a detailed analysis of the processes and activities carried out in the work environment is carried out, identifying possible environmental risks present. From the application of the methodology, results are obtained that provide a comprehensive view of the environmental risks present in labor processes. The results include the identification and quantification of risks, the analysis of possible effects on workers' health and the environment, as well as the assessment of compliance with relevant regulatory standards. The methodology for assessing environmental risks in labor processes in Brazil plays a fundamental role in promoting occupational health and safety, as well as preserving the environment. Through the careful identification and analysis of risks, it is possible to implement appropriate prevention and control measures, aiming to protect workers and minimize negative environmental impacts.Item Modelo de compostagem com a reutilização de resíduos orgânicos em escola rural(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-11-10) SIMÕES, Natália Cristina Bezerra de Alencar; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deSchool institutions are producers of organic waste as a result of the daily consumption of school meals and inadequate disposal has become a problem for the Environment. Given this scenario, the project proposed the reuse of organic substances, avoiding their incorrect disposal. Therefore, the feasibility of the low-cost composting model, reusing material from school meals, generating humus, became viable for the production of fertilizer, enabling the implementation of vegetable gardens in rural schools. The research aimed to develop a composting model for schools through the reuse of organic waste, contributing to the correct disposal of waste from schools and fulfilled the other objectives by conducting a low-cost production of substances humic and mineral nutrients in the creation of gardens; prepare a Manual with guidelines for the correct and sustainable management of composting and the school garden and implement the garden system through the composting process using organic waste from the school. The work was a case study with on-site visits, having as a method the manufacture of composters, the preparation of the school garden, socioeducational lectures and the creation of a manual with instructions for the correct handling of food leftovers. The research results demonstrated the effectiveness and importance of composting for the reuse of organic food and fertilizer in school gardens. The proposed project raised the interest of students and teachers in environmental education at school and in changing their behavior in view of the need to preserve the environment.Item Modelo híbrido utilizando holt-winters e rede neural não linear autoregressiva com entradas exógenas (narx) para previsão da velocidade do vento(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-07-27) PARENTE, Ricardo Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188The wind energy matrix is gradually increasing in recent years and its importance for the renewable energy industry is increasingly linked to the benefits in relation to the environment, with this growing energy matrix the research around the wind power generation is also increasing, and one of the strands is the wind speed prediction, because with this it is possible to predict the wind power generation and decrease the error rate in decision making in the industry of electricity generation through wind power matrix. Considering the problem of decision making and the unpredictability of wind speed, this paper aims to develop a hybrid model for wind speed prediction and consequently wind power generation, based on HoltWinters Exponential Smoothing and Nonlinear Auto-Regressive Neural Network with Exogenous Inputs (NARX). In the materials and methods, the database of the SONDA project (System of National Organization of Environmental Data) organized by INPE (National Institute for Space Research) was used, in which it was chosen to use the anemometric data from the station of Brasilia - BRB and Petrolina - PTR, where data from the years February 2005 to March 2019 of the BRB station were used for training, validation and testing, and from January 2006 to December 2015 of the PTR station for simulations of the HW, NARX and proposed model. The results obtained with the proposed hybrid HW-NARX model were compared with the HW and NARX seasonal time series forecasting algorithms, in which the proposed model was able to achieve better performance and predictability results than HW and NARX for the ultra-short-term, medium-term, and long-term time horizons.Item O impacto da pandemia na cadeia logística de suprimentos da indústria eletroeletrônica(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-24) SANTOS, Hermes Silva; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188The logistics, social and economic impact caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has unprecedentedly affected the supply chain of the electronics industry. Logistics was in high demanded during this pandemic period, and it was key actor for chain balance, even faced so many challenges. The objective of this case study is to demonstrate the supply chain of an electronics industry in the industrial pole of Manaus, evaluating the scenario before and during the pandemic, its main difficulties, from the shortage of raw materials up to the high costs of international freights. The final good industry is totally dependent on component industries, the complicating factor isthat in general the components are supplied by Asia, and arrive in Manaus by sea and air transport. At the height of the pandemic, ports were closed and flights were canceled, causing impacts on the supply chain. Some components are produced by local industries, however they also suffered shortages of virgin raw materials for processing, triggering consequences on the entire supply chain. The method used was a case study, and used a strategic tool such as SWOT analysis, a quality tool such as ISHIKAWA, and a risk mapping tool such as MATRIZ GUT and 5W2H action plan. Data were collected through interviews, observations and archival information, allowing the researcher free to walk in the direction of construct solutions. From the observation of the data, it was evidenced that the analyzed industry started a crisis management, and actions to mitigate and manage the impacts of the pandemic on its logistics chain and despite the challenges faced, the company's business continuity results were achieved, and bringing maturity to the integrated logistics chain management process.Item Otimização do processo de fabricação de embalagens de papelão com lógica fuzzy(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-08-24) FERNANDES, Everson Lima; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4890967546423188This study arose from the need to meet the demand for manufacturing monitors at a lower cost than initially budgeted, with the assembly of the new corrugated cardboard packaging, complying with the requirements established by the client DELL and with a reduced staff of 42 employees to a maximum of 08 people in the assembly process. The methods used for the purposes of the research were exploratory and descriptive, having as a research instrument applied in the form of observation in the various stages and aimed to present a production feasibility study in the development of corrugated cardboard packaging for LCD monitors used in computers, respecting the ergonomic rules of the OCRA tool and using Fuzzy logic, in the development of cardboard packaging, which contain a high level of manufacturing and assembly complexity in the company, totally eliminating the current packaging standard, which contains cardboard boxes, styrofoam and poly bubble bag in the company, as well as other recommendations relevant to the proposed study, creating subsidies to answer the problem raised.Item Procedimentos de boas práticas para gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos do ambulatório médico do Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo.(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2022-07-05) PINHEIRO, João Carlos da Costa; ALENCAR, David Barbosa de; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0302572441325646To reduce the risk to health and the environment in the handling of hazardous health waste, it is necessary to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the management of Health Services Waste (RSS) that includes ensuring correct disposal practices and packaging of waste. hospital. It is pointed out that the general objective is to develop a procedure of good practices and solid waste management in public and private health units. It is mentioned that the specific objectives are: to characterize the Health Services Residues (RSS) of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo; to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the management of Waste from Health Services (RSS) at Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo for the outpatient sector; implement the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the management of Waste from Health Services (RSS) to the employees of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo; and analyze the results of improvements after the implementation of the SOPs. The methodology applied regarding the approach is qualitative-quantitative data, of the descriptive type, and the research procedures are a case study of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Farjado (HIDF). All the necessary information was collected to be able to develop the proposed objectives, the solid waste of the HIDF, making it possible to identify the types and classification of solid hospital waste, as established by the RSS of groups A, B, and E are the main waste collected in the health unit children and are potentially dangerous as they pose a risk to the health of HIDF staff and patients. The research also elaborated and presented an SOP of the management of RSS of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo for the outpatient sector. The document consists of information such as Classification of waste; Symbology; Packaging; Collection and Transport; Internal Management Flow of RSS; Recommended treatments for health waste; Risks associated with accidents; and Health and safety recommendations at work in a health unit. Such data are essential for building meaningful knowledge among all people, including staff and patients, about the risks of HSR. The implementation of the SOP on the management of RSS to the employees of the Hospital Infantil Dr. Fajardo took place in September, in which the employees will obtain essential knowledge since the safe management of waste protects the hospital staff, the public and the local environment. Finally, the handling of hospital waste in the HIDF was not carried out in accordance with the hospital waste management plan, presenting poor segregation, transport, storage, and disposal of waste, which led to two occupational accidents with exposure to biological material in the outpatient sector. Thus, the implementation of the SOP will improve organizational behavior, generating new perceptions, attitudes, skills, and abilities of the professionals involved, also modifying the work environment.Item Redes neurais artificiais para predição da geração de acetaldeído na resina pet no processo de injeção de pré-formas de embalagens plásticas(Instituto de Tecnologia e Educação Galileo da Amazônia, 2021-09-21) NASCIMENTO, Mauro Reis; ALENCAR, David Barbosa deThe industrial production of preforms for the manufacture of PET bottles, during the plastic injection process, is essential to regulate the temperature of the PET resin drying Silo, to control the generation of Acetaldehyde (ACH), which in high concentrations alters the flavor of carbonated or non-carbonated beverages, giving a citrus flavor to the beverage and casting doubt on the quality of packaged products. In this work, several configurations of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN's) for the Feedforward type are simulated in the specification of an ANN model to predict the formation of Acetaldehyde from the evaluation of the parameters of the PET packaging preform manufacturing process, generating information to support decision-making on optimal silo temperature control in PET resin drying, enabling specialists to make the necessary regulation decisions to lower ACH levels. The materials and methods were applied according to the manufacturer's characteristics on the moisture in the grain of the PET resin, which may contain between 50 ppm and 100 ppm of ACH, and for the analysis of the methods, data were collected, according to the temperatures and times of residence used in the blow injection process in the manufacture of the bottle preform, the generation of ACH from the PET bottle after the solid post-condensation step reached residual ACH levels lower than (3-4) ppm, as per the desired specification, reaching levels below 1 ppm. The results were found through simulations of Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques applied by ANNs, where they enabled the prediction of ACH levels generated in the plastic injection process of the preform of bottle packaging, allowing an effective management of the production parameters, helping in strategic decision making regarding the use of temperature control during the drying process of PET resin.